懷孕的婦女,在第一次的檢查的時候,就應該篩查乙肝。如果確認是陽性的,出生的嬰兒立即給免疫球蛋白然後接種疫苗。隻要出生後嬰兒及時接種疫苗,羊水穿刺,剖腹產,母乳喂養並不提高嬰兒感染乙肝的幾率。WHO推廣Universal HBV vaccination of all new borns,台灣做得很好,他們的肝癌率已經開始明顯下降。中國的情況還是不容樂觀。
落花飄零2008-07-26 21:54:39回複悄悄話
punny, you are welcome.:)
appleflower, i guess the policy is really different, partly because the incidence might be different.
dadaland,其實沒有健康攜帶者這個概念的,所有的攜帶者,都應該定期檢查肝功能。best wish to your friend.
Hepatitis B virus is not spread by sharing eating utensils, breastfeeding, hugging, kissing, holding hands, coughing, or sneezing. Unlike hepatitis A, it is not spread routinely through food or water. However, there have been times hepatitis B has been spread to babies when they have received food pre-chewed by an infected person.
Not sure if the rules are the same in Canada and US. In Canada, physicians that are Hepatitis B carriers are only allowed to work in certain specialties that do not have contact with patients, such as pathology. Everyone here who is accepted in the medical school is given hepatitis B and C screening right away, and if found to be a carrier, the student will receive "modified training" and career counselling.
punny, you are welcome.:)
appleflower, i guess the policy is really different, partly because the incidence might be different.
dadaland,其實沒有健康攜帶者這個概念的,所有的攜帶者,都應該定期檢查肝功能。best wish to your friend.
皮膚接觸也容易傳播乙肝病毒嗎? 那樣將是非常可怕的。
What are ways hepatitis B is not spread?
Hepatitis B virus is not spread by sharing eating utensils, breastfeeding, hugging, kissing, holding hands, coughing, or sneezing. Unlike hepatitis A, it is not spread routinely through food or water. However, there have been times hepatitis B has been spread to babies when they have received food pre-chewed by an infected person.
Not sure if the rules are the same in Canada and US. In Canada, physicians that are Hepatitis B carriers are only allowed to work in certain specialties that do not have contact with patients, such as pathology. Everyone here who is accepted in the medical school is given hepatitis B and C screening right away, and if found to be a carrier, the student will receive "modified training" and career counselling.
A dumb question. Why won't China vaccinate all new borns? Is it because of money or just politics?