

(2023-02-19 14:14:13) 下一個


I saw both of my grandparents yesterday. They are at peace and—as always—their home is full of love. Thank you all for your kind words
Feb 18, 2023

Photo of Jason J. Carter  Jason J. Carter


Atlanta 1201 West Peachtree Street NW

Suite 3900
Atlanta, GA 30309


University of Georgia School of Law, J.D., 2004, summa cum laude

  • Order of the Coif
  • Articles Editor, Georgia Law Review
  • West Award for Academic Excellence

Duke University, B.A., 1997

Jason J. Carter, Partner

Phone: 404.881.4123  Fax: 404.881.4111 carter@bmelaw.com

Jason Carter represents clients in high stakes trial and appellate business litigation including breach of contract, class actions, business torts and other complex commercial cases. Representing Plaintiffs, Jason has secured some of the largest verdicts and settlements in Georgia history, including multiple recoveries in excess of $100 million. Representing Defendants, he has achieved numerous defense victories in highly complex cases.

Jason’s expertise in intellectual property includes litigating common law intellectual property, trademark, trade secret and patent disputes. Jason is also a leader in the firm’s corporate recoveries practice where he helps companies identify, evaluate and pursue revenue-generating opportunities through the legal department.

Over his career, Jason has often had the honor of representing his fellow lawyers and some of the most prestigious law firms in Georgia and elsewhere.

Jason combines a successful litigation practice with a strong commitment to public service. Among other activities, Jason chairs the Carter Center’s Board of Trustees. From 2010-2015 he served in the Georgia State Senate, and he was the 2014 Democratic Nominee for Governor of Georgia.

Jason has been named to Georgia Trend’s list of the 100 Most Influential Georgians, and has consistently been recognized as a Super Lawyer in Atlanta Magazine. Jason has received numerous other awards for his legal work and community service, including the Anti-Defamation League’s Stuart Eizenstat Award.


Served as Class Counsel in numerous class actions, including recent recoveries for his clients of more than $110 million (teacher retirement benefits in Gold v. Dekalb County School Board) and $80 million (life insurance beneficiaries in Owens v. MetLife).

Represented David McDavid in obtaining a $281 million jury verdict against Turner Broadcasting System (TBS) for breaching an agreement to sell McDavid the Atlanta Hawks, the Atlanta Thrashers and the operating rights to Philips Arena. The jury verdict is one of the largest compensatory damage awards in Georgia history.

Represented a global real estate investment company in successfully defending multi-million dollar claims brought by other investors in one of Atlanta’s highest profile real estate developments.

Successfully defended one of Atlanta’s largest law firms in a lawsuit seeking $20 million in damages. Plaintiffs recovered nothing and paid attorney’s fees.

Currently representing clients in multiple class actions seeking hundreds of millions of dollars involving terminated employment benefits and bank overdraft fees.

Represented a consortium of health insurers on appeal in the Eleventh Circuit, and secured the reversal of an adverse decision arising out of a complex antitrust class action.

Represented the National Football League Players Association in obtaining summary judgment on a $20 million claim allegedly arising out of the NFLPA’s Financial Advisors Program.


Chairman, The Carter Center

Trustee, Georgia Bar Foundation

Founding Chair, Georgia Appleseed Young Professionals Council

Former Board Member, Women’s Resource Center to End Domestic Violence

Former Board Member, Hands On Atlanta

United States Peace Corps Volunteer, Lochiel, South Africa, 1998-2000


Jason Carter Headlined 9th Annual Southern Solar Summit


Georgia Super Lawyer, 2016 - 2023

Georgia Rising Star, 2007; 2009 - 2010; 2012 - 2015

Stuart Eizenstat Award, Anti-Defamation League

UGA Alumni Association “40 Under 40”

Atlanta Business Chronicle “40 Under 40”

“On The Rise,” Fulton County Daily Report, a recognition given to only 12 attorneys in Georgia under the age of 40, 2009

Statement on President Carter's Health

Feb. 18, 2023


ATLANTA (Feb. 18, 2023) — After a series of short hospital stays, former U.S. President Jimmy Carter today decided to spend his remaining time at home with his family and receive hospice care instead of additional medical intervention. He has the full support of his family and his medical team. The Carter family asks for privacy during this time and is grateful for the concern shown by his many admirers.

Contact:  media@cartercenter.org

The Carter Center
Waging Peace. Fighting Disease. Building Hope.

Jimmy Carter's grandson arranged Romney video release

  • James Carter IV is Jimmy Carter's grandson
  • James Carter persuaded the source of the Romney 47% video to share it with 'Mother Jones'
  • The ex-president sent via email: 'James: This is extraordinary. Congratulations! Papa'

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Midway through a routine Internet search, James Carter IV stumbled upon a video that just didn't seem right.

