裏根前分析師預測:川普4大原因 壓倒性拋離賀錦麗

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美國大選在即,依據民調,副總統賀錦麗(Kamala Harris)與前總統川普(Donald Trump)勢均力敵。

不過美國已故前總統列根(Ronald Reagan,又譯雷根)的前政治分析師凱希希安(Craig Keshishian)認為,其實真實選情並沒有那麽接近,因為現階段民調數據沒捕捉到激增的隱性選民,或許川普的支持者非常多。

每日郵報報道,凱希希安以共和黨籍列根總統1980年壓倒性勝選為例,當時列根與對手卡特(Jimmy Carter)的民調數據也是勢均力敵,選情同樣膠著。


凱希希安指出,其實美國有一群人住在農村郊區,每週工時40小時,搬貨、經營小型企業,這些人的聲音不常被聽到,也不一定每次都會參加選舉,被形容成“沉默的大多數”(The Silent Majority)。



1. 太陽帶(SUN BELT)共和黨浪潮


2. 風災災民



3. 關鍵搖擺州戰場賓州


目前賓夕法尼亞州提前投票的狀況是民主黨優於共和黨,但是領先幅度已經沒有4年前那麽多,是個顯著改變。上週,賓夕法尼亞州民主黨參議員費特曼(John Fetterman)更稱,賓夕法尼亞州選民對川普的支持強度令人驚訝。

4. 民主黨盟友動搖

密歇根州過去是民主黨藍牆(Blue wall),也是阿拉伯裔美國人最集中的地區,但由於現任政府持續支持以色列,如今力挺賀錦麗的態度似乎出現變化;民調顯示,川普在密歇根州阿拉伯裔美國選民之中,以46%比42%領先賀錦麗,且非裔、西班牙裔選民也傾向支持川普。


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樹沒皮怎辦 發表評論於
Trump’s Puerto Rico fallout is ‘spreading like wildfire’ in Pennsylvania
Donald Trump has a serious Puerto Rico problem — in Pennsylvania.

Many Puerto Rican voters in the state are furious about racist and demeaning comments delivered at a Trump rally. Some say their dismay is giving Kamala Harris a new opening to win over the state’s Latino voters, particularlynearly half a million Pennsylvanians of Puerto Rican descent.

Evidence of the backlash was immediate on Monday: A nonpartisan Puerto Rican group drafted a letter urging its members to oppose Trump on election day. Other Puerto Rican voters were lighting up WhatsApp chats with reactions to the vulgar display and raising it in morning conversations at their bodegas. Some are planning to protest Trump’s rally Tuesday in Allentown, a majority-Latino city with one of the largest Puerto Rican populations in the state.

And the arena Trump is speaking at is located in the middle of the city’s Puerto Rican neighborhood.

“It’s spreading like wildfire through the community,” said Norberto Dominguez, a precinct captain with the local Democratic party in Allentown, who noted his own family is half Republican and half Democratic voters.

“This was just like a gift from the gods,” said Victor Martinez, an Allentown resident who owns the Spanish language radio station La Mega, noting some Puerto Rican voters in the area have been on the fence about voting at all.

“If we weren't engaged before, we're all paying attention now,” Martinez said. He added the morning radio show he hosts was chock-full of callers Monday sounding off on the Trump rally comments, including a Puerto Rican Trump supporter who is now telling people not to vote for the former president.

Roberto L. Lugo, President of the Pennsylvania Chapter of the National Puerto Rican Agenda, said the nonpartisan group will be releasing a letter, shared exclusively with POLITICO, condemning the comments and urging Pennsylvania Puerto Ricans not to vote for Trump. Lugo, who was born in Puerto Rico and now lives in Philadelphia, said Pennsylvania Puerto Ricans are “really disturbed” over the comments.

“I’m not a Republican, I’m not a Democrat, I'm independent,” Lugo said. “But at this point, it’s not about political, partisan issues. It is about the respect and honor our Puerto Ricans and Latinos deserved as citizens and legal residents of this country, that’s the issue.”

“We held Trump and his campaign responsible for this disgraceful act,” he added.
樹沒皮怎辦 發表評論於

這是很危險的, 為川普輸了選舉煽動暴力做準備。

樹沒皮怎辦 發表評論於
沒錯, 川普在拉美,黑人男性的支持率上升。 另一方麵,賀錦麗在白人婦女,郊區選民的支持率也上升。 在溫和共和黨員的支持方麵也上升。 今天,前共和黨州長施瓦辛格,也宣布背書賀錦麗。統計顯示注冊為共和黨的選民,今年提前投票的增加了,但無法證明,他們的票都是投給川普的。
在我看來,決定今年大選的關鍵,在於共和黨裏麵,20% 支持黑利的,有多少會投給賀錦麗。

Harris leads Trump 49%-47% among likely voters in the latest Economist/YouGov survey out Wednesday, with 2% unsure and roughly 3% backing other candidates (margin of error 3.6)—a slight narrowing from Harris’ 49%-46% edge last week.

Harris is up 51%-47%—with just 3% still undecided—in a very large likely voter poll by the Cooperative Election Study, a survey backed by several universities and conducted by YouGov, which polled around 50,000 people from Oct. 1 to 25.

Trump also trails Harris 44%-43% in a Reuters/Ipsos poll published Tuesday (margin of error 3 points), representing a narrowed lead for Harris since she entered the race in July, with the previous Reuters/Ipsos poll showing her ahead by two points.

Harris is up three points over Trump, 50%-47%, in Morning Consult’s weekly survey, also released Tuesday (margin of error 1 point), after she led by four points, 50%-46%, in the group’s previous two polls.

Harris leads Trump by four points, 51%-47%, in an ABC/Ipsos poll of likely voters released Sunday, up slightly from her 50%-48% edge in early October, while a CBS/YouGov survey out Sunday shows Harris up 50%-49%, a shift from the vice president’s 51%-48% mid-October lead (the ABC poll had a margin of error of 2.5, and the CBS poll’s margin of error was 2.6).
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