聰明的艾米 SMart Amy

聰明的艾米 SMart Amy 是獻給選擇性緘默的兒童, 家長,老師和朋友。 展示如何在日常生活的交流和溝通中幫助選擇性緘默兒童。內容包含特定的場景,活動和策略,加上有趣的兒童卡通圖畫,教選擇性緘默兒童如何以非言語的方式交流,並幫助家長和老師製定幫助計劃。

Selective mutism outside of school activity:Christmas Shopping

(2018-03-21 21:25:35) 下一個
  • Who: Amy, Friend, Cashier, Teachers, Neighbors
  • Location: Community gym
  • Environment: Loud, many kids talking, crowded
  • Worry Level: 2 or 3
  • Purpose: Amy can learn to communicate in an unfamiliar environment in order to accomplish her shopping

Strategy and Scene

  • Keep her busy - Amy will explore the many gift options from a shopping list.
  • Be a sportscaster -“I see that you have been looking at this snowglobe for a while. Would you like to buy it?”
  • Look for an opportunity to connect to others - “Amy, when you’re finished buying your gifts, please help Katherine find hers.”
  • Start conversations with a casual topic “Wow, that is a beautiful mug. Who is it for?”
  • Two choice question -“Amy, are you ready to buy or are you still looking?”
  • Yes/No question - “Do you think your mom will like the gift you bought for her?”
  • Provide hints/assistance for possible answers - “Don’t forget to say thank you to the cashier!”

It was the time of the year; it was Christmas! Amy was very excited because Christmas is a  jolly time to celebrate with friends and family. For weeks, she was waiting to go to different stores and buy presents for her friends and family. She loved choosing presents that are special to each person. This coming weekend, there would be a county fair in community gym, local stores would set up stands and sell the best Christmas gifts in town. It was a perfect place to shop for Christmas gift. Amy had a long list, “A gift for mama, a gift for papa, of course a gift for my dear brother …” Amy read her list in the head when she entered the community gym where was packed with people.. “But most urgently, a gift for Sophia”. She was invited to a secret santa party tonight, she needs to buy a small present for Sophia. The moment she walked in the gym, her eyes were caught by  a beautiful snow globe on the shelf. There was something very interesting about it. Inside the snow globe, there was a colorful little town and each building was the size of a dime. In the middle of the town, a large santa stood over the town, significantly larger than the surrounding buildings. Suddenly, a voice approached behind her. “Do you want to buy the snow globe?” A store salesman stood behind her with a smile. Amy smiled back. She knew her friend would love this snow globe because of its bright colors and intricate details. This was it! “Sure,” Amy responded.“How much does it cost?” “9.99 plus tax” the salesman said. “Yes, please wrap it for me, it is for my best friend Sophia.” “Sure, I will.” Salesman carefully wrapped it with tissues and put it into a gift bag. “Here you go young lady! Merry Christmas!” “Thank you! Merry Christmas to you too” Amy was so happy that her first gift shopping went so pleasant.  She couldn't wait to see her friend’s reaction when she receives the snow globe! “Now let’s shop for the next!”

Tips: in loud and crowded environment, Amy can learn to communicate in an unfamiliar environment in order to accomplish her shopping.

Jun Reitman and Alyssa Song    Wechat: Junwang08837   smartamyus@yahoo.com  SunnyMindED.org

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