Learners of English, I'm here appealing to your earnest desire for further studies. I'm here warning you against your satisfaction with your basic knowledge only. You must read more and practice writing, if you want to rank among the best. Knowledge and skills can't be gained in a day. There's no shortcut to the peak of learning. Perseverance over a long time is necessary. If you halt in your studies, you will by degrees recede from where you are. You will gradually forget what you have learned so far. You won't be able to fish out some words from your mind when needed, which you diligently memorized before, as you don't use them often. It's just like an old acquaintance made long ago you can't make out who he is now after many years of separation. Besides holding on to your acquirements so far, you must leap over all the hurdles and march through marshes and woods to the summit of learning so that you can be proud of yourself as a giant in that language. Be assured, I'm always here for you.
Address to Chinese Learners of English
• "Be assured, I'm always here for you" -Thank you! -秒秒- ♀ (34 bytes) () 10/09/2011 postreply 11:43:31
• 謝謝逸老的教誨和無私奉獻! -beautifulwind- ♀ (0 bytes) () 10/09/2011 postreply 13:27:26
• 回複:Address to Chinese Learners of English -NewVoice- ♀ (286 bytes) () 10/09/2011 postreply 13:37:53
• 回複:Address to Chinese Learners of English -againusa- ♂ (812 bytes) () 10/09/2011 postreply 18:38:45
• 咱們就就地取材吧。 請你給我們講講這裏的一句話的語法。 謝謝。 -youknowmyheart- ♀ (207 bytes) () 10/09/2011 postreply 22:20:58
• see inside -海外逸士- ♂ (187 bytes) () 10/10/2011 postreply 06:58:36
• 謝謝 -youknowmyheart- ♀ (36 bytes) () 10/10/2011 postreply 07:58:01
• whom is of formal use while who is of informal use. -海外逸士- ♂ (0 bytes) () 10/10/2011 postreply 16:39:42
• 今天早上由於要上班,匆匆忙忙在廁所給你寫了一句。現在是午飯時間,我再說兩句。 -youknowmyheart- ♀ (221 bytes) () 10/10/2011 postreply 12:25:31
• 很同意 -armao- ♀ (0 bytes) () 10/10/2011 postreply 13:16:38
• Hi I think YiLao takes his time to help us. We really should app -beautifulwind- ♀ (144 bytes) () 10/10/2011 postreply 14:28:21
• It is not easy for me to use the cell to write to you. Hopefully -beautifulwind- ♀ (137 bytes) () 10/10/2011 postreply 14:32:06
• 為什麽WHOM不對﹐請說明。 -海外逸士- ♂ (328 bytes) () 10/10/2011 postreply 16:50:58
• whom he is 不對。要用也要用 who he is。who he is 其實可以看做the person who he -youknowmyheart- ♀ (112 bytes) () 10/10/2011 postreply 17:43:26
• 都可以 -kako- ♀ (206 bytes) () 10/10/2011 postreply 18:00:55
• 這個。。。我不得不同意我師兄的。 -非文學青年- ♀ (179 bytes) () 10/10/2011 postreply 18:09:16
• 哦,可能跟師兄的意思不一樣。我的意思是跟formal不formal沒關係。 -非文學青年- ♀ (0 bytes) () 10/10/2011 postreply 18:11:42
• 你說得對。 -kako- ♀ (92 bytes) () 10/10/2011 postreply 18:19:42
• mmm, -非文學青年- ♀ (151 bytes) () 10/10/2011 postreply 18:37:26
• 是,但逸士用的不是強調句型。 -kako- ♀ (0 bytes) () 10/10/2011 postreply 18:55:48
• 桐兒?若是的話,可惜你這個金嗓子沒參加這次唱外文歌的活動。 -beautifulwind- ♀ (0 bytes) () 10/10/2011 postreply 20:57:53
• 實在對不起,我不會唱歌。 -kako- ♀ (0 bytes) () 10/10/2011 postreply 21:11:59
• 對不起,認錯人了。 -beautifulwind- ♀ (0 bytes) () 10/10/2011 postreply 21:18:03
• smart. you have learned true english:) -youknowmyheart- ♀ (0 bytes) () 10/10/2011 postreply 21:00:26
• 謝謝指教, -kako- ♀ (60 bytes) () 10/10/2011 postreply 21:10:12
• 撞也沒事,你已練成真功夫,哈哈哈哈哈 -youknowmyheart- ♀ (0 bytes) () 10/10/2011 postreply 21:28:38
• that's the point -youknowmyheart- ♀ (108 bytes) () 10/10/2011 postreply 21:10:28
• 謝謝師兄。師兄真牛。 班長不在,我替班長說了:)) -kako- ♀ (0 bytes) () 10/10/2011 postreply 21:15:17
• 誰是armao?我才查了一下,看到armao給王明的post。我又看了王明的post和其它的follow-up,笑S我了,哈哈哈 -youknowmyheart- ♀ (0 bytes) () 10/10/2011 postreply 21:36:53
