聰明的艾米 SMart Amy

聰明的艾米 SMart Amy 是獻給選擇性緘默的兒童, 家長,老師和朋友。 展示如何在日常生活的交流和溝通中幫助選擇性緘默兒童。內容包含特定的場景,活動和策略,加上有趣的兒童卡通圖畫,教選擇性緘默兒童如何以非言語的方式交流,並幫助家長和老師製定幫助計劃。

Selective Mutism outside of school Activity: Jr. Chef’s Class

(2018-03-22 04:54:18) 下一個

Selective Mutism outside of school Activity: Jr. Chef’s Class

  • Who: Amy, Friend, Cooking Class Instructor, Parents, Unfamiliar kids
  • Location: Yard of Township activity room
  • Environment: Relaxing, exciting due to activities, a lot of noise and unfamiliar people
  • Worry Level: beginning at 4  , end of event at possibly 0
  • Strategy: look for an opportunity to connect to others, start conversations with a casual topic, yes/no questions or two choice questions, provide hints/assistance for possible answers, be a sportscaster
  • Activity: Amy can express her excitement in the activity and communicate more, Amy can practice her behavior in a big, crowded and unfamiliar environment, Amy can bake with a friend and communicate what each other’s jobs are (ex. mixing the batter, adding flour).

Strategy and Scene:

  • Fade in/fade out strategy - Invite new friend to bake together, talking buddy walks away
  • Create opportunity to talk“Katherine’s group needs sugar, Amy please bring it to her.”
  • Be a sportscast - “I see that you have added flour and sugar. Have you added the egg yet?”
  • Instructor  can ask if Amy has completed certain tasks
  • Create opportunity to talk - “Amy! Is the cupcake batter ready?”
  • Choice question - “What is the flavor of this cupcake? Vanilla or Lemon?”
  • Yes/No question“Are you making cupcakes?”

Amy and her talking buddy, Marisa, are at Jr. Chef’s Class, which was outside of a township activity room. The yard was buzzing with activity and excitement. Amy seriously looked around the yard for someone to possibly talk to. While the loud noise intimidated Amy a little bit, Amy was nevertheless excited for the opportunity to make cupcakes. A voice calls, “Amy, Katherine’s group needs sugar, please bring it to her”. Amy obediently nods, even though she wants to make new friends, but she is nervous to talk to strangers. Her friend,Marisa, noticing Amy’s hesitation, kindly asks, “I see that you have added flour and sugar. Have you added the egg yet?” “No,” Amy responded, “I have to give some sugar to Katherine’s group”. Marisa nodded, and smiles at her. “Sure, go ahead!” Amy hurries over and hands over the sugar, “Thank you!”, katherine said, “I’ll return it to you once I am done.”, “Ok, take your time.” Amy said and returned back to her baking station with a smile on her face. The instructor wanders around and stops near her station. “Amy, Is the cupcake batter ready?” Marisa, nudging her to talk, encourages Amy to respond. “Yes, the cupcake batter is almost ready! We are about to put it in the oven.” “Very nice!” The instructor beamed at her. A few minutes later, after the batter was ready, Amy pulls the batter out and starts piping the cupcakes. “What is the flavor of your cupcake? Vanilla or lemon?” Amy’s talking buddy asks. Amy thinks for a few seconds, and responds, “vanilla. I like vanilla more than lemon. Lemon is too sour.” For the next hour, Amy and her friends were happily talking and laughing together, while waiting for the cup cakes being baked. The air was filled with the sweet smell from the cupcakes, so was the laughter and giggling from the girls.

作者俊華,艾米媽 。 如有需要,加微信:junwang08837,艾米媽邀你進 “選擇性緘默症家長分享群”。

選擇性緘默症包括語言恐 Speech Phobia,感知障礙 Sensory Disorder, 社交恐懼 Social Anxiety 。 關鍵詞: 孩子為什麽不說話,孩子在外麵不說話,孩子不敢說話,和陌生人不說話,社交恐懼,孩子在幼兒園和學校不說話,害羞,敏感,膽子小,懦弱,怕生,內向,沒自信,固執,不敢吃飯,不敢去廁所,不敢和小朋友玩,,在家講話,出門不講話。隻和爸爸媽媽說話, 不敢參加集體活動。

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