Strategy and Scene
It was assembly day at school for the first graders. All the kids were quietly seated in the auditorium, watching the speakers talk about deforestation. They sat next to each other in lines, very happy and relaxed. Amy was seated next to her whisper buddy, Sofia, contently watching the stage. “Now, you may be wondering why deforestation is such a big deal,” said the speaker. “Who knows what the problem is with cutting too many trees?” Amy perked up, as she knew the answer. However, seeing the unfamiliar face of the speaker and the immense number of people around her, she did not raise her hand. Speaking in front of so many people was too scary! But she knew what to do. She nudged Sofia and whispered the answer into her ear. Sofia nodded and raised her hand. The speaker spotted her and pointed to her to answer. “Yes, the little girl in the blue, do you want to try to answer?” Sofia declared, “Yes, my smart friend next to me told me the answer. Cutting too many trees is bad because trees provide oxygen and wood, and cutting them down would also destroy the homes of a lot of little animals!” The speaker smiled. “Wow, good job! That is correct! Amy, you are smart!”” He continued on with his speech. Sofia smiled at Amy. “Good work, Amy!” Amy beamed, appreciating her friend’s support. “Sofia, next time I’ll still sit next to you.”
Strategy: A whisper buddy can help the SM kid speak, act, reduce pressure, and introduce her to new friends. Parents and teachers should find a whisper friend for SM kids as soon as possible. The best candidates for whisper buddies are bold and outgoing and have opportunities to play outside school.
作者俊華,艾米媽 。 如有需要,加微信:junwang08837,艾米媽邀你進 “選擇性緘默症家長分享群”。
選擇性緘默症包括語言恐 Speech Phobia,感知障礙 Sensory Disorder, 社交恐懼 Social Anxiety 。 關鍵詞: 孩子為什麽不說話,孩子在外麵不說話,孩子不敢說話,和陌生人不說話,社交恐懼,孩子在幼兒園和學校不說話,害羞,敏感,膽子小,懦弱,怕生,內向,沒自信,固執,不敢吃飯,不敢去廁所,不敢和小朋友玩,,在家講話,出門不講話。隻和爸爸媽媽說話, 不敢參加集體活動。