
要幸福 要開心 要孝順 要體貼 做一個好妻子好女兒好媽媽


(2010-03-19 20:42:40) 下一個



Betadine Solution (topical antiseptic and wound cleanser): Dilute 1:10
聚維酮碘溶液 (外用和傷口清理)稀釋1:10

Charcoal (activated): Mix one part to six parts water. Give four to eight teaspoons by mouth
活性炭:一份碳對六份水,喂4-8小湯匙 (一小湯匙是5ml)

Dramamine (motion sickness) 12.5mg one hour before traveling

Hydrogen Peroxide (3 percent): to induce vomiting - one teaspoon per five pounds body weight (upto three teaspoons per dose) every 10 minutes, or until the cat vomits. Repeat three times only. For topical applications to wounds - dilute one parts to 3 parts water
雙氧水 (3%) 如果用於引貓嘔吐,每十分鍾,每5磅的體重喂1小湯匙 (5磅=2.3公斤,1小湯匙=5ml),最多一次性喂三小湯匙,最多喂三次,直到貓成功嘔吐。 如果用於外用清洗傷口,用一比五的比例稀釋

Kaopectate (diarrhea) (do not use paregoric) 1/2 to 1 teasponn per 5 pounds boy weight every two to six hours
KP藥水/白陶土和果膠製劑(含 堿式水楊酸鉍 的止瀉藥)每2-6小時一次,一次計量是每5磅體重1/2-1小湯匙

Metamucil powder (constipation) one to three teaspoons once or twice a day mixed into wetted or liquid food

Milk of Magnesia (unflavoured) (constipation) 1/2 teasponns per 5 pounds body weight. Give once daily or as direted

Mineral oil: hairball. one teaspoon per 5 pounds body weight mixed into the cat's food, once or twice a week

Panolog (ear drops and ointment)as direcetd

Robitussin (cough) 1/4 teapoon per 5 pounds body weight every 6 hours
樂倍舒 (一種含有甲氧苯氧基丙二醇的止咳藥)每六個小時一次,每五磅體重1/4小湯匙

Triple antibiotics ointment (surface skin infection ) apply two or three times a day
三聯抗生素軟膏 (皮膚表麵發炎)一天2-3次

white petroleum jelly (not carbolated) used for hairball treatment. 1/2 teaspoon, once or twice a week, apply to cat's nose for cat to lick off
白色凡士林啫喱 (不含碳酸鹽的)用於幫排泄毛球。1/2小湯匙 塗在貓鼻子上,讓貓自行舔掉

mineral oil and petroleum jelly are both lubricatives. do not give mineral oil by mouth becuase of the potential for inhalation. keep in mind that mineral oil and petroleum jelly may decrease the absorption of fat soluble vitamins, if given in large doses or for a prolonged period.


buffered aspirin. for lower fever and relieving minor aches and pains in dogs. give one quarter of a 325 mg tablet for every ten pounds of pooch once or twice a day. buffered aspirin is easier on the stomach.
aspirin can be extremely dangerous for cats, so never give it without a vet's supervision
阿司匹林緩釋片, 降溫,止痛。狗每10磅體重325mg, 一天一次到兩次。 貓禁用

acetaminophen and ibuprofen. both are dangerous to pets. don't use them
撲熱息痛(醋氨酚) 依布洛芬 貓狗禁用

kaopectate. 1 teaspoon each ten pounds of weight for cats and dogs. doses vary widely from pet to pet, so be sure to ask your vet for advice.
KP藥水/白陶土和果膠製劑 貓狗都可用。10磅體重喂1小湯匙。寵物間用藥差距很大,最好先像獸醫谘詢

pepto-bismo. for dogs with tummy trouble, give one teaspoon per 20 pounds of weight every 4-6 hours. but don't give it to cats. since it contains ingredients they mayt have trouble metabolising
佩托比斯摩(堿式水楊酸鉍) 肚子不舒服的狗,每4-6小時,20磅體重1小湯匙。貓禁用弄個

dimenhydrinate (dramamine) large dogs 25-50mg an hour before travelling small dogs and cats about 12.5mg


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