
中國 過去 現在 與未來

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2022 年 12 月 4 日 作者:Sadi Mohammod



1978年之前,中國經濟狀況不佳,但在鄧小平領導下的1979年經濟貿易自由化之後,無論是國內還是國際,中國的經濟崛起幾乎在任何方麵都一絲不苟。 如果我們回顧過去,從1953年到1978年,中國經濟每年增長6.7%,但經過1978年到2013年的各種經濟改革,中國經濟增長了9.5%。在經濟增長的同時,中國在世界範圍內的政治影響力也在不斷增強。 在冷戰時期,中國在世界政治中相對來說是一個小魚,但在1991年蘇聯解體後,中國開始發揮更加突出的作用,這在很大程度上是可能的,因為除了美國之外沒有任何全球霸權國家 美國自己也在一定程度上幫助了中國的努力,例如1972年,當時的美國總統理查德·尼克鬆和外交大臣亨利·基辛格訪問了中國,並承認了我們今天所知的中國大陸取代了台灣,因此中國取代了台灣成為聯合國安理會常任理事國 尼克鬆的這項工作還導致美國放鬆了經濟和貿易管製,並最終在2001年讓中國獲得了世貿組織的席位,所有這些都是為了對抗蘇聯,但卻導致了中國的崛起。 芝加哥大學 R. Wendell Harrison 傑出服務教授約翰·米爾斯海默 (John Mearsheimer) 對中國的增長持悲觀態度。 米爾斯海默在 2005 年 11 月 18 日《澳大利亞人報》上發表題為《中國的崛起根本不會和平》的文章中寫道,“如果中國在未來幾十年繼續保持令人印象深刻的經濟增長,美國和中國很可能 進行激烈的安全競爭,具有相當大的戰爭潛力。 中國的大多數鄰國,包括印度、日本、新加坡、韓國、俄羅斯和越南,都將與美國一起遏製中國的力量。” 這就是發生的事情,我們親眼所見,盡管俄羅斯並不是中國的朋友,而是中國的祝福者。


目前,中國正麵臨經濟衰退以及一係列有關新冠封鎖的抗議活動。 亞洲開發銀行給出的數據顯示,在新冠疫情限製下,中國經濟增長預計為3.3%,2023年預計增長4.5%。未來兩年中國經濟增長將明顯低於過去,這可以歸因於 據BBC報道,由於零新冠政策等因素導致出口大幅下降,政府對阿裏巴巴等科技巨頭的打擊也導致投資者流失,據BBC報道,騰訊最近一個季度的利潤下降了50%,阿裏巴巴的淨利潤下降了50%。 跌了一半。 習近平於 2022 年 10 月在中國共產黨第 20 次全國代表大會上創紀錄地第三次當選國家主席後,現在將重點放在國家安全上,這一點可以從他的政治局常務委員會和 24 名中央委員會成員中看出,這些委員會缺乏經濟專業知識,並麵臨李克強總理的下台。 自胡錦濤領導以來,克強一直負責中國經濟。 目前的委員會主要由中央軍委副主席曾又俠等忠誠人士組成,他們是習近平的盟友,預計將致力於實現習近平的安全目標。 中國也麵臨著民族主義複興,亞洲協會會長、澳大利亞總理兼外交部長陸克文在《外交政策》雜誌上發表的文章中談到了“紅色中國的回歸”。 中國麵臨意識形態的轉變,采取的政策與過去有所不同,遠離經濟,主要集中在安全和軍事方麵,強調馬克思列寧主義方法論,甚至在年度工作報告中也有這樣的表述。 黨在大會上提出,要求黨員具有馬克思列寧主義的世界觀和方法論,並運用這種思想來認識當今時代的挑戰。


“一帶一路”倡議(BRI)是習近平在前兩屆任期內最突出的項目,可以推測,隨著中國的目標是加強經濟一體化和發展,該項目將在未來五年內實現。 亞洲大陸的政治經濟主導地位也麵臨著經濟衰退、內需疲軟和債務膨脹的挑戰。 此外,還存在人口老齡化問題以及出生率低下、養老金成本和社會保障支出不斷增長的問題,根據“世界經濟論壇”的數據,60歲以上人口為18.9%,即2.67億人,這一數字可能上升到全國人口的三分之一。 到2050年,這一目標可以通過升級醫療保健係統和社會福利來應對,並使積極老齡化成為經濟增長的一部分,將健康與財富和共同繁榮聯係起來。 除了國內挑戰外,習近平領導下的中國還將麵臨一些全球挑戰,特別是與美國和台灣的挑戰。 拜登政府最近采取措施阻止中國成為全球最大的半導體供應商,隨後美國眾議院議長南希·佩洛西 8 月 2 日訪問台灣引發了與台灣發生戰爭的威脅,此後引起了中國當局的強烈反對, 作為回應,中國向中國周邊海域發射了11枚彈道導彈,目前局勢非常不確定。

隨著民族主義的興起和習近平使中國成為全球強國的野心,中國目前正在經曆經濟和政治變革。 未來幾年,世界肯定會感受到中國的崛起,無論習近平是否在五年後掌權,他的影響都會對中國政治和全世界產生影響。

China: Past, Present and Future

Avatar photo December 4, 2022 By  

Image source: chanakyaforum.com

The Chinese are proud people and they have a rich history and culture of which they are so proud. Currently, China is the second largest economy in the world after of course the USA and it has a military power that many countries can be envious of but in recent times China is facing some downturns and economic pitfalls, as well as protests against Xi Jinping’s current regimes, covid lockdown which is kind of out of place in China, considering China has a hard grip over its citizens and has strict surveillance over the country even the super-rich and big private industry are not free from this tight grip.

