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今天下午愛美麗學校的parent meeting。我本來就準備讓老邁去的,我要上班,但是想想愛美麗大了,還是應該去一下,就臨時換了病人,和老邁一起去。
然後給我們看了她最近做的一些測驗,她說愛美麗很好,是每個家長的dream child。她說愛美麗是班級裏唯一一個全A的孩子,特別是英文寫作。這點要感謝老麥,從小給她念書,和她一起看書,現在這麽大了,還是每天晚上跪在愛美麗床邊給她念故事。愛美麗對寫作和閱讀的興趣完全是老麥一手培養出來的。
It's not easy to be a woman or woman-to-be, that includes both the mom and daughter. It's called "the pain of growth", physically and mentally, for girls. It is foreboding because as a mother I have experienced it myself. It's not a joy ride at all. I wish she didn't need to go through those challenges that I had gone through. But I know one day she'll be a mother too, and probably someone's girlfriend or wife or being sacked by someone once or twice. I don't particularly feel worried about my sons'future. Because they have won the lottery by birth already to be born as males. Their paths are different. They're in the hurt lockers. Does it sound like the mother from " The Thorn Bird" ? Maggie was the only girl in the family. Mom sighed for her from the start: what could happen with this child? What good could it be to be Maggie?