

宋氏講座:《商務函件速成模式》 第四章 資信調查

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宋氏講座:《商務函件速成模式》 第四章 資信調查

第四章 資信調查

在商界,除了商業書信之外,最常用,而又最重要的商業文件要算是信用證了。Credit一詞由拉丁文 credo而來。字麵上的意思是“我相信”。今天引申為賣方相信買方在指定時間之內對所購貨物有付款能力,所指定的時間一般來說是30天,也有長達60天或90天的。這要依據買主是批發還是零售的性質而定。


1. 信用證大多由購貨人直接請求銀行開立,也有由買方先向賣方提供一家征信銀行(征求谘詢信用的銀行)名稱地址,要求他們向這家銀行谘詢買方的信用情況。
2. 開出信用證的銀行根據帳戶來往情況提供有利或不利的資料,信用證被列為機密文件。
3. 購貨人受到貨物後,見到與信用證規定的條件完全相符,才讓銀行將貨款付給售貨人。有了這種保障,可以使交易更加順利穩妥。
4. 開立信用證的銀行通知國外聯行依據條件付款;售貨人隻需條件相符,即可取得貨款。





We shall appreciate your providing us with an opinion as to the credit standing, respectability and responsibility of the following firm:


Provide, 提供,供應。除此之外還可作“準備”、“預備”等解。It is wise to provide against accident. 預防萬一是明智的。He has provided will for the children.他已為子女的生活做好準備。We are well provided with clothing. 我們的衣服齊備無缺。You should provide against the evil day. 你應對不幸的日子常備不患。He has a large family to provide for. 他要供應一個人口眾多的家庭。We must be provided with food for the journey. 我們必須把旅行所需的食品準備好。請注意辨別provide for 與provide against. Provide for, 為什麽事情而準備;養活。如:We must provide passport for the journey. 我們必須為旅行準備好護照。Provide against, 為什麽而預防。特指預防意外,諸如災難、惡劣天氣等。如:We must provide against accident. 我們應該預防事故。





We shall be very happy to supply you with goods on credit. However, as this is the first time we have done business with you, we would ask you to let us have the name and address of your bank and one or two firms to enable us to apply for references.


Apply for, 申請。For further particulars (or details or information), please apply to the agent or at the following address. 若想知道較多的情況,請向代理人或下麵的地址詢問。He is applying for an appointment. 他請求錄用。He apply to them for assistant.他請求他們幫助。The rule does not apply to this case. 這條規則不適於此事。He applied a match to gun-powder.他用火柴點火藥。Apply in your own handwriting. 請親筆寫信請求。He applied himself closely to the study of English. 他專心研究英語。I applied to him for information. 我向他探聽消息。Apply by letter to Mr. Wang. 請用信件方式向王先生請求。If you have any difficulty, apply to me. 倘若你有任何困難,可找我幫助。He applied his mind to business.他專心於業務。This house is to let, apply next door.這房子出租,可向鄰居詢問。He applied to the manager for pardon. 他向經理請求原諒。Apply in person to…, 向某人接洽。也可以說apply personally to …The money was applied to the payment of debts. 該款項被用於付款。He applied a rule. 他應用一條規則。The same applies to…對於什麽也是如此。She applied for a position as teacher. 她謀求教職。





When opening a new account it is our practice to ask customers for trade references. Will you therefore please send us the names and addresses of two other suppliers with whom you have dealings?


Reference,此詞意思很多。其中之一就是本段文字中的意思,即信用、能力等的證明人。請看其它用法。一般來講,是作“關於、談到(和介詞to連用)”解。1. with reference to 和in reference to 同義,多用於句子開頭。以前者較普通,with 和in 也可以省略。With ( In ) reference to payment, we cannot do otherwise than L/C at sight.關於付款,我們除見票即付的信用證之外,其它不接受。2. make reference to…談到、參考。In your letter, you have made reference to discount. 你在信中談到折扣問題。Please make reference to Term 8 of our agreement. 請參閱我們的協議第八條。3. without reference to --- 不論、不管。We do not think it right to compare prices without reference to quality. 我們認為隻是比較價格而不顧及質量是不妥的。4. for one’s reference, 供某人參考。For your reference we enclose an analysis of the test we have made. 茲附上化驗結果一份,供你參考。We shall appreciate it if you will send some up-to-date patterns for our reference. 如果寄給我們一些最新花樣作參考,將不勝感激。5. (信用證、能力等的)見證人。Their reference is the Bank of China. 證明者是中國銀行。(他們的信用可由中國銀行證明。)





This company was organized in 1950 with a capital of US$800,000 and it has now increased to one million US dollars. Their balance sheet published in February this year indicates net profit at approximately US$100,000. They have enough money to pay for this shipment.


