聰明的艾米 SMart Amy

聰明的艾米 SMart Amy 是獻給選擇性緘默的兒童, 家長,老師和朋友。 展示如何在日常生活的交流和溝通中幫助選擇性緘默兒童。內容包含特定的場景,活動和策略,加上有趣的兒童卡通圖畫,教選擇性緘默兒童如何以非言語的方式交流,並幫助家長和老師製定幫助計劃。

選擇性緘默症交流原則和策略SM communication RULES AND STRATEGIES

(2018-02-24 04:39:14) 下一個

Selective Mutism communication RULES AND STRATEGIES 原則和策略


  1. 隨意的聊天:以隨便地聊天開始對話, 艾米不一定要回答Small talk: Start conversations with casual topics but do not always expect a response.
  2. 孩子吃飯時愉快又放鬆,一起進餐是個建立親情的好時機Eating is exciting and relaxing, so bond during meal times.
  3. 做些不用說話的小事情,比如向路過的行人和車輛招手Do simple tasks with no language involved, such as waving to passing cars and people.
  4. 在商店讓艾米拿著錢付賬Let Amy handle money and pay during checkout at the store.
  5. 跟小動物建立友情交朋友(毛毛蟲,小鳥,小狗,兔子,小雞和蝴蝶)Make friends with/Build relationships with animals (worms, birds, dogs, rabbits, chickens, butterflies).
  6. 給老師當小幫手/幫老師傳遞信息,做衛生間夥伴,課間休息夥伴,和午飯夥伴Teacher helper/messenger, bathroom, recess, and lunch buddy.
  7. 點頭,手指和寫出信息Nodding, Pointing, Writing
  8. 非語言性溝通,比如翹大拇指(上或下)Thumbs up / down. Non-verbal communication.
  9. 和艾米一起玩 Floor strategy
  10. 讓艾米一直忙著做事,並在活動中擔當領導的腳色 Keep her busy, let her work and take the lead in activities she is interested in.
  11. 家長事先準備問題和答案Parents: prepare and rehearse questions and answers.
  12. 使用iphone,ipod, 電腦,圖片,文字,電子郵件或畫板來幫助交流Use an iPhone, an Ipod, notebooks, pictures, text, email, or a whiteboard to communicate.
  13. 玩遊戲 (丟手絹,藏貓貓,錘子剪刀布,紙牌,等等遊戲)Play games (tag, hide&seek, chopsticks, rock, paper scissors, card games, hangman)
  14. 實現準備和練習所有的事Prepare and rehearse EVERYTHING.
  15. 活動中間休息時講笑話Tell jokes during break time
  16. 體育技能-自信(Sports) Skills- Confidence
  17. 幫助艾米得到朋友的接受Help Amy be accepted with her friends
  18. 請個有愛心有辦法的阿姨y或姐姐幫忙 Babysitter
  19. 請艾米在幼兒園給小孩子讀書Have Amy read to a baby or younger child in daycare
  20. 過家家 角色扮演Role play

作者俊華,艾米媽 。 如有需要,加微信:junwang08837,艾米媽邀你進 “選擇性緘默症家長分享群”。

選擇性緘默症包括語言恐 Speech Phobia,感知障礙 Sensory Disorder, 社交恐懼 Social Anxiety 。 關鍵詞: 孩子為什麽不說話,孩子在外麵不說話,孩子不敢說話,和陌生人不說話,社交恐懼,孩子在幼兒園和學校不說話,害羞,敏感,膽子小,懦弱,怕生,內向,沒自信,固執,不敢吃飯,不敢去廁所,不敢和小朋友玩,,在家講話,出門不講話。隻和爸爸媽媽說話, 不敢參加集體活動。

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