今天跟LD 聊天,聊起美國某健美大咖才44歲就掛了,覺得挺可惜。LD 又提起前不久她大學某校友,60幾歲就去世了,同學們都很驚訝。因為那位校友是軍人考上大學,身體很健壯。在校時每天6點自己起來跑步,出國後喜歡爬山,北美的不少山上都有她的足跡。
如果曾經在北美打拚多年,現在快退休了,或是已經退休了,覺得現在很重要的一件事,是保養身體。要說保養出健康的身體,好像不夠具體。但要說保持基本生活能力,(Activities of daily living), 就很具體了,但是很不容易達標,我是說在自己去世之前,還能獨立的做這些事情:
Basic ADLs
- Cleaning and maintaining the house
- Managing money
- Moving within the community
- Preparing meals
- Shopping for groceries and necessities
- Taking prescribed medications
- Using the telephone or other form of communication
Instrumental ADLs
- Communication management
- Community mobility
- Financial management
- Health management and maintenance
- Home establishment and maintenance
- Meal preparation and cleanup
- Safety procedures and emergency responses
- Shopping