其實我看到的最豁達,坦然的來自”Meet Joe Black”,Anthony Hopkins所飾演的 William Parrish,Sir Hopkins是我最推崇的actor,不過這兒沒有任何"斷背情結", Hopkins爵爺說的好,
“I don’t want anybody buying up my life’s work and turning it into something it wasn’t meant to be. A man wants to leave something behind. And he wants it left behind the way be made it. And he wants it to be run the way be ran it…, with a sense of honor, of dedication, of truth.”
說來道去,還是怪醫學不夠昌明,作為在生死無間道裏兩頭奔波的人,也隻希望以後教科書裏少一些primary or idiopathic之類的詞.
"Chasing Daylight: How my forthcoming death transformed my life" by Eugene O'kelley
O'Kelly, the former CEO and chairman of accounting juggernaut KPMG who was diagnosed with brain cancer at 53, writes about his "forthcoming death" as one would expect an accountant to: methodically. He charts his downward spiral, from symptoms to diagnosis to the process of dying in this poignant and posthumously published book. (O'Kelly died in September 2005.) O'Kelly's narrative recounts the steps he took to simplify his life-how he learned, for instance, "to be in the present moment, how to live there at least for snippets of time"-and the final experiences he shared with close friends and family. But his story falters on several occasions. O'Kelly provides few substantial details regarding his long career with KPMG; what information he does offer, and his wishes for the firm's continued success, read like portions of a company newsletter. He also refers constantly to his "wife of 27 years, Corinne, the girl of my dreams," but he fails to give readers a sense of her spirit and personality. (She wrote the final chapter, which takes place largely in the hospital as O'Kelly refuses food and water, eventually dying of an embolism.)
O’Kelley的故事是最早在business media上讀到的.所附的review有些picky,不過總的評價非常高.也許O’Kelley作為一位成功商界巨子沒有錢上的煩惱,所以他更像一位馳騁疆場的條頓軍人,在井井有條地安排好自己的一兵一卒後,穿上一塵不染的軍裝,認真的係好領扣,吻別妻女,一閃而逝.
其實我看到的最豁達,坦然的來自”Meet Joe Black”,Anthony Hopkins所飾演的 William Parrish,Sir Hopkins是我最推崇的actor,不過這兒沒有任何"斷背情結", Hopkins爵爺說的好,
“I don’t want anybody buying up my life’s work and turning it into something it wasn’t meant to be. A man wants to leave something behind. And he wants it left behind the way be made it. And he wants it to be run the way be ran it…, with a sense of honor, of dedication, of truth.”
說來道去,還是怪醫學不夠昌明,作為在生死無間道裏兩頭奔波的人,也隻希望以後教科書裏少一些primary or idiopathic之類的詞.
"Chasing Daylight: How my forthcoming death transformed my life" by Eugene O'kelley
O'Kelly, the former CEO and chairman of accounting juggernaut KPMG who was diagnosed with brain cancer at 53, writes about his "forthcoming death" as one would expect an accountant to: methodically. He charts his downward spiral, from symptoms to diagnosis to the process of dying in this poignant and posthumously published book. (O'Kelly died in September 2005.) O'Kelly's narrative recounts the steps he took to simplify his life-how he learned, for instance, "to be in the present moment, how to live there at least for snippets of time"-and the final experiences he shared with close friends and family. But his story falters on several occasions. O'Kelly provides few substantial details regarding his long career with KPMG; what information he does offer, and his wishes for the firm's continued success, read like portions of a company newsletter. He also refers constantly to his "wife of 27 years, Corinne, the girl of my dreams," but he fails to give readers a sense of her spirit and personality. (She wrote the final chapter, which takes place largely in the hospital as O'Kelly refuses food and water, eventually dying of an embolism.)
有任何師兄幫得上的,言語一句,不憑別的,就憑你當初寫的堆積如山的病史,不過在下以為就憑師妹的文筆和風采,當初寫病史的肯定是一班醫生, Ha… …ha.
我說了這麽多,基本上都是COMMON SENSE的廢話,希望你的問題不是個玩笑,嘻嘻。
太 強 悍 , 要 什 麽 樣 的 男 人 才 能 罩 的 住 你 。
嗯 , 我 也 喜 歡 佛 州 , 一 出 機 場 , 看 見 棕 櫚 樹 , 就 感 覺 VACATION 開 始 了 。
阿 拉 剛 跑 步 歸 來 , 覺 得 腰 又 細 了 幾 尺 。