
美國網友問誰是最虛偽的國家 答案很尷尬

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今濤拍案  2022年12月12日 6點19分 PT


今濤拍案 大約一年前




United States of America, the following example will illustrate the double standard nature of American foreign policy.


• "All countries should form an international coalition to resolve international disputes and promote international cooperation. But we will not participate in it, because we donot want to be involved in other countries' own problems."


The League of Nations was conceived by US President Wilson in the infamous Treaty of Versailles in 1919. But he failed to persuade his own Congress to join the alliance, because Congress did not care about world problems and hoped that the United States would maintain isolationism.


• "We hope that all countries in the world are as democratic as we are. Citizens of their countries should have the right to elect their governments, and the elections should be fair. But we will not entertain anyone who opposes the United States or supports communism. We will intervene by planning a coup or direct military intervention to ensure that this will not happen.


The United States intervened in the civil war between Russia and China by providing rebels with weapons against the communist regime. Then, in Cuba, when Fidel Castro tried tonationalize his own industry, he confronted Castro. They even sent troops to Salvador Allende in Latin America, Ghana and Congo in Africa, Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos in Asia.


The United States even supported dictators and inhumane rulers against anti American rulers (such as Augusto Pinochet). This list is very long. Since the Second World War, the United States has tried to influence the presidential elections of different countries more than 80 times. No wonder Owen James commented on Russia's intervention in the 2016 US presidential election: "Americans can find electoral interference because they have done so for many years.".

美國甚至支持獨裁者和不人道的統治者反對反美統治者(比如奧古斯托·皮諾切特)。這份名單很長,自第二次世界大戰以來,美國已有80多次試圖影響不同國家的總統選舉。難怪歐文·詹姆斯(Owen James)對俄羅斯在2016年美國總統選舉中的幹預行為發表評論:“美國人可以發現選舉幹預行為,因為他們已經這麽做多年了”。

• We will provide economic and military assistance to your country for development and national defense purposes. Then we will make you rely on this aid and threaten to withdraw it if you violate our policy.


The United States has the largest financial assistance in the world. In 2015, China provided US $31 billion worth of foreign aid, while the US national debt exceeded US $19 trillion. This is equivalent to about 60000 US dollars per capita, accounting for about 114% of the annual GDP. What makes the United States so generous in providing foreign aid? As you suspect, there is another morbid motive behind this foreign aid policy. Financial aid foreign policy.


In recent years, the United States has taken this approach to Sri Lanka and Egypt, when they did not comply with Washington's requirements.


• We oppose global terrorism in all its forms and types. But we will provide arms and financial assistance to the rebels to fight against the anti American regime.


When the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan in 1979, the United States supported the Taliban and other terrorist organizations to fight against the Red Army for the first time, which directly led to Al Qaida becoming the most powerful terrorist organization in the region. Even after the most notorious terrorist act in September 2001, American foreign policy makers did not learn from it. They supported the opposition forces against Saddam Hussein in the Iraq War in 2003, which ultimately led to the formation of ISIS.


• We have nuclear weapons. Even if Japan is on the verge of defeat, we will show it through nuclear weapons to threaten the world. Now we will increase our nuclear arsenals, but we will not allow any other country to produce nuclear weapons, because they are "harmful to world peace"


In 1953, President Eisenhower delivered an impressive speech at the United Nations General Assembly called "Atoms for Peace", urging the establishment of an organization to prevent the development of weapons capabilities in other countries. This later led to the NPT.


When India declared that the treaty was flawed and conducted the Bockland nuclear test, the United States condemned India and threatened to impose sanctions.


• We urge all countries to comply with the decisions of the United Nations General Assembly. But when the decision goes against our vested interests, we will not do so..


When the United Nations made a decision in favour of Egypt, the United States used the Suez Canal crisis to put pressure on France and Britain. They also sent a United Nations peacekeeping force to the Korean peninsula in 1953-54. Both United Nations decisions are in the interests of the United States. However, when Nicaragua, a small North American country, sued the United States for exploiting its ports, and the International Court of Justice ruled that the decision was beneficial to Nicaragua, the United States did not comply. The United States has not become a member of the International Criminal Court (ICC), so it has not been forced to surrender any American citizens accused of crimes against humanity. Why? Because the US government knows that it has made many decisions against humanity in the past.


Trump wants America to be great again. I want to know when America began to be great.