China’s economic and Global political rise

Prior to 1978, China’s economy was in poor shape but after economic and trade liberalization in 1979 under the leadership of Deng Xiaoping China’s economic rise was meticulous in almost every case be it domestic or international. If we look back at the past from 1953 to 1978 China’s yearly economic growth was 6.7% but after the various economic reforms from 1978 to 2013 China’s economy grew by 9.5%. At the same time as having a growing economy, China was also growing its political influence throughout the world. During the cold war era, China was relatively a minnow in world politics but after the fall of the soviet union in 1991 China began to come to a more prominent role and this was largely possible due to the absence of any global hegemonic power except the USA also USA themselves to some extent helped China in their endeavours for example in 1972 then US president Richard Nixon and foreign secretary Henry Kissinger visited China and recognized mainland China that we know today replacing Taiwan and thus China replaced Taiwan as the permanent member at the UN security council this work of Nixon also led to loosening US economic and trade controls and finally giving China a seat at the WTO in 2001 all of this was done to combat the soviet union but led to the rise of China. This growth of China was pessimistically addressed by John Mearsheimer, the R. Wendell Harrison Distinguished Service Professor at the University of Chicago. According to Mearsheimer in an article titled “The Rise of China Will Not Be Peaceful at All” in The Australian, November 18, 2005 he wrote that ”If China continues its impressive economic growth over the next few decades, the US and China are likely to engage in an intense security competition with considerable potential for war. Most of China’s neighbours, to include India, Japan, Singapore, South Korea, Russia and Vietnam, will join with the US to contain China’s power.” This is just what happened and we are seeing it with our very own eyes although Russia can be Regarded as a friend not per say but rather a well-wisher to China.

The present Status

Currently China is facing economic downturns as well as a series of protest regarding covid lockdowns. According to data given by Asian development bank economic growth of China is expected to be 3.3% amid covid restrictions and is projected to grow 4.5% in 2023. For the coming two years the Chinese growth will be significantly lower than the past this can be attributed to some factors such as Zero covid policy which has downgraded exports significantly also there is the loss of investors due to government crackdowns on tech giants such as ‘Alibaba.com’, according to BBC tencents recent quarter profit fell by 50% and Alibaba’s net income fell half. After being elected a record third time as president in October 2022 at the 20th CCP  congress xi is now giving focus on national security and this can be seen in his politburo standing committee and 24 member central committee which lacks economic expertise and faced departure of premier Li Keqiang who oversaw Chinese economy since the leadership of Hu Jintao. The current committee consists of mainly loyalists like Zeng Youxia who was the vice chairman of the central Military commission who are Xi’s allies and is expected to work to fulfill Xi’s security goals. China  is also facing an nationalist rejuvenation which any regard as ‘The return of Red China” , Kevin Rudd who is the president of Asia society and served as both prime minister and foreign minister of Australia discussed in his article in the ‘Foreign Policy’ Magazine that China is facing ideological shifts and taking policy that are far from economic and mainly focusing on security and military aspects which are somewhat different from the past and  is emphasizing on the Marxist-Leninist methodology it has even been stated in the annual work report of the party given during the congress that the party members are required to have idea on worldview and the methodology of Marxism-Leninism and apply this idea to understand the challenges of current times.

What does the Future Hold?

‘The Belt and Road initiative’(BRI) was Xi’s most prominent project during his first two terms and it can be speculated that in the next five years the project will be on the way to be fulfilled as China is aiming for more economic integration and political economic dominance in the Asian continent also there is the challenge of a economic downturn along with weak domestic demand and swelling debt. And there is the problem of aging population along with low birth rates, growing pension cost and social security expenditure, according to ‘World Economic Forum’ 18.9% which is 267 million people are above 60 years and this may rise to one-third of the population before 2050 and this can be fought by upgrading healthcare system, social welfare and make active aging integral part of economic growth linking health with wealth and common prosperity. Along with domestic challenges Xi’s China will face some global challenges also specially with USA and Taiwan. The Biden administration took recent steps to deter China from becoming world’s largest supplier of semi-conducters and then there is the threat of a war with Taiwan which was provoked by US house speaker Nancy Pelosi’s 2 august Taiwan visit after which created backlash from Chinese authorities and as a response to that China launched 11 ballistic missiles into the waters around China and the current situation is very much uncertain.

China is currently undergoing changes both economically and politically with rise of nationalism and Xi Jinping’s ambition to make China a global power. The world will certainly feel China’s rise in the years to come and wether Xi is in power after five years or not his impact will be felt in Chinese politics and throughout the world.

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