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最近的一些新聞也應征了這個規律: 美國經濟蕭條了,報道的小偷事件增多了,而且有些小偷還開動腦筋運用智能。下麵一則報道就讓人看到什麽是"袖裏乾坤了得,手上功夫一流"。
Thief uses lubricant to swipe ring on woman's hand
FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. Police said a thief used a Vaseline-like lubricant to swipe an expensive ring off an elderly woman's hand in broad daylight. Authorities said two men bumped 80-year-old Helen Artim's car, then asked her to open her trunk to check for damage.
Police said the suspect ran his hand over hers, covering it with "some type of lubricant," then used a towel to wipe it off. It's then that police believe he slipped the ring off Artim's finger. The piece of jewelry was valued between $20,000 to $30,000.
No arrests in the Nov. 14 incident have been made.
知道英文怎麽說"光天化日之下"嗎? 對,就是in broad daylight。兩盜賊兄弟就是光天化日之下,在佛州Fort Lauderdale市襲擊一位名叫Helen Artim的老嫗。所用計謀"簡單有效,可圈可點": 二賊先撞了Helen的車,然後下來幫著看車的損傷程度,在要求Helen打開後車箱時,用凡士林(Vaseline)一類的潤滑劑(lubricant)抹了Helen一手,然後假惺惺用抹布給Helen抹手,順勢也抹走了Helen的戒子。賊人走先,警察撲空徒勞。
Helen還真是富家老婦,一枚戒子價值在兩萬到三萬美元之間。賊哥哥們這一撞,日收入就是兩萬,確實比做正當勞工來得豐厚。說來也奇怪,二位賊偷怎麽就知道所撞的是位富人? 是擇日還是撞日? 難道二位哥哥是Robin Hood和Little John雙簧的現代版?