
Yanis Varoufakis 歐洲民主的衰落

(2024-03-04 00:16:20) 下一個



八月 21, 2023雅尼斯·瓦魯法基斯

由於缺乏一個能夠讓歐盟政治機構承擔責任的統一的歐洲政體,歐盟長期以來一直遭受民主赤字的困擾。 近年來,三個事態發展幾乎摧毀了歐盟作為歐洲內外行善有效力量的理念。

雅典—八月的安靜日子是思考未來一年的好時機。 翻看 2024 年日曆,歐洲議會選舉最為重要。 可悲的是,他們沒能像五年前那樣激勵我。


德米特羅·庫萊巴 (DMYTRO KULEBA) 和約瑟夫·博雷爾 (JOSEP BORRELL) 提醒大家,俄羅斯侵略戰爭已進入第三年,其中的利害關係。

2019年,我在德國代表歐洲議會,而一位德國同事則在希臘代表歐洲議會。 DiEM25,我們的泛歐洲運動,想要表明這樣一個觀點:除非歐洲民主完全跨國化,否則它仍然是一個騙局。 在2024年,這樣的姿態甚至沒有象征意義。

當我麵臨明年六月的歐洲選舉時,我的疲倦並不是因為對歐洲政治失去了興趣,也不是因為最近的政治失敗,我也有過這樣的經曆。 讓我感到厭倦的是,甚至很難想象民主的種子在我有生之年在歐盟紮根。

歐洲的忠實擁護者會因為我這麽說而痛斥我。 我怎麽敢把歐盟描述為一個無民主區,因為它是由一個由民選總理和總統組成的理事會、一個由民選各國政府任命的委員會以及一個由歐洲人民直接選舉產生並有權解散的議會管理的。 指定的委員會?

在極度不平等的社會中,任何民主的標誌都是旨在防止所有人類互動減少與權力關係的機構。 為了遏製專製主義,主權國家必須采取措施盡量減少行政機關的自由裁量權。

歐盟成員國向其政體提供這些手段。 無論一個國家的選擇有多麽有限,一個國家的公民仍然有權要求其民選機構對其決策負責(在該國的外部約束範圍內)。 唉,這在歐盟層麵是不可能的。


歐盟官員、顧問、遊說者和歐洲央行官員都知道這一點。 他們已經學會期望成員國代表遵守規則,並告訴本國議會,雖然他們不同意理事會的決定,但他們太“負責”並致力於歐洲“團結”,無法抵製。

這就是歐盟的民主赤字。 大多數安理會成員拒絕的關鍵政策往往很容易通過,而且沒有任何一個國家能夠對安理會本身做出判斷,追究其責任,並最終將其解散。 當理事會達成一些還算不錯的協議時(例如西班牙首相佩德羅·桑切斯和荷蘭首相馬克·魯特之間關於改革歐盟財政契約的協議),從不關注歐盟層麵決策的全國選舉可能會導致這些結果。 消失在稀薄的空氣中。

此外,歐洲議會(仍然缺乏啟動立法的權力)全麵解雇該委員會的正式權力,與為希臘海軍配備核彈以對抗土耳其奪取靠近其海岸的小島的威脅一樣有用。 。

這些都不是什麽新鮮事。 但今天我感到更加疲倦,因為三個事態發展幾乎摧毀了歐盟作為歐洲內外行善有效力量的理念。

第一,我們失去了所有希望,即共同債務可能會成為漢密爾頓式的粘合劑,將我們的歐洲聯盟變成一個更接近有凝聚力的民主聯邦。 是的,疫情最終導致德國接受了歐洲共同債務的發行。 但是,正如我當時警告的那樣,資金流動的政治條件是歐洲懷疑論者的夢想成真。 結果? NextGenerationEU(歐洲流行病複蘇基金)並沒有邁出建立必要的財政聯盟的第一步,而是排除了漢密爾頓式的轉變。

