怪獸颶風伊恩(Hurricane Ian)9月28日侵襲美國佛州西南方,邁爾斯堡(Fort Myers)的市中心頓時成為水鄉澤國。(路透)
怪獸颶風伊恩(Hurricane Ian)以毀滅式的威力,橫掃美國佛羅裏達州西南部,掀起12-18英尺約(3.6—5公尺)高的巨浪,吞噬了邁爾斯堡(Fort Myers)的許多民宅和車輛。First-person view of storm surge from Hurricane Ian in Fort Myers Beach, Florida
— UberFacts (@UberFacts) September 28, 2022
The camera is 6 feet off the ground‼️pic.twitter.com/bQSF3MkaPT
綜合CNN新聞網和《每日郵報》(Daily Mail)等外電29日報導,在時速 155英裏(近250公裏)的狂風下,棕櫚樹被連根拔起、紅綠燈墜落地麵,也導致超過200萬戶停電。
佛羅裏達州州長迪尚特(Ron DeSantis)在晚間演說中警告當地民眾,還可能出現更糟的狀況。而邁爾斯堡是最早遭颶風侵襲的佛州城市之一,隻見海嘯式洪水衝擊,道路瞬間變成河流。而民眾在推特上瘋傳,由於街道變成滾滾河流,竟然出現了鯊魚的身影。
Sharks swimming through the streets of Fort Myers #Ian #stormsurge pic.twitter.com/SQy4ffHCWR
— Armando Salguero (@ArmandoSalguero) September 28, 2022
怪獸颶風伊恩(Hurricane Ian)肆虐佛州
怪獸颶風伊恩(Hurricane Ian)颶風肆虐佛州
此外,佛州沿海城市那不勒斯(Naples)和薩尼貝爾島(Sanibel Island)也受到鋪天蓋地的颶風震撼,除了房舍遭洪水淹沒外,四處亂飛的碎片也破窗而來。那不勒斯居住的大都是老年人,由於洪水來襲,有數百計民眾受困屋頂。當地官員說,從周三晚上10點開始實施強製宵禁,一直持續到周四早上6點為止。
BREAKING | Hurricane #Ian brings catastrophic storm surge to Naples, Florida with water moving into houses. Social media channels show residents SWIMMING in the surge in their houses.
— Zach Covey (@ZachCoveyTV) September 28, 2022
DO NOT DO THIS. You don't know what may be in this water, including chemicals! pic.twitter.com/PeFfCpLklx
美國邊境巡邏隊(Border Patrol)證實,在1艘古巴移民船沉沒在佛州海岸外後,有23人失蹤。而在馬丁郡(Martin County)附近,警局證實,有1名34歲的建築工人在棕櫚市(Palm City)附近的水中被發現死亡。
文章來源:More than 2 million customers are without power across Florida
文章來源:Monstrous EIGHTEEN FOOT storm surge swallows Fort Myers and leaves hundreds of families clinging to their rooftops: Record-breaking Hurricane Ian leaves one million without power and sends tsunami of flood water crashing up West Coast