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今早是easy swim,1600yard,和我小三比賽那天距離一樣,但是速度要慢很多。我一直在想那個數據是不是可靠,一般開水都會比實際速度慢,而且我比賽時候還停了好幾次看方向和躲人,真是無法想象自己能夠遊到那個速度。但是我跑步最後兩邁也比預計的快,難道真的有雞血效應。
Be familiar with your swim paces (gears). The key is you can actually “feel” your pace by your stroke rate and your effort level.
Be familiar with your HR and Power output numbers. The goal is you can know your power range just by knowing your HR number.
Be familiar with your running pace and HR zone. You will need to learn just by how your feel and how fast is your breath to determine your HR zone and pace. Learn how long takes your HR drop from Zone 5 back to Zone2.
Based on your numbers, I am setting your goals for SR 70.3 as below:
Swim: 1:00
Bike: 3:10. average 17.7 ,non stop
Run: 2:15-2:20: around 10:30-10:40/mi pace.
Looking to a total of 6:40- 6:45 70.3 finish. (sub 7hours)
這個就是請教練的好處,如果是我自己,完全無法看清楚自己的速度和潛力,也不知道一級一級從小三到半鐵到大鐵的訓練強度會有何不同。她發了email以後,又text問我,對這個goal有沒有疑問,我說沒有,她說那下周開始就full speed準備了,我說好。心裏帶著隱隱的激動。希望能夠不負她的期望,完成目標。