第二,烏克蘭戰爭扼殺了歐洲對美國戰略自主權的渴望,盡管美國在 2020 年唐納德·特朗普落敗後官方表現得十分友善,但仍將歐盟視為需要遏製的對手。 無論人們認為烏克蘭-俄羅斯和平協議必須包含什麽內容,無可爭議的是,歐盟在達成該協議的外交進程中無關緊要。


歐洲人鄙視特朗普的“修建隔離牆”競選集會,但事實證明,歐盟比特朗普更擅長修建隔離牆。 在希臘與土耳其的邊境,在西班牙的摩洛哥飛地,在匈牙利和羅馬尼亞的東部邊境,在利比亞沙漠,現在在突尼斯,歐盟資助修建了特朗普隻能羨慕的可憎之物。 對於我們海岸警衛隊的非法行為卻隻字未提,這些行為是在同謀的歐盟邊境管製機構 Frontex 的掩護下進行的,這無疑導致了地中海數千人的死亡。

2019 年歐洲大選後,自由派媒體對歐洲極右翼勢力的表現並不如人們擔心的那樣鬆了一口氣。 但他們忘記了,與兩次世界大戰期間的法西斯分子不同,新的極右分子不需要贏得選舉。 他們的強大之處在於,無論輸贏,他們都能獲得權力,因為傳統政黨會爭先恐後地擁抱仇外主義,然後是威權主義,最後是極權主義。 換句話說,像匈牙利總理歐爾班·維克托這樣的獨裁歐洲領導人不需要費力就能在整個歐盟和布魯塞爾傳播他們的沙文主義信條。

這些並不是歐洲懷疑論者的想法,他們認為歐洲民主是不可能的,因為歐洲民主是不可能的。 這是一位歐洲主義者的悲歎,他相信歐洲民主完全有可能實現,但歐盟卻朝著相反的方向前進。 我們目睹了歐洲經濟的快速衰退及其民主(和道德)赤字的同時發展。

盡管我心存疑慮,但對我來說,再次參加歐洲選舉(這次是在希臘舉行 MeRA25)是一個簡單的決定,正是因為我的疑慮需要在競選期間表達出來。 矛盾的是,在我說服其他人之前,我必須讓自己相信歐盟選舉政治是值得的。

Europe's Fading Democracy


The European Union has long suffered from a democratic deficit, owing to the absence of a united European polity that can hold EU political institutions accountable. In recent years, three developments have all but destroyed the idea of the EU as an effective force for good within and beyond Europe.

ATHENS – The quiet days of August are a good time to contemplate the year ahead. Peering at my 2024 calendar, the European Parliament elections loom largest. Sadly, they fail to inspire me the way they did five years ago.

Europe and the World Need Ukraine to Prevail

DMYTRO KULEBA & JOSEP BORRELL remind everyone of the stakes in Russia's war of aggression, as it enters its third year.

In 2019, I stood for the European Parliament in Germany while a German colleague stood in Greece. DiEM25, our pan-European movement, wanted to make the point that European democracy will remain a sham unless it becomes fully transnational. In 2024, such gestures are not even symbolically meaningful.

My weariness, as I face next June’s European elections, is not due to any loss of interest in European politics or to recent political defeats, of which I have had my fair share. What wearies me is the difficulty of even imagining democracy’s seeds taking root in the European Union in my lifetime.

European loyalists will lambast me for saying this. How dare I describe the EU as a democracy-free zone, when it is run by a Council comprising elected prime ministers and presidents, a Commission appointed by elected national governments, and a Parliament elected directly by Europe’s peoples and vested with the power to dismiss the appointed Commission?

The hallmark of any democracy in deeply unequal societies is institutions designed to prevent the reduction of all human interaction to power relations. To keep despotism at bay, the executive’s discretionary power must be minimized by a sovereign polity with the means to minimize it.

