心髒科曾經是美國內科最競爭激烈的專科之一,郭醫生是從一而終,他能畢業於著名的University of Iowa的Cardiology Fellowship, 良好的底子是在同濟和襄樊中心醫院打下的。這也涉及到廣泛意義上的申請,無論是住院醫還是博士項目,你做出了什麽是關鍵,其次才是所申請的專業與學校的競爭難度。
郭醫生繼續說:“Live is above any amount of money (“生命高於任何金錢”),我則回複:中美擁有“Different value systems [Salute][Worship][Worship]” (不同的價值體係)。郭醫生:“幾十年了,心底永遠的痛。Any ER, every ER, is obligated and has to stabilize the patient when a patient shows up to the door,If their live is in danger.(“任何急診室都負有責任,當患者來到門口時,如果他們的生命處於危險中,必須對其進行穩定處理”)。
我回複:“你盡力了[Worship][Salute],I would write about this sad story to let more people know(我會寫下這個悲傷的故事,讓更多人知道)”。
郭醫生繼續寫道:“這些年來,安裝了無數 thousands 起搏器,救活了無數的生命。一旦想起這段舊事,心裏是淌淚流血那樣的痛。一個我沒能留下的生命。悲自己的無能和世間的淒涼。 Many of them would go home with a pacemaker of the cutting edge technology and would not have to pay a penny if they are not able to pay. (“他們中的許多人將帶著最先進技術的心髒起搏器回家,如果他們無力支付,將不需要支付一分錢”)。
我的回複:“That’s my understanding of what America should be[Salute][Worship](“這就是我對美國應有樣貌的理解”)。
just because the medicare pool is shrinking, the collective bargain all focus on inexpensive medicines. they may have some effects but are really cheap. so it can maintain a health system for all the China chinese. I believe they should be better than traditional medicine.