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涼拌合掌瓜 by Jennifer
I used 毛毛媽's recipe as the reference: 

The difference is that I did not use any spice. I used only light soy sauce. vinegar, salt, sugar, and sesame oil.


涼拌毛豆 by 愛廚


芹菜香幹 by Hui


炒米粉 by 愛廚


川式燒排骨 by radish


主料:排骨 700g,白蘿蔔700g(白蘿蔔可以用土豆、筍代替,都很好吃)
調料:色拉油適量,蔥 2隻,薑6、7片,花椒粒少許,八角 6顆(如果有好的五香粉,可以用五香粉代替),蒜整顆略拍開1顆,郫縣豆瓣醬2大勺,冰糖4、5顆,鹽兩大勺(根據自己的口味自行調整鹽的分量),料酒少許

1. 排骨汆血水(放入鍋裏煮開),此時可以放入料酒少許和花椒數顆,幫助去除肉腥味
2. 炒鍋燒熱(光猛油快很重要),倒入色拉油適量,放入冰糖,冰糖除了上色,還有讓味道更醇更溫和的作用,可以中和辣味(但是不要多,甜味一般吃不出來)
3. 糖熔化為褐色的時候,倒入排骨翻炒上色
4. 把排骨撥到鍋邊,然後放入蔥、薑、蒜、花椒粒、八角爆香(花椒是爲了進一步去肉腥味,不是爲了痲味,所以不要多),爆香豆瓣醬
5. 排骨撥回油中翻炒均勻
6. 加入切成小塊的白蘿蔔
7. 充分炒拌,讓白蘿蔔和排骨混合,調料分佈均勻
8. 加入一大碗水,煮開,此時加入鹽調味
9. 轉入高壓鍋,上氣後轉小火再10分鐘,就是美味的白蘿蔔燒排骨了


螞蟻上樹 by radish



葡汁焗椰菜花 by Joyce



越式香茅辣雞 by Joyce

雞腿肉(切粗塊)1磅多,魚露3湯匙,椰糖1½湯匙,香茅(白色部份剁碎)2枝,粟粉(玉米粉)1茶匙,紅蔥頭(切碎)2粒, 蒜蓉2茶匙,幹辣椒,洋蔥 1個,雞湯 4湯匙

轉大火,加入雞肉(醃料留用),排放好,不要彼此重疊。切勿兜炒雞肉以免出水。把雞肉兩麵煎至微黃色。加洋蔥炒至軟身。倒進雞湯和醃料,加蓋煮約 5分鐘,直至水份收乾一半。上碟,灑下蔥段,即成。趁熱供食。




braised pork rib by Jennifer


this is the simplest recipe i have learnt

for every 1.5 lb pork rib, add the followings:

1 table spoon cooking wine

2 table spoon vinegar

3 table spoon sugar

4 table spoon soy sauce

5 table spoon water

bring it to boil and then simmer for 1.5 - 2hr.









茶樹菇燉排骨 by Zhen


廣東粽 by Joyce


台灣肉粽 by 愛廚


堿水粽 by 愛廚


椰汁西米芋頭水果羹 by redbird
做法: http://blog.wenxuecity.com/blogview.php?date=201106&postID=3815

綠茶蛋糕 by 愛廚



鳳梨酥 by 愛廚



Anne willan's look&cook chocolate desserts  by Hui
Chocolate walnut torte (the simplest recipe in this book) -- 有一點長

1. Butter the sides and bottom of a 10 inch springform, cover bottom with parchement paper, butter and flower paper removing excess flower .
2. Coarsly chop 1 ¾ cups of walnut pieces in a food processor, add 7 oz of semisweet chocolate pieces and chop together with the walnut in the foodprocessor. This is best done in 2 or 3 batches. 
3. Separate the egg yolks and whites from 5 eggs.
With a wooden spoon cream ½ cup of butter (room temperature), add ¾ cup of sugar and beat until light and fluffy (2-3 min). Add the seperated egg yolks one by one and beat well after each addition.
4. Stir in the ground chocolate/walnut mixure.
5. Wisk the egg whites until stiff, mix in ¼ cup of sugar and continue wisking until glossy. 
6. Add the meringue to the chocolate mixture and fold them togheter.
7. Transfet the mixture to the springform and smooth the top. Bake in a preheated oven at 300 F for 60-70 min. Cool down to room temperature before taking the cake out of the pan. Since the cake is quite delicate, It can be served from the base of the pan.
Cream topping:
Whip 1 ¼ cup of heavy cream until soft peaks start to form. Add 1 tbsp of sugar and ½ tsp of vanilla extract and whip until soft peaks start to form. Spread the cream on top of the cake. Melt 1 oz of semisweet chocolate and drizzle it (or use a small paper piping bag) over the top of the cake in a linear design. Chill cake.











