
  • 博客訪問:


(2009-02-08 21:39:05) 下一個


美國是世上頭號汽車王國,英文叫做"A Nation on Wheels",汽車是美國人離不了的生活工具。家家有汽車人人會開車,雖然美國有它獨特的汽車文化,但一個六齡童自己開車上學,也太過份太懸了吧!


Va. 6-year-old takes and wrecks family car after missing school bus, but makes it to class

A 6-year-old Virginia boy who missed his bus tried to drive to school in his family's sedan and crashed. His parents were charged with child endangerment. State police said the boy suffered only minor injuries and authorities drove him to school after he was evaluated at a local hospital for a bump on his head. He arrived shortly after lunch, Sgt. Tom Cunningham said.

It happened around 7:40 a.m. Monday on Route 360, about 61 miles east of Richmond.

The boy, whose name wasn't released, missed the bus, took the keys to his family's 2005 Ford Taurus and drove nearly six miles toward school while his mother was asleep, police said.

He made at least two 90-degree turns, passed several cars and ran off the rural two-lane road several times before hitting an embankment and utility pole about a mile and a half from school.

The boy told police he learned to drive playing Grand Theft Auto and Monster Truck Jam video games.

"He was very intent on getting to school," said Northumberland County Sheriff Chuck Wilkins. "When he got out of the car, he started walking to school. He did not want to miss breakfast and PE."

His parents, Jacqulyn Deana Waltman, 26, and David Eugene Dodson, 40, are each charged with child endangerment, Wilkins said. Waltman is being held without bond. Dodson was released on a $5,000 bond.

It was not clear if they had attorneys.

The boy and his 4-year-old brother were placed in protective custody.

"This really is a story of miracles," Wilkins said. "The Lord was with him, along with everybody else on the highway."



美國這是怎麽啦?  "跨槍走天下"該是大人的事,"送孩子上學"是父母的責任。可如今這些事孩子們都自己幹了。孩子是能耐了,可美國社會亂了。


wreck:  毀壞了車船,就叫wreck,有時也叫crash。
school bus:  美國中小學學生上下學,隻要離校超過兩英裏,就由校車(school bus)接送。
be charged: 被訴
child endangerment:  置孩子於危險境地
minor injuries: 輕傷(無大礙)
a bump on his head:  頭上起個胞
Ford Taurus:  福特金牛牌(汽車)
run-off:  開出(行車道)外
embankment:  (路邊)障礙物
utility post: 電線杆子
Grand Theft Auto and Monster Truck Jam:  一個電腦遊戲的名字
to be very intent on:  非常想要......
breakfast and PE:  (學校)的早餐和體育課,PE是physical education的縮寫

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