聰明的艾米 SMart Amy

聰明的艾米 SMart Amy 是獻給選擇性緘默的兒童, 家長,老師和朋友。 展示如何在日常生活的交流和溝通中幫助選擇性緘默兒童。內容包含特定的場景,活動和策略,加上有趣的兒童卡通圖畫,教選擇性緘默兒童如何以非言語的方式交流,並幫助家長和老師製定幫助計劃。

Selective Mutism Outside of school Activities - Attend Friend Bi

(2018-04-01 05:36:32) 下一個

  • Who: Amy, friends
  • Location: trampoline park/any other birthday party location
  • Environment: loud, lots of kids and movement
  • Worry Level: 4
  • Purpose: Amy can practice and learn what to do in a celebration type event.
  • What is Happening: Amy is at her friend’s birthday party. She will most likely not know everyone invited.

Strategy and Scene

Before Party: 

  • Amy can ask the birthday girl or boy what they would like through speaking or writing a note
  • Amy will repeat the information to her parent
  • Her parents will then research the present

During Party

  • Invite her to conversation with humor, Whisper Buddy help Amy
  • Parents: “Would you rather eat a worm or lick the floor?”
  • Whisper buddy should be near Amy at all times. He or she should also play the games with Amy in order to make Amy feel more at ease.

After Party

  • Ask the parents of children that Amy seems to bond well with and schedule future playdates with them.


  •  Host a really interesting birthday party for Amy, such as invite puppet show and animal show. 
  • ?When receive the birthday party invitation, try best to attend all birthday party.  That is the best time to know Amy's friends and their parents. Try to setup a playdate or register for same program, such as gym, dance, swim....
  • Amy can ask the friend what he or she wants for a gift (talking or using other speech devices) 
  • If the party is for a good friend, instead of bringing a gift, set up a day to have Amy and friend go to the store to pick out a present for themselves – creates opportunities to talk and is an added playdate for the kids to become closer

A birthday party was coming up this weekend and Amy was invited to celebrate with the birthday girl at the local trampoline park. However, Amy was not completely head over heels with this party. She knew that the trampoline park was full of people, loud and noisy, and filled with nonstop movement. While she was able to celebrate her friend Katie’s birthday, she was anxious about the crowd of people that would be there too.

Before the party, Amy passed a note to her friend Katie, asking her what she would want for her birthday. She responded, asking for color pencils and other art supplies. Amy showed the note to her parents, and by the day of the birthday party, she had her present in one hand, and the hand of her whisper buddy, Sophia, in the other.

Together, Amy and Sophia arrived at the local trampoline park. Initially, Amy was extremely anxious and worried about the large masses of people that surrounded her. She was afraid to talk to everyone and became more self-aware of everything that she was doing. “Don’t worry,” said her whisper buddy. “Here, let’s go and get your mind off and let’s have some fun!”

They joined a lighthearted game of “would you rather” at the table. There, Katie’s parents asked a set of questions, and the children had to pick one of the options. The questions were often ridiculous and impossible, but it was very amusing for the children. “Would you rather lick the floor or eat a worm?” asked the parents. The children immediately responded with disgusted faces when they thought of doing either choice. Sophia whispered into Amy’s ear what the parents asked and how Amy would answer. “I think I would rather lick the floor. I would never eat a squishy wet worm in a million years” Sophia whispered. Amy thought for a few seconds, and whispered back “Me too. Even though the floor is so dirty, I would probably lick it.” The two shared a smile and continued the game with the others.

Soon, they went and bounced around the endless plain of trampolines lining the arena. Amy jumped with Sophia and Katie and played tag. Katie declared that she was “it” and immediately started bouncing toward Amy. As a result, Amy hopped across the trampolines as fast as she could, but Katie eventually caught up to her. “You’re a good jumpeR!” Amy said between breaths. “Thanks!” katie responded. “You were definitely hard to catch up to!”

Amy spent the rest of the day enjoying the company of the other children. What a birthday!

Jun Reitman and Alyssa Song    Wechat: Junwang08837 smartamyus@yahoo.com  SunnyMindED.org


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