落花飄零 (熱門博主)
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what do you expect? this is Alaska。

(2022-06-21 08:42:01) 下一個
To those complaining that you can't get everything you want, straight away, in advance. Welcome to the North.
To those complaining that there is not enough accommodation, a recent survey would suggest there is (only 10% said they did not have accomm and that was some time ago), it's just wasn't available immediately and a spokesperson for the race has mentioned this often in this group. And, I am still approving comments regularly for accommodation. This is not a 3,000 athlete race so; patience! Yes, I know you want to book it 12 months in advance but you can't, welcome to the North.
To those complaining about price gouging, I agree with you (I hate IM accomm gouging), but this is not an Alaska only issue. Also, the prices are high up here period , welcome to the North.
To those complaining that the community is not offering their support; I have never seen more community support (not even close) on an IM group and I run 4 of them. Welcome to the North.
The best and worst thing about Juneau is that it's in the middle of nowhere. Things don't work like they do in your big city at home. That's the point. Everything is big, wild, remote. LIfe is harder. The people are nicer. That is the experience. Welcome to the North.
This is not an easy race to put on, not an easy race to get to, accommodation is more awkward to arrange and is available later .... the list of 'harder' is probably endless. But, what did you expect ... it's Juneau, Alaska. Not Whistler, BC. There is a huge difference. I am sure some of you will not see the point of this race until you arrive. Time to put on your intrepid adventurer boots, suck up some of the difficulties and go where no IM has gone before.


yes, what do you expect? this is Alaska。

自從這個大鐵開始籌備以後,很多報了名的運動員抱怨找不到離比賽地點近的旅館,找不到租車,我也花了很久才找到一個one bedroom house,離比賽地點有十五英裏,和以前走路就可以去出發地點當然是不方便許多。網上常常有人發牢騷。


那個發帖的人說,everything is big, wild and remote, life is harder。讓我對這個race更加respect。

隻有train hard,才能對得起這樣的一個race.

let's go.

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嚴惠姍 回複 悄悄話 這裏是阿拉斯加,這個遙遠的寒冷的地方,想想都激動人心。我期待有一天去那裏玩兒。