The grandson of former President Jimmy Carter and a self-fashioned Democratic opposition researcher, the younger Carter had watched countless hours of footage of Republican Mitt Romney and made it a habit to search YouTube every few days for keywords like "Romney" and "Republicans."

But on this day in August, one clip jumped out. There was Romney, in an undisclosed location, bluntly discussing a visit to a Chinese factory with substandard conditions.

"The hidden camera video -- it was all blurred out at the beginning, and it was mysterious," Carter said. "It piqued my interest."

Former president Jimmy Carter and his wife, Rosalynn Carter, in September 2007.Something told him there might be more there than the brief clip posted on the YouTube channel "Anne Onymous." Although not affiliated with any campaign or super PAC, Carter had made it a personal mission to help get Democrats elected in 2012 -- and to do his part to push back against Romney's relentless campaign-trail mockery of his grandfather.

So Carter, 35, of Atlanta, set out to track down the source of the video. He sent a message to the YouTube user seeking details. No luck. But then, after sharing links to the video on Twitter, Carter realized he had a new follower with the same name as the YouTube account. He quickly shot off a direct message.

"They were wary at first," Carter said in an interview with the Associated Press. "But they did respond."

What followed was a delicate, concerted effort to convince the source -- still unknown to the public -- that Carter could be trusted, and that the world had to see the rest of what was surreptitiously recorded as Romney spoke in May to donors who had paid $50,000 a person to attend the private fundraiser.

In a string of Internet conversations, Carter showed the source evidence that he had helped David Corn, a journalist with the magazine Mother Jones, report a story about Global-Tech Appliances, a Chinese firm that Romney's Bain Capital briefly invested in. Both Carter and the source suspected it was that firm's factory that Romney was speaking about in the video.

"That gave me credibility," Carter said. "They opened up to me a little bit."

Soon after, Carter persuaded the source to trust Corn with the full video -- on the condition that he keep the source's identity a secret. Corn ran with it, using clues in the video to triangulate when and where it had been recorded.

Then on Monday and Tuesday, Corn posted the clips to his magazine's website, sparking a firestorm for the Romney campaign over remarks claiming that nearly half of Americans "believe they are victims" deserving government help and that the Palestinians have no interest in peace with Israel.

"James: This is extraordinary. Congratulations! Papa," the former president told his grandson Tuesday morning in an e-mail obtained by the AP.

For Carter, whose Twitter profile notes he's looking for work, his success in unearthing the video was followed by a string of job offers Tuesday, from the Ohio Democratic Party to online news sites like The Huffington Post and ThinkProgress.

But the coup de grace for Carter is the irony that Romney has spent many months assailing the elder Carter's record on everything from foreign affairs to small-business policy, hoping to saddle the incumbent president with the less popular vestiges of his Democratic predecessor.

"I've gotten a lot of Twitter messages from people supporting me and saying that it's poetic justice that it was a Carter that uncovered this, considering the way that the Romney campaign has been talking about my grandfather," Carter said. "I agree with that sentiment wholeheartedly."


鳳凰網 |2023-02-19  






美國時間2月18日下午3時,98歲的前美國總統卡特(Jimmy Carter)


卡特轉入安寧照護的決定,是在近日多次短期住院後才做出的。他與妻子住在佐治亞州普萊恩斯的一座簡陋的牧場房子裏,這座房子是這對夫婦於1961 年建造的。





2015 年 8月,在91歲高齡時,他被診斷出患有癌症——黑色素瘤已經擴散到他的肝髒和大腦——本以為隻能存活幾周的他,在後來經過一種免疫療法後,僅用四個月便宣布治愈,創造了抗癌史上的最大奇跡,並且健康存活至今。

2019年,他陷入健康危機,住院做了腦部減壓手術,多次因摔倒骨折以及尿路感染住院。他在2019年的某次發言中稱,在診斷出癌症後,他“對死亡感到安心” 。





















2014 年 9 月,美國食品和藥物管理局加速批準 pembrolizumab用於治療某些轉移性黑色素瘤對其他治療無反應的患者。該藥物是一種單克隆抗體,可與 PD-1受體結合並釋放免疫係統的製動器,使其能夠攻擊癌症。卡特總統的醫療團隊希望使用這種剛上市不久藥物,能夠令卡特總統身上出現奇跡。









2015年,卡特從黑色素瘤中幸存下來,但在 2019 年,卻麵臨一係列健康危機。

當年 5 月 13 日,卡特在家中跌倒,在佐治亞州阿梅裏克斯的菲比薩姆特醫療中心接受了手術。

10 月,他再因兩次摔倒而住院,第一次摔倒後額頭上方縫了 14針,當時他的額頭“被鋒利的邊緣擊中”。其後,他在第二次跌倒後接受了輕微骨盆骨折的治療。




美國梅奧診所對臨終關懷的定義是:臨終關懷是當一個人的生命可能僅剩下 6個月或更短時開始的一類醫療照護服務。 








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