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第二課:up someone's sleeve

(2007-09-01 22:26:30) 下一個


今天我們要學一個詞組:up someone's sleeve。千萬不要解釋為"在誰的袖子上"。Up someone's sleeve是指某人的秘密。在報導美國國務卿秘密訪問貝魯特時,報紙說: "...if there were no secret visit up the Administration's sleeve ...." 意思是:要是當局不進行秘密訪問,(那才是奇怪了...)。

人們不太喜歡那種什麽事都要保密的人。People dislike those who often have something up their sleeve. 但是,一個妻子為丈夫舉行生日聚會而事先不告訴他--The wife has something up her sleeve for his birthday party,這丈夫當然會非常高興。今天我們學的一個詞組是up someone's sleeve...


up someone's sleeve被解釋成秘密,首先得是有什麽東西被藏在袖子裏了。這就讓人想起中國舊式的長衫服式。長衫沒口袋,穿長衫人有東西就隻能往袖子裏藏,所以秘密也就在袖子裏了。所以這詞對我們中國人來說不難理解。這個詞組用來形容名詞或動詞都可以。上麵的something up their sleeves(他們有什麽東西藏著掖著)裏,這一詞組用來修飾名詞;但在to laugh at someone up one's sleeve中,它就用來修飾動詞了,比如: All the time he was laughing up his sleeve at them.=他一直在偷偷取笑他們。

如up one's sleeve與名詞card 、ace 、idea等連用,可以表示某人有其他人所沒有的辦法。請看例句:

1。If all these methods would not work, I still have a card up my sleeve.=如果這些方法都不管用,那我還有別人都不知道的另一招(還有牌出)。

2。This casino has an ace up its sleeve. It will allow players to play from home and win prizes.=這家賭場有一(別人都還沒有的)高招。它讓玩家在家裏(聯網)就能玩並贏取大獎。

3。If this plan doesn't work out I've still got a few ideas up my sleeve.=如果這一計劃無法實現,我還有(別人還不知道的) 幾個主意。

另一個用到sleeve的詞組是wear something on one's sleeve. 這on one's sleeve有表明心跡明確告示的意思,與up one's sleeve正好相反。比如:

1。Some people feel the need to wear their patriotism on their sleeve.=有些人總是覺得需要表明他們的愛國立場(把他們的愛國主義穿在他們的袖子上,以防別人不知道)。

2。She always wears her heart on her sleeve, so there's no doubt who she'll be supporting.=她把她的觀點及感情都已亮明,所以不需要懷疑她支持誰。當然,如果不願意表明心跡,你也可以說: I just don't like to wear my heart on my sleeve on this issue.

在中國男女朋友之間為表明心跡要發重誓,經常會說"恨不得把心拿( 挖)出來給你看看"。在英語文化裏,人們不僅把心拿出來,而且還別在袖子上。不僅僅在兩情之間,在一些小事情上(如討論議題、誰幫誰等等),也經常掏心窩子往衣袖上別。

最後還有個非常實用的關於sleeve的詞組,叫roll up one's sleeves。大人批評小孩做事不認真時常會說: 幹活就要有個幹活的樣。是啊,人要是耷拉個袖子還怎麽幹活! 必須要把袖子卷起來。英語文化中也同此理,因此roll up one's sleeves不僅僅是把真的袖子卷起來,而且還有準備好認真幹活的意思。例句:

When he saw how much snow had fallen he simply rolled up his sleeves and went to find the shovel.=當他看到下了這麽多雪時,他立馬卷起袖子找鐵鍬(來要鏟雪)。

注意: 這最後一個詞組中,sleeves是複數,而前兩個裏都是單數。學外文必須學會觀察那些中文裏所沒有的細節。

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