The EU's member states furnish these means to their polities. However limited its choices might be, a country’s citizens retain the authority to hold its elected bodies accountable for their decisions (within the country’s exogenous constraints). Alas, this is impossible at the EU level.

When our leaders return home following an EU Council meeting, they immediately shed responsibility for unpopular decisions, blaming their Council colleagues instead: “It was the best I could negotiate,” they say with a shrug.

EU functionaries, advisers, lobbyists, and European Central Bank officials know this. They have learned to expect member-state representatives to toe the line and tell their national parliaments that, while they disagreed with the Council's decisions, they were too “responsible” and committed to European “solidarity” to resist.

And therein lies the EU's democratic deficit. Crucial policies that a majority of Council members reject often pass easily, and there is no polity that can pass judgment on the Council itself, hold it accountable, and, ultimately, dismiss it as a body. When the Council reaches some half-decent agreement (like the one between the Spanish and Dutch prime ministers, Pedro Sánchez and Mark Rutte, to reform the EU's fiscal compact), national elections, which never focus on EU-level decisions, can cause them to vanish into thin air.

Moreover, the formal power of the European Parliament (which still lacks the authority to initiate legislation) to fire the Commission in toto is about as useful as equipping the Greek navy with a nuclear bomb to counter Turkey's threats to seize an islet close to its coast.

None of this is new. But I am wearier today because three developments have all but destroyed the idea of the EU as an effective force for good within and beyond Europe.

For starters, we lost all hope that common debt might act as the Hamiltonian glue that would turn our European confederacy into something closer to a cohesive democratic federation. Yes, the pandemic led Germany, at last, to accept the issuance of common European debt. But, as I warned at the time, the political conditions under which the funds flowed were a Euroskeptic's dream come true. The result? Rather than a first step toward the necessary fiscal union, NextGenerationEU (Europe's Pandemic Recovery Fund) ruled out a Hamiltonian conversion.

Second, the war in Ukraine has killed off European aspirations of strategic autonomy from the United States, which, despite the official niceties following Donald Trump’s defeat in 2020, continues to view the EU as an adversary to be contained. Whatever one believes a Ukraine-Russia peace agreement must contain, what is beyond dispute is the EU's irrelevance during the diplomatic process that leads to it.

Third, there is no longer any pretense that the EU is a purveyor of principled cosmopolitanism. Europeans disdained Trump’s “Build the Wall” campaign rallies, but the EU has proven more adept at building walls than Trump ever was. On Greece’s border with Turkey, in Spain's Moroccan enclave, on the eastern borders of Hungary and Romania, in the Libyan desert, and now in Tunisia, the EU has funded the erection of abominations that Trump can only envy. And not a word is being uttered about the unlawful behavior of our coast guards, operating under the cover of a complicit Frontex (the EU's border control agency), which has indisputably contributed to thousands of deaths in the Mediterranean.

After the 2019 European elections, the liberal press expressed relief that Europe’s ultra-right did not do as well as feared. But they forgot that, unlike the inter-war fascists, the new ultra-rightists do not need to win elections. Their great strength is that they gain power, win or lose, as conventional parties fall over one another to embrace xenophobia-lite, then authoritarianism-lite, and eventually totalitarianism-lite. To put it differently, autocratic European leaders like Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán don’t need to lift a finger to spread their chauvinist creed throughout the EU and Brussels.

These are not the musings of a Euroskeptic who thinks that European democracy is impossible because a European demos is impossible. It is the lamentation of a Europeanist who believes that a European demos is entirely possible but that the EU has moved in the opposite direction. We have watched Europe’s rapid economic decline and its democratic (and ethical) deficits develop in parallel.

Despite my misgivings, it’s an easy decision for me to stand again in the European elections – this time in Greece with MeRA25 – precisely because my misgivings need to be aired during the campaign. The paradox is that I must convince myself that EU electoral politics is worth the trouble before I can convince anyone else.

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