Profit, 名詞:利潤、利益。 They accepted the offer to start the ball rolling, disregarding profit. 他們接受這個報盤,僅為做一個開端,並不計較利潤。We gained profit from the experience. 經驗使我們獲得益處。動詞:(指人)獲益,(指物)有利於。We believe you will profit by confining your offers to a limited number of firms. 我們相信你們將報盤集中於少數幾家商號是有益的。Such an arrangement does not profit either part. 這樣一種安排對雙方都沒有好處。He bent solely upon profit. 他專圖獲利。This new paper has a clear profit of 1,000 dollars a day on advertisement alone. 這家報紙單在廣告方麵每天就有一千元的純利。No profit will come in. 無利可獲。There will certainly be a profit in the end. 最後一定可以獲利。He has a profit on everything he sells. 他所賣的東西都獲利。I hope to sell them at a good profit.我希望能以厚利將它們賣掉。He makes a profit. 他獲利了。He does his work for personal profit. 他工作起來僅僅是為了個人的私利。It is sold at a profit of twenty cents. 它以賺兩角錢的利潤賣出去了。I have not made any profit by the silk trade this year. 今年我不曾靠絲綢生意獲利。I hope to profit from your advice. 我希望能從你的勸告中獲益。 You may profit by the example of others. 你可以從別人的榜樣中獲益。It will not profit him. 它不會使他獲益。You should profit by every opportunity of speaking English. 你應利用每次說英語的機會。What will it profit him? 這對他有何益處?





Messrs. Smith & Co., in your city, desire to open an account with us, and have given your name as a reference. Will you favor us with two references, as we have hitherto had no business transaction with you.


Messrs. Smith & Co.,為何史密斯公司前麵要加Messrs., 有的公司就不加?原因是史密斯公司的名稱是由人名構成的,就這樣簡單。假如不是由人名,而是別的樣式,比如紅星公司,隻寫Red-star Co.即可。那麽Messrs.是什麽意思呢?就是先生,是Mr.的複數形式。而Messrs.則是法語詞Messieurs的縮寫。再者,Messrs.既然能是複數形式,那就要記住句子謂語不要用單數。最後,Messrs.經常用縮寫形式:M/S,因此Messrs. Smith & Co.可以,而且經常寫成M/S Smith & Co.

Open an account,開立一個帳戶。account有較多的說法。名詞和動詞形式相同。先看名詞。1。帳目,帳(略縮a/c),外貿書信中常見的短語有:for one’s account, 由某人支付。We bought the goods for the account of Messrs. Peterson & Co.這些貨物是我們代彼得森公司購買的。We bought the goods for our own account.這些貨物是我們自己購買的。The additional charges will be for our account.附加費由我方承擔。The additional charges are to be for your account. 附加費由你方承擔。The extra freight is to be for buyers’ account.額外運費由買方承擔。2。理由,原因(on account of,由於,因為)。We cannot accept fresh orders on account of heavy sales.由於大量售出,我們不能接受新訂單。On account of lack of direct steamer, please allow transshipment in your L/C. 因為沒有直達輪船,請在你的信用證中注明準許轉船。On account of difference in taste, your designs do not suit this market. 由於趣味不同,你的圖案不適於此間市場。The price dropped on account of large offerings from other sources. 由於來自其它方麵的大量報盤,價格已經下跌。3。考慮(take…into account, 對。。。加以考慮或注意)。Price is not the only factor; you have to take the quality into account. 價格不是唯一因素,你方也必須考慮到質量。We agree to your request, taking into account our good relations. 考慮到我們之間良好的關係,我們同意你方的要求。動詞可作“解釋和說明”解。We cannot account for the delay. 我們無法解釋延遲的原因。It is difficult to account for this sharp price. 對價格的急劇上升,很難解釋。還可作“占”解,指多少數量的百分比。Cotton accounts for 70% of their exports. 棉花占他們出口的百分之七十。4。認為。I account him a good teacher. 我認為他是一位好教師。

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