

(2021-11-25 05:15:12) 下一個





In three ways I bow down to the buddhas of the three ages, with faith ... I bow down to the law of three vehicles, and also, in three ways, to the order of mendicants. In the same way I bow down to the sutra, the prajnaparamita of the buddhas, the mother of all the paramitas, well established, deep, pleasing, exalted. The first and highest of the life of enlightenment, the essence of all the dharmas, which ... in yoga {?). Where there is no as the dharmakaya. This prajnaparamita the omniscient Buddha put together; and when one recites and explains this trisatika called Vajracchedika, It altogether clears away all particles (?) of karma and avarana sins as a thunderbolt. Therefore its name is Vajracchedika (thunderbolt cutter). Whatever the law of the buddhas may be, all that is concentrated in this sutra, in the Vajracchedika; therefore it is so pleasing and exalted. Whosoever learns and preserves and reads it, and causes it to be written, by him the entire Law will be grasped, and, after death, he goes ... in bliss. He whose merit is great, when these sutras are recited, by that prudent man . . . should be altogether made by this sutra. Therefore I start on the exposition of it, in love of the Law and with faith, if the buddhas will give me protection so that I can preach it so that it may be grasped. Hail ! Homage be done in the direction of all the buddhas and bodhisattvas.

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