
一夜5起 北約克3匪沿街瘋狂洗劫 大屠刀砍 槍劫車

(2023-02-17 14:32:37) 下一個


發布:2023年02月17日 12:02來源:加國無憂 51.CA作者:堅果兒





2月16日晚上11點30分左右,警方接報Keele Street和Lepage Court地區發生一起刺傷案。





2月17日淩晨12點15分,警方接報位於Steeles Avenue West和Bathurst地區的一家商店遭搶劫。



淩晨12點45分,同一夥劫匪又在Yorkdale商場附近的Bathurst Avenue和Haddington Avenue地區搶劫了一群站在街上的人。



淩晨1點15分,三名男子持槍進入一家位於Keele Street和York Boulevard的商店,最後攜帶大量現金、香煙和彩票逃走。


淩晨1點50分,警方接報Bayview和Cummer avenue地區又發生暴力劫車案。一名受害者坐在車中,在槍口下被劫走汽車。




42歲多倫多居民Giorgi Tchintcharashvili、29歲多倫多居民Jaba Suarishvili麵臨47項嚴重指控,包括持槍搶劫和襲擊他人造成身體傷害罪。





Two Men arrested in Robbery Investigation, Toronto and York Region,
One Suspect Outstanding

Case #: 2023-375378  February 17, 2023, 10:36 AM

The Toronto Police Service Hold Up Squad would like to make the public aware of two arrests made in a robbery investigation.

Between Thursday, February 16, 2023 and Friday, February 17, 2023, Toronto Police Service and York Regional Police responded to five separate robbery calls. The accused parties committed two carjacking robberies, two retail robberies and a street level robbery in less than three hours.

On Thursday, February 16, 2023, at 11:34 p.m., police responded to a call for a stabbing in the Keele Street and Lepage Court area.

It is alleged that:

the victim was parking their vehicle when a black sedan pulled up

  • two men exited the vehicle and approached the victim
  • the two men demanded the victim give them the keys to their vehicle
  • a struggle ensued, and one man produced a large butcher knife, and stabbed the victim twice in the head
  • the men then returned back to their vehicle and fled the scene, without the victim's vehicle

On Friday, February 17, 2023, at 12:15 a.m., police responded to a call for a Robbery in the Steeles Avenue West and Bathurst Street area. 

It is alleged that:

  • two men armed with handguns entered a store
  • the men approached the cash register, making a demand for cash, cigarettes and vape products
  • the two men obtained a quantity of cash, along with a number of cigarettes and vape products
  • the two men then fled the scene

On Friday, February 17, 2023, at 12:45 a.m., police responded to a call for a Robbery in the Bathurst Avenue and Haddington Avenue area. 

It is alleged that:

  • a group of people were standing together, when approached by a dark sedan
  • two men armed with handguns, exited the vehicle
  • the two men approached the group, demanding their personal belongings
  • the two men took a number of belongings from the group, before fleeing the scene

On Friday, February 17, 2023, at 1:15 a.m., police responded to a call for a Robbery in the Keele Street and York Boulevard area.

It is alleged that:

  • three men armed with handguns, entered into a store
  • the three men approached the cash register, making a demand for cash, cigarettes and lottery tickets
  • the three men obtained a quantity of cash, cigarettes and lottery tickets
  • the three men then fled the scene

On Friday, February 17, 2023, at 1:50 a.m., police responded to a call for a Robbery in the Bayview Avenue and Cummer Avenue area. 

it is alleged that:

  • the victim was sitting in his parked vehicle 
  • two men approached the victim's vehicle with handguns
  • one of the men entered the passenger seat of the vehicle, demanding the keys
  • the victim fled the area on foot, leaving the keys in the vehicle
  • the two men fled the scene, in the victim's vehicle

Officers from 33 Division responded quickly, conducting a search of the surrounding area. The stolen vehicle was located, while being driven by the two men. The officers conducted a high-risk take down of the vehicle, and the men were taken into custody.

It is further alleged that:

  • at the time of the arrest, officers recovered a loaded handgun and an additional loaded magazine

Giorgi Tchintcharashvili, 42, of Toronto, was charged with:

  1. four counts of Robbery With Firearm
  2. Robbery With Offensive Weapon
  3. four counts of Disguise With Intent
  4. four counts of Pointing a Firearm
  5. Assault Causing Bodily Harm
  6. Assault With Weapon
  7. Use Firearm During Commission of Indictable Offence
  8. Unauthorized Possession of Firearm in Motor Vehicle
  9. Unauthorized Possession of Firearm
  10. Possession Prohibited or Restricted Weapon Knowing it’s Possession is Unauthorized
  11. Possession Prohibited Device or Ammunition Knowing it’s Possession is Unauthorized
  12. Possession Firearm Obtained by Crime Under $5000
  13. Possession Property Obtained by Crime Over $5000

He was scheduled to appear in court for a Bail Hearing on Friday, February 17, 2023, at 10:00 am at the Toronto North Court, 1000 Finch Avenue West, Room 306.