They are against nuclear proliferation. Guess who owns nearly 50% of the nuclear arsenal. The United States hopes that India will sign the Treaty on the Non Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons as a non nuclear country, but it seems that they have not reduced their nuclear arsenals by 10% in recent years.


They call Iran a warmonger. Guess whose war history is more than 90% of the history of the founding of the People's Republic of China. U.S.A


They blame China for its carbon emissions. Guess whose per capita carbon emissions are higher than China's. They don't blame others. China invests more in green energy than the United States.


They accused China and Russia of being expansionists. Guess who has the most military bases abroad. U.S.A


They accused Russia of interfering in elections in other countries. Guess who intervened in more elections than Russia. U.S.A


I would not say that everything the United States has done is wrong. This is in line with their political and economic interests. They are just hypocritical.



India is not the most hypocritical country, but our country still has some hypocritical temperament. Please don't be angry. This is just my opinion. I love my country very much. But this is true.


1. When some people in other countries say that India is not safe for women, they will be discarded in social media and news. If it happens in Pakistan, they will write a lot about it. There were 24923 rapes in 2012. This is not shocking. The victims knew 24470 rapists (98 per cent).


2. In total rape cases, 5-6% of people will call the police. But once a Russian tourist accidentally sounded the sacred bell. The mob lynched the Russian tourist, causing her to be seriously injured. This event has gained unprecedented attention in India.


3. We have a very rich culture, which everyone knows, but we follow the western culture crazily. Ironically, foreigners are trying to follow and understand our culture.


4. People say we are not narrow-minded. Our minds are open, but when their children want to do things other than engineering and MBA, or want to work part-time in restaurants, their open minds will disappear.


5. People say that we have IIT, IIM and a good education system, but when they donot find a good job, they will curse our education system. Accept the fact that we donot have a good education system.


6. People criticized Maria Sharapova for not knowing God Sachin Tandukar, but they did not know any outstanding players of their own country except cricket. I bet many of you don't know the name of the gymnast who ranked second in the Olympic Games.


People beat up the government because of the poverty of farmers, but we should also be responsible for their situation. When we shop in the mall, we donot withdraw change from the cash register because we are showing our elegance. We gave the waiter a tip, but when we bought something from the local vegetable supplier, we bargained with him, and finally asked for free pepper and green coriander.



The United States skillfully portrays itself as the most free and friendly country. Its laws protect and promote women's welfare from a moral and scientific standpoint.


Who would have thought that in such a country, as of 2017, child marriage or marriage before the age of 18 were legal in its 50 states. In the past four years alone, one state after another slowly restricted the introduction of laws strictly prohibiting child marriage, without any exemption.





Some extreme cases of child marriage in the United States include:


• In 2010, in Idaho, a 65 year old man married a 17 year old girl;


• In Alabama, a 74 year old man married a 14 year old girl;


• In Tennessee, three 10-year-old girls married men aged 24, 25 and 31 respectively.


There is noneed to mention what this means for young children and girls. In fact, they donot have any protection from the devastating effects of child marriage, such as abuse, unintended pregnancy, denial of all opportunities for growth and negative effects on mental health.


Some people may think that although there is no written law in these laws, it may be considered as a bad thing culturally and morally, leading to a low rate of child marriage. Sadly, this assumption is not true.


Unchained research shows that between 2000 and 2018, nearly 300,000 10-year-old children married in the United States, most of whom were girls and adult men. These are just examples of reports. The actual figures will be much higher than "already reported".


In addition, there is a "statutory rape exception" in American law, that is, if the minor is married, the act of raping the minor will be decriminalized. 1、 It allows an adult to have sex with a 12-year-old child and gives sexual predators the motivation to force their children to marry them.

此外,美國法律有一個“法定強奸例外”,即如果未成年人已婚,則強奸未成年人的行為將非刑事化。一、 它允許一個成年人與12歲的孩子進行性活動,並給予性捕食者強迫孩子嫁給他們的動機。

Worst of all, even now, the left and right wings of the United States are resisting the reform of these child marriage laws.


How terrible!


It is incredible that compared with the United States, Afghanistan has very strict laws on child marriage.


Although the situation in the United States is so tragic, it is known as one of the most advanced, developed and scientific countries.


God knows where all scientific temperament goes when it comes to protecting children from dangerous immoral coercion into marriage. These children are still in the embryonic stage.


But why have we never said these facts? Instead, we have been brainwashed to accept the United States as a global leader in human development and welfare.


Is it just that we turn a blind eye to the truth?


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