美國之音要關閉?川普(Trump)任命的美國之音台長凱麗·雷克(Kari Lake)說出實情【Echo走遍美國】 【Echo's happy life】 【Echo的幸福生活】
川普任命的美國之音台長凱麗·雷克Kari Lake:應當像教育部長那樣態度鮮明,將大幅裁減乃至徹底撤銷自己管理的機構作為惠及美國民眾的根本措施,這才是真正的自我革新。她在視頻中揭露了兩大問題:一是拜登政府任命的前任領導在離職前以2.5億美元簽下了一棟新辦公大樓15年的租約,裝修奢華卻毫無必要,而美國之音原本已擁有一棟早已還清貸款的大樓,完全可以通過翻修升級使用;二是前任在離職前批量修改撥款合同,刻意掩蓋資金流向和用途。美國納稅人的血汗錢就這樣被肆意揮霍。
嗨,美國,我現在在華盛頓特區,擔任美國全球媒體署的高級顧問,我代表你們和特朗普總統及其政府工作,我已經在職幾個星期了,我對我了解到的有關這個機構的一些事情感到震驚,我坐在這座嶄新漂亮的摩天大樓的 13 層,這座大樓的花費是你們納稅人的錢,拜登政府的人在他們離任前管理這個機構,為這棟大樓簽署了一份全新的租約,為期 15 年,將花費納稅人近 2.5 億美元,這是最關鍵的,他們已經有一棟他們所在的大樓,已經付清了租金,他們本可以翻新或更新,但他們卻選擇讓我們簽訂一份租約,這筆錢要花納稅人的錢,我知道你們每個人都在努力工作,稅金,你希望它被明智地使用,而不是被濫用和管理不善,我可以告訴你,這棟樓是一個巨大的浪費,看看這棟樓裏有什麽,豪華的會議室,全牆都是窗戶,至少有 26 間會議室,我數了一下,這棟樓有四座通往無處的橋,巨大的瀑布,意大利大理石飾麵,到處都是皮革家具,所有這些都是由美國納稅人支付的,這不是我們看到的唯一的東西,我們看到的是補助金,他們拿走了補助金,在我們進來前幾天就改變了合同,讓我們更不透明地知道錢去了哪裏,這些受助者發生了什麽,這是一個明顯的跡象,他們想阻止我們發現任何我們可能進入並改變和為美國人做得更好的事情納稅人,我想讓你們知道,我在華盛頓特區努力工作,確保我們不會花光辛苦賺來的錢,我們將盡一切努力取消可以取消的合同,節省資金,縮小規模,確保你的錢不會被濫用。
美國之音要關閉?川普(Trump)任命的美國之音台長凱麗·雷克(Kari Lake)說出實情【Echo走遍美國】 【Echo's happy life】 【Echo的幸福生活】
hi America I'm here in Washington DC as
senior adviser at United States Agency
for Global media I'm working on behalf
of you and president Trump and his
administration and I have been on the
job for a couple of weeks now and I'm
horrified by some of the things I'm
learning about this agency I'm sitting
here on the 13th floor of a shiny brand
new beautiful skyscraper building that
is costing you the taxpayer of Fortune
the Biden Administration folks who were
running this agency before right before
they left office signed a brand new lease for this building a 15-year lease that's going to cost the taxpayer nearly
a quarter of a billion dollar here's the
here's the kicker they already have a
building that they're located in that is
paid off that they could have renovated
or updated but they chose instead to get
us into a lease that's costing the taxpayer of Fortune I know that every one of you out there is working hard and
parting with your tax dollars you're
expecting it to be used wisely not
misused and mismanaged and I can tell
you that this building is a colossal
waste of money take a look at what's in
this building fancy conference rooms
with wall to--all Windows there's 26
conference rooms at least that's what
I've counted in this building there are
four Bridges to Nowhere massive
waterfalls Italian marble finishes
everywhere leather Furnishings all of
this being paid for by the American
taxpayer and it's not the only thing
we've seen we are seeing grants where
they've taken the grants and they've
changed the contracts just days before
we got in here to make it less
transparent for us to find out where the
money is going and what's happening with
these grantees it was an obvious obvious
sign that they wanted to keep us from
finding out anything that we could
possibly go in and change and make
better for the American taxpayer I want
you to know I'm hard at work here in
Washington DC I working to make sure
that we are not being buil out of our
hard-earned dollars and we're going to
make sure we're doing everything we can
to cancel contracts that can be
cancelled save money downsize and make
sure there's no misuse of your dollars.