聰明的艾米 SMart Amy

聰明的艾米 SMart Amy 是獻給選擇性緘默的兒童, 家長,老師和朋友。 展示如何在日常生活的交流和溝通中幫助選擇性緘默兒童。內容包含特定的場景,活動和策略,加上有趣的兒童卡通圖畫,教選擇性緘默兒童如何以非言語的方式交流,並幫助家長和老師製定幫助計劃。

Message to Parents

(2018-04-06 15:37:42) 下一個

Raising a child calls for a village, raising a SM child calls for one hundred villages.

Be sure to remind yourself that Selective Mutism stems from childhood anxiety and is treatable.

Key Points

Learn about what SM is and what the treatment strategies are

Find professional SM treatment: psychologist, occupational therapy (OT), speech therapy, psychiatry

Work with your child’s school: homeroom/special education teachers, social workers, counselors, OT, speech therapists, Individual Education Therapy (IEP) case manager

Inform family members, neighbors and friends on how to communicate with SM children

How to Reduce Stress and Pressure

SM is a genetic disorder. Know that you have done nothing wrong as a parent if your child has SM. Do not blame yourself for not discovering it earlier, not knowing how to help or not doing enough to help.

Be positive: SM is treatable, and with help, your child will be fine

Take care of yourself, your spouse, and family members while you work on the journey with SM

Reach out to friends. Be brave and open minded and willing to ask for help. SM parents also could have had SM or anxiety as a child. This makes it harder for them to ask for help.

Be willing to share your knowledge on SM with friends and family and anyone who is interested.

作者俊華,艾米媽 。 如有需要,加微信:junwang08837,艾米媽邀你進 “選擇性緘默症家長分享群”。

選擇性緘默症包括語言恐 Speech Phobia,感知障礙 Sensory Disorder, 社交恐懼 Social Anxiety 。 關鍵詞: 孩子為什麽不說話,孩子在外麵不說話,孩子不敢說話,和陌生人不說話,社交恐懼,孩子在幼兒園和學校不說話,害羞,敏感,膽子小,懦弱,怕生,內向,沒自信,固執,不敢吃飯,不敢去廁所,不敢和小朋友玩,,在家講話,出門不講話。隻和爸爸媽媽說話, 不敢參加集體活動。

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聰明的艾米 回複 悄悄話 Sharing my experience, hope I am able to help some parents who is still struggle with selective mutism. Thank you for all volunteers. We have weekly seminar in wechat group, you can add junwang08837, so I can invite you to the group.
Ckmomof3 回複 悄悄話 Thanks for all the articles