

我女兒給我的生日卡 -- 感動了我

(2022-08-17 11:10:41) 下一個



歲月在流逝, 我們的年齡也在增長。生活中發生了很多的事情,一切皆在變:我們的住處,我們的職業,我們所交的朋友…, 可是有一點是不會變的, 那就是我對你的愛。

我愛你,媽媽。我愛你對文學的熱愛、你的幽默、你不屈的意誌;我愛你做的飯 -- 它使我永遠思戀家園;我愛並且欣賞你寬廣仁慈的胸懷;可是我最愛的還是:你是我的媽媽,而我是你的女兒。 


我一直在成長著,一直以我最大的努力在進步。我說過的,在某種意義上,你是世界上最懂我的人。真的, 媽媽,你是我最好的朋友。我要再說一遍,我愛你。






Deedee’s card on Mom’s 49th Birthday

Dear Mom,
Time passes quickly; you and I both grow older. A lot of things have changed, and will continue to change - the place where we live, the occupations we have, the people who we consider as friends - but one thing that will never change is my love for you. 

I love you, Mom. I love your passion for literature, your humor, your strength; I love that your cooking always reminds me of home; I love and appreciate your kindness, but most of all, I love that you are my mother and I am your daughter. 

Thank you for always being there for me, listening to me complain, teaching me with undying patience, the skills to live and how to be a good person, raising me - I know it hasn't been easy. I'm sorry for causing you trouble and I'm sorry for my mistakes.

I am trying to improve, and be the best that I can be. Like I've said, you can understand me in a way that no one else can. Truly, Mama, you are my best friend. And once again, I love you.

I wish you utmost happiness. I hope that no more hardship crosses your path. I believe in you as you believe in me.

Happy Birthday, MOM !

Yours always,




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閱讀 ()評論 (5)
laopika 回複 悄悄話 美麗又懂事的好女兒!
AmyQi 回複 悄悄話 回複 'CBA7' 的評論 : 再次感謝!
CBA7 回複 悄悄話 中英文交相輝映,都很美麗動人,是母女情深的真實寫照,謝謝琪琪分享。琪琪和迪迪,很好聽很可愛的名字,永遠年輕的名字 :)

What a proud mom and a proud daughter! Best wishes to both of you!

AmyQi 回複 悄悄話 回複 '菲兒天地' 的評論 : 謝謝評論。去看了你的博客,很棒。有空會多閱讀。
菲兒天地 回複 悄悄話 兩篇文章都讀了,非常感動,真是母女情深!生日快樂。有點想到了自己的女兒:)