豬八戒踢足球 by 玉米豬
做法: http://blog.wenxuecity.com/blogview.php?date=201105&postID=6250




上海版紅燒肉 by radish
做法: http://euphocafe.com/recipe/recipe.asp?rid=410




小饅頭 by 愛廚


涼麵 by Jennifer

these other 2 (cold noodle and 涼拌合掌瓜絲) are too simple and I am sure everyone knows how to make it... :)


涼拌合掌瓜絲 by Jennifer


肥牛炒涼瓜 by Joyce



香辣雞翼 by Joyce
做法: http://bbs.wenxuecity.com/cooking/1034913.html
*i did not put 味精 & last 1t of 孜然粉.

Assorted Berries Jelly by Joyce

 (Recipe from library book)
1)Strawberry, blueberry, raspberry as needed
2)225g apple juice
3)17g gelatin powder
4)37g sugar or optional
5)750g sparkling white grape juice
Cooking method:
1) Dice the strawberries, put the assorted berries into cups,    chill. Chill the sparkling white grape juice.
2) Mix the gelatin powder & sugar, add into the apple juice, let    sit on hot water to melt.
3) Wait until the gelatin powder liquid turned warm, mix with the    white grape juice.
4) Take out the cup of assorted berries, add the white grape    juice.
5) Freeze for 45 mins to 1 hr, then ready to serve.


大蒜燒青鱔 by Zhen
活青鱔 1000g (2lbs)
大蒜 200g 
薑 25g
蔥 25g
鹽 2.5g
醬油 2.5g
胡椒麵 1g
花椒麵 1g
郫縣豆瓣 75g
油 125g
水豆粉 125g
湯 600g
1. 青鱔洗淨,切成小塊; 大蒜剝皮洗淨;薑切片;蔥切細花;豆瓣剁細。
2. 炒鍋內下油75g, 燒至七成熱,放入青鱔煸炒,炒時加少許鹽,煸至青鱔不粘鍋時鏟起。
3. 鍋內另加油50g,燒至五成熱時,下豆瓣炒至油呈紅色時摻湯;同時把青鱔,大蒜,薑,醬油,胡椒麵下鍋,用中火慢燒;約燒20分鍾(以大蒜燒熟為度),下水豆粉將汁收濃;起鍋下蔥花,菜麵上撒上花椒麵即可。





Italian toto cookies

Here's the recipe from "the north end italian cookbook".

4 c. flour, sifted
5 tsp. unsweetened cocoa powder
4 tsp. baking powder
1 tsp. ground cloves
1/2 tsp. cinnamon
1/2 c. granulated sugar
1/2 c. brown sugar
3 eggs, well beaten
3/4 c. vegetable iol
1 c. coarsely crushed walnuts
1 c. milk
1 tsp. oil of orangr or orange extract
1 tsp. vanilla
1/4 c. miniature chocolate chips
1/2 c. maraschino cherries in jar, drained and chopped (optional, I didn't use)

1. Mix together flour, cocoa, baking powder, cocoa, cinnamon, and cloves.
2. In a separate bowl, mix eggs, milk, oil, white and broan sugars, orange oil and vinalla.
3. Add egg mixture to flour mixture and mix thoroughly. Dough should be fairly thick and sticky.
4. Add crushed nuts and chocolate chips.
5. Shape into round balls and place on greased cookie sheets.
6. Bake at 350 degrees for 15-20 minutes.
7. Cool and frost.


2 tbsp. melted butter
2 c. confectioners' sugar
1 tsp. vanilla extract
1 tbsp. unsweetened cocoa
1/2 tsp. oil of orange
2 tbsp. milk

1. Mix ingredients well until smooth enough to spread.
2. Spread on cooled cookies and place on waxed paper to dry.



芒果凍 by 玉米豬


涼麵 by Jennifer






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