• 我當然know who armao is. -kako- ♀ (60 bytes) () 10/10/2011 postreply 21:43:26
• true english is -youknowmyheart- ♀ (88 bytes) () 10/10/2011 postreply 21:53:12
• 哈哈,我看成Chinglish了。 -非文學青年- ♀ (0 bytes) () 10/10/2011 postreply 22:15:25
• 哈哈哈 that's funny...i can't help laughing... -youknowmyheart- ♀ (0 bytes) () 10/10/2011 postreply 22:23:20
• 俺們都是濟南洪家樓出來的,自然學的英文是一家之傳,哈哈。 -非文學青年- ♀ (0 bytes) () 10/10/2011 postreply 22:14:27
• 不就是幾個語法錯嗎?看著跟搞批地主似的。 首先,沒影響你理解吧? 第二,指出來不就得了,還拐彎墨腳的,還讓人redo,你寫一個來 -kako- ♀ (275 bytes) () 10/10/2011 postreply 14:50:38
• 200% -kako- ♀ (0 bytes) () 10/10/2011 postreply 14:53:15
• 歡迎youknowmyheart先生(覺得應該不是Mrs)打擊報複我。 -kako- ♀ (36 bytes) () 10/10/2011 postreply 15:06:24
• 哈哈哈,你笑S我了。我剛找份gardener工作 -youknowmyheart- ♀ (12 bytes) () 10/10/2011 postreply 15:30:13
• you are welcome to get rid of the weed for our daily Chinese Eng -beautifulwind- ♀ (44 bytes) () 10/10/2011 postreply 15:40:03
• daily Chinese-English Translation -beautifulwind- ♀ (0 bytes) () 10/10/2011 postreply 15:48:59
• 大妹子,看了討論你有沒有收益呀? 哈 -youknowmyheart- ♀ (0 bytes) () 10/10/2011 postreply 20:53:13
• 怎麽隨便就認親戚啊。喜歡這種友好氣氛下的交流切磋,受益匪淺。請繼續。 -beautifulwind- ♀ (0 bytes) () 10/10/2011 postreply 22:02:37
• 那您什麽時候能買得起iPad啊, -kako- ♀ (189 bytes) () 10/10/2011 postreply 15:48:32
• 可以買的起。今年我年薪漲了500元。 -youknowmyheart- ♀ (60 bytes) () 10/10/2011 postreply 16:02:09
• 對了,因為是別人的,我就不改寫了。但把那個句子的幾個詞去掉就清楚多了,如 -youknowmyheart- ♀ (104 bytes) () 10/10/2011 postreply 18:41:15
• 你這個挺給力的。簡潔流暢不少。 -kako- ♀ (93 bytes) () 10/10/2011 postreply 19:50:14
• 如果用who he is又用老逸的詞, 可以這樣: -youknowmyheart- ♀ (252 bytes) () 10/10/2011 postreply 20:52:23
• 你要換iPhone? 你是i謎嗎?那就寫篇JobsE文什麽的應應景兒。 -kako- ♀ (535 bytes) () 10/10/2011 postreply 20:04:51
• 哈哈, 你真能說。你講的在理呀。我隻有iphone, 沒有別的i了。。。 -youknowmyheart- ♀ (0 bytes) () 10/10/2011 postreply 20:55:19
• 這叫能說嗎?看來你是屬於這裏的--說話精煉:)))~ -kako- ♀ (143 bytes) () 10/10/2011 postreply 21:06:22
• 哈哈,你的寫作似清泉,春意盎然,似瀑布,激流勇進。。。很多學英文的人犯一個錯誤: -youknowmyheart- ♀ (97 bytes) () 10/10/2011 postreply 21:19:25
• 班長把自己的帖子刪了,把俺跟你的帖也刪掉了,俺碼的字啊,555555 -kako- ♀ (68 bytes) () 10/10/2011 postreply 14:57:25
• 對不起了,看到你的帖子覺得俺太perfectionist了。 -非文學青年- ♀ (81 bytes) () 10/10/2011 postreply 15:03:45
• 文青動作真快,我還特意查了字典,再轉回來就沒了. -浮上來冒個小泡- ♀ (663 bytes) () 10/10/2011 postreply 15:16:15
• 謝謝泡泡,看來MW上的不夠全。 -非文學青年- ♀ (0 bytes) () 10/10/2011 postreply 15:41:48
• 看班長說的,俺是這意思嗎?那話不是跟上麵的沒跟你嗎。 -kako- ♀ (0 bytes) () 10/10/2011 postreply 15:30:17
• 俺自省了一下:和我師兄犯了同一個毛病。 -非文學青年- ♀ (45 bytes) () 10/10/2011 postreply 15:33:04
• 羨慕啊,這裏的師兄師妹都這麽棒呢,這個壇子好強。 -kako- ♀ (118 bytes) () 10/10/2011 postreply 15:42:27
• 這個壇子是非常棒的,歡迎你來學習! -非文學青年- ♀ (76 bytes) () 10/10/2011 postreply 15:48:06
• iThank -kako- ♀ (0 bytes) () 10/10/2011 postreply 15:49:28
• iHappy -kako- ♀ (0 bytes) () 10/10/2011 postreply 15:49:43
• 哈哈,斑竹就是斑竹啊!雙手雙腳同意,這個壇子是非常棒的!!! -beautifulwind- ♀ (0 bytes) () 10/10/2011 postreply 20:32:32
• 收也不收。好像以前有個說法: -youknowmyheart- ♀ (110 bytes) () 10/10/2011 postreply 16:15:18
• 哈哈,我知道誰是誰了,剛才你徒兒還冒了一個詞呢! -非文學青年- ♀ (24 bytes) () 10/10/2011 postreply 16:17:32
• 我徒兒有時在我不在的時候,喜歡裝我,破壞山大名譽。好在他裝得不象。 -youknowmyheart- ♀ (86 bytes) () 10/10/2011 postreply 16:51:43
• 我也覺得不影響理解.雖然定從,賓從之類的語法名詞我全忘了,現在 -浮上來冒個小泡- ♀ (163 bytes) () 10/10/2011 postreply 15:29:53
• Thank you,海先生,for always being here for us. -楚雨- ♀ (0 bytes) () 10/10/2011 postreply 23:55:58
• 抱歉。更正﹕ -海外逸士- ♂ (473 bytes) () 10/11/2011 postreply 06:57:51
• Thanks for the example! Will study carefully. -衝浪潛水員- ♂ (0 bytes) () 10/11/2011 postreply 08:30:28