交流障礙(Communication disorders)
(2011-01-07 20:36:39)
交流障礙(Communication disorders)
1.表達性語言交流障礙( Expressive language disorder)
A. The scores obtained from standardized individually administered measures of expressive language development are substantially below those obtained from standardized measures of both nonverbal intellectural capacity and receptive language development. The disturbance may be manifest clinically by symptoms that include having a markedly limited vocabular, making errors in tense, or having difficulty recalling words or producing sentences with developmentally appropriate length or complexity.
B. The difficulties with expressive language interfere with academic or occupational achievement or with social communication.
C. Criteria are not met for mixed receptive-expressive language disorder or a pervasive developmental disorder.
D. If mental retardation, a speech-moto or sensory deficit or a neurological condition is present, code the condition on Axis III.