落花飄零2009-09-03 19:15:33回複悄悄話
thank you little.snail.
appleflower, yeah, he picked up the cake for me, he knows what i like, hehehe. how is your school? are you starting your internship?
Appleflower2009-09-03 19:12:32回複悄悄話
I love the birthday cake, and all the food look so delicious! I like the same type of 荷包蛋。 I noticed that there's 4 place settings at the table, I'm guessing your husband is also with you to celebrate your birthday. :)
BTW, I've been following your blog as usual. I have just been too busy to comment regularly. :)
有父母在身邊就是不一樣,經典的上海家常菜啊,太溫馨了."維尼熊"生日蛋糕太漂亮了,誘人的很. :))
appleflower, yeah, he picked up the cake for me, he knows what i like, hehehe. how is your school? are you starting your internship?
BTW, I've been following your blog as usual. I have just been too busy to comment regularly. :)
Again, Happy Birthday!