我終於明白了電影《百萬美元寶貝》的結局。教練(克林特·伊斯特伍德飾演的角色) 做出這樣令人心碎的決定,結束一位腦部受損的女拳擊手(由希拉裏·斯旺克飾演)的生命的?他憑什麽做出這樣的選擇?他是如何下得了手的?
I finally understand the ending of movie Million Dollar Baby. How could Clint Eastwood's character make such heart-wrenching decision to end the life of a brain-damaged boxer (played by Hilary Swank)? What gave him the right to do that? How could he go through with it?
Almost 20 years later, after hearing the story of 瓊瑤's suicide and her husband's tragic last days, I finally began to understand. 瓊瑤 wanted her husband to have a dignified death rather than prolonging his suffering on life support. However, she faced a bitter public conflict with his children and ultimately had to give up on her wishes.
Reflecting on these two stories, I realized that for such actions to take place, two essential elements must be present:
- Understanding
To act decisively, one must deeply understand the desires of the person they love. Hilary Swanks character, a 30-year-old waitress turned boxer, could never have imagined herself wasting away in a hospital bed. Clint Eastwoods character knew this deeply. Similarly, after more than 40 years of marriage, 瓊瑤 knew exactly what her husband wanted—freedom from a life sustained by machines.
- Love
Only profound love can compel someone to take such an extraordinary step. Eastwoods character knowingly committed an act akin to murder by injecting a toxin into Hilary's veins. 瓊瑤 could have stayed silent and avoided conflict with her husband's children, but she fought because she loved him so much. In both cases, their love and understanding of the person made it unbearable to see them suffer, even if they were no longer conscious of their pain.