
UBC Prof. accused of racist comments that only Asian is smartest

(2022-01-27 11:12:14) 下一個


2022-01-27 11:09:53 來源: 瞭望遠方  

加拿大留學生問吧援引自Daily Hive和Narcity報道,在一名大學教授被指控在課堂中發表種族主義言論後,UBC大學已展開調查。


根據Reddit的帖子顯示,該教授被確認為John Sherman。












UBC professor under investigation, accused of making racist comments


Sarah Anderson Sarah Anderson;  Jan 25 2022, 1:43 pm
Editor’s note: This article mentions and discusses racist comments.

A UBC professor is reportedly under investigation after students accused them of making racist remarks while instructing.

According to social media posts and videos reportedly shared by UBC students, Dr. John Sherman with UBC’s Department of Chemistry was talking about race and IQ when they made the statements.

In a clip of the reported lesson, Dr. Sherman is heard saying, “I’ll give you a fact – Black people do poorer on IQ tests than white people.”

“Is that racist? That’s a fact.”

“Is it racist to say it? I don’t know.”

“Asians do better than white people on IQ tests; that’s a fact.”

“Now, you can make judgements from that. Does that mean Asians are smarter than white? White are smarter than Black?”

A discussion regarding the racial comments was posted to the UBC subreddit, where students weighed in on their thoughts about the professor’s comments.

“We are aware of the concerns students have expressed,” said Director of University Affairs Matthew Ramsey in a statement.

“While we cannot comment on the specifics of human resources matters, the university takes matters such as this very seriously and has a variety of measures and policies in place with which to address them.”

The IQ Test, purported to be a measure of intelligence, is not generally used extensively or officially in Canada.

The history of the test itself is steeped in racism. It was often used as evidence of the lesser intelligence of people of colour and immigrants. That’s a fact.

All Comments

  1. The righter of the article can't distinguish between statistical analysis and racism. That's a fact.

  2. Asians are better then whites in math, so is that racist?

  3. I'm sure as an academic he probably regretted what he said or how he put it. The question is, what's his point?

  4. Age of the provocateur. If you’re a professor, you have a great deal of power in your position. And influence. You can use that power responsibly, or abuse it for your own ego. This was just one (ahem, white) man ignoring his own privilege of living a life without certain obstacles – saying something deliberately controversial to make his racialized students squirm. To make them think? Or to make them uncomfortable. I think the latter. In this way, he’s using language and his position of power to make someone else feel like less because of how they look. He's a sad, bumbling figure desperate to have anyone pay him some attention. May the UBC students and fellow faculty clap back hard.

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