Jaba Suarishvili, 29, of Toronto, was charged with:

  1. four counts of Robbery With Firearm
  2. Robbery With Offensive Weapon
  3. four counts of Disguise With Intent
  4. four counts of Pointing a Firearm
  5. Assault Causing Bodily Harm
  6. Assault With Weapon
  7. Use Firearm During Commission of Indictable Offence
  8. Unauthorized Possession of Firearm in Motor Vehicle
  9. Unauthorized Possession of Firearm
  10. Possession Prohibited or Restricted Weapon Knowing it’s Possession is Unauthorized
  11. Possession Prohibited Device or Ammunition Knowing it’s Possession is Unauthorized
  12. Possession Firearm Obtained by Crime Under $5000
  13. Possession Property Obtained by Crime Over $5000
  14. Three counts of Possession Firearm or Ammunition Contrary to Prohibition Order

He was scheduled to appear in court for a Bail Hearing on Friday, February 17, 2023, at 10:00 am at the Toronto North Court, 1000 Finch Avenue West, Room 306.

One male suspect described as dark-skinned remains unidentified and is to be considered armed and dangerous.

The victim who suffered from the stab wounds is in non-life threatening condition, and is expected to recover.

The stolen victim’s vehicle has been recovered.

Anyone with information is asked to contact police at 416-808-7350, Crime Stoppers anonymously at 416-222-TIPS (8477), or at www.222tips.com.

Suspects arrested after overnight crime spree in North York, police say

A man was rushed to hospital via emergency run after being stabbed in North York late Thursday night.
Chris Fox Chris Fox, CP24.com Managing Digital Producer  February 17, 2023 

Police have arrested two people in connection with a rash of violent robberies and carjackings that occurred over the span of less than three hours overnight.

Police say that the suspects are believed to be responsible for a total of five incidents that took place in North York between 11:30 p.m. and just before 2 a.m.

The first incident occurred near Keele Street and Finch Avenue.

Officers respond to a stabbing on Lapage Court in North York Friday February 17, 2023. (Mike Nguyen /CP24)


Police say that the victim was parking their vehicle when two men exited another vehicle and demanded they hand over their keys.

A struggle then ensued and one of the men produced a large butcher knife and stabbed the victim twice in the head, police say.

The suspects ultimately fled the scene without the victim’s vehicle.

The victim, a man believed to be in his 60s, was taken to hospital with non-life threatening injuries and is expected to recover.

Police allege that the same suspects struck again about 45 minutes later, this time robbing a store near Steeles Avenue and Bathurst Street at gunpoint.

Then about 30 minutes later, at around 12:45 a.m., a third incident occurred.

Police say that a group of people were standing together in the Bathurst Avenue and Haddington Avenue area when a dark sedan approached and two men armed with handguns got out.

The two men took a number of personal belongings from the group before fleeing the scene, police say.

It is believed that the same suspects subsequently robbed a store near Keele Street and York Boulevard at gunpoint about 30 minutes after that, police say.

They fled the scene after obtaining an unknown quantity of cash, cigarettes and lotto tickets.

But the alleged crime spree wasn’t over.

Police say that the suspects then stole a vehicle from a victim who was parked near Bayview Avenue and Cummer Avenue at around 1:50 a.m.

Two men armed with handguns approached the car, police say. One of them got into the passenger seat and demanded the keys, prompting the victim to flee on foot.

“Officers from 33 Division responded quickly, conducting a search of the surrounding area. The stolen vehicle was located, while being driven by the two men,” police said in a news release.

“The officers conducted a high-risk take down of the vehicle, and the men were taken into custody. At the time of the arrest, officers recovered a loaded handgun and an additional loaded magazine.”

The two suspects taken into custody have been identified as Giorgi Tchintcharashvili, 42, of Toronto and Jaba Suarishvili, 29, of Toronto.

The pair are facing 47 combined charges, including robbery with a firearm and assault causing bodily harm.

Police say that a third male suspect remains outstanding and should be considered “armed and dangerous.”

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