2024年12月24日,YouTube【人類滅亡】Elon Musk 馬斯克 - 人類已徹底忘記了戰爭的教訓 |特斯拉 SpaceX 創始人
知道這一點,你知道我的祖父參加過二戰,他受到了嚴重的精神創傷,我的意思是,我想他在那裏待了將近六年他所有的朋友都被殺了在他麵前,呃他也會死的,除非他們隨機給了我一些智商測試之類的東西,呃他的分數很高,嗯現在他不是一名軍官,我想他是下士或中士之類的,所以因為他沒有高中畢業,所以他沒有資格加入軍官團,所以你知道他基本上被歸類為炮兵戰士,嗯,他患有創傷後應激障礙,下一個級別,就像下一個級別,我的意思是隻是不說話,隻是沒有' t說話,如果你試圖跟他說話,他隻會叫你閉嘴,所以他會說,不,你絕對不想再做一次,但是現在有多少人,他顯然死了你知道 20 年前有多少人還記得第二次世界大戰嗎?沒幾個人,也許核戰爭的威脅也是如此,是的,我的意思是有足夠多的核彈指向美國,足以讓放射性核彈反彈很多時候現在有兩場大戰正在進行,你擔心核戰爭我認為我們不應該忽視
拿著核武器互相交談的人,沒有戰爭,在當地,戰爭是悲慘和艱難的,然後還有戰爭哪些文明會終結或者有這種潛力顯然全球核戰爭很有可能會永久終結文明但你肯定知道嚴重的傷害,也許會阻礙人類進步,回到石器時代,或者我不知道的什麽,無知,在我看來,也許才是需要對抗的真正敵人,我真的建議人們詳細閱讀第一次世界大戰,那很粗糙,我的意思是,那裏死亡的人數之多令人難以置信,幾乎無法想象它的結局,它看起來與開始時幾乎完全不同,在哪些土地屬於誰等方麵,但在許多人遭受痛苦、死亡和基礎設施被破壞的另一邊,是的,我一年前提出某種形式的和平,是因為我幾乎準確地預測了會發生什麽,那就是很多人死於土地幾乎沒有變化,這是烏克蘭和俄羅斯青年之花的損失,我們應該對他們表示同情俄羅斯男孩和烏克蘭男孩,因為俄羅斯男孩沒有要求上前線,他們必須上前線,所以有很多兒子沒有回到父母身邊,你知道,我認為他們中的大多數人並沒有真正仇恨另一方,你知道,這有點像這句話,就像這句話來自第一次世界大戰,就像不認識彼此的年輕男孩為了認識彼此的老人而互相殘殺,這到底是什麽意思,呃,確實感覺有一種深刻的真理,呃,明顯的 ACC 是這種現象的解毒劑,必須阻止這種相互暴力的循環,某種東西會阻止它,否則它永遠不會停止,隻是我以眼還眼,以牙還牙,以肢還肢,以命換命,直到永遠永遠
2024年12月24日,YouTube 【人類滅亡】Elon Musk 馬斯克 - 人類已徹底忘記了戰爭的教訓 | Tesla SpaceX創始人
Special thanks to Lex Fridman and Elon Musk for this inspiring interview.
I think most of them don't don't really
have they don't hate the other side
young boys who don't know each other
killing each other on behalf of old men
that do know each other there are very
few people alive today who actually just
really understand the horrors of War how
many people are alive that remember
World War II not many obviously Global
th nuclear warfare has high potential to
end civilization perhaps permanently so let me ask you about the
wars going on today and to see what the
path to peace could be how do you hope
the current war in Israel and Gaza comes
to an end uh what path do you see that
can minimize human suffering in the long
term in that part of the world there is
no easy answer this strictly my opinion
of you know is that uh the goal of Hamas
was to provoke an overreaction from
Israel um they obviously do not expect
to uh you know have a military Victory
um but they they they really wanted
to commit the worst atrocities that they
could in order to provoke the the most
aggressive response possible from Israel
um and then leverage that aggressive
response to um rally Muslims worldwide
uh for the cause of uh Gaza and
Palestine which they have succeeded in
doing counterintuitive thing here I
think that the the thing that I think
should should be done even though it is
very difficult uh is that um I I would
recommend that Israel engage in the most
cons conspicuous acts of kindness
possible every everything that is the
actual thing that would thwart the goal
of mar and I'm not sure who said it it's
an apocal saying but an eye for the for
an eye makes everyone blind now now that
neck of the woods they really believe in
the whole eye for ey thing but if if
you're not going to just outright commit gen side like against an
entire people which obviously would not
be acceptable to to really shouldn't be
acceptable to anyone um then you're
you're going to leave basically a lot of
people alive who subsequently you know
hate Israel so really the question is
like how for for every Hamas member that
you kill how many did you create mhm and
if you create more than you kill you've
not succeeded that's the you know the
real situation there um and it's safe to
say that if if you know if if you kill
somebody's child in Gaza you you you've
made at least a few uh Hamas members who
will die just just to kill an Israeli
that's the situation so but but I mean
this is one of the most contentious
subjects one could possibly discuss but
but I I think if if the if the goal
ultimate is some sort of long-term peace
one has to be look at this from
standpoint of over time are there more
or fewer um terrorists being created one of the
things that does concern me is that
there are very few people alive today
who actually viscerally understand the
horrors of War at least in the US I mean
obviously there people in on the front
lines in Ukraine and Russia who
understand just how terrible war is um
but how many people in the west
understand it um you know my grandfather
was in World War II uh he was severely
traumatized I mean he was there I think
in for almost six years in the uh all
his friends were killed uh in front of
him and uh he would have died too um
except they randomly gave some I guess
IQ test or something and uh he scored
very high um now he was not an officer
he was a I think a Corporal or Sergeant
or something like that so because he
didn't graduate high school he was not
eligible for the officer Corp so you
know he kind of got put into the cannon
fighter category basically um he he had
PTSD next level like next level
I mean just didn't talk just didn't talk
and if you tried talking to him he'd
just tell you to shut up so he would say
like no no way in hell do you want to do
you want to do that again but how many
people um now he he obviously he died
you know 20 years ago how many people
are alive that remember World War II not
many and the same perhaps applies to the
threat of nuclear war yeah I mean there are enough nuclear
bombs pointed at at uh United States to
make the reubel the radioactive reubel
bounce many times there's two major Wars going on
right now do you worry about nuclear
war I think we shouldn't discount the
possibility of nuclear war um it is a
civilizational threat um there are a lot of nukes
pointed at us so and we have a lot of
nukes pointed at other people they're still there nobody's put
their uh their guns away the missiles are still in the silos
and uh the leaders don't seem to be the
ones with the nukes talking to each
other no there are Wars which are tragic
and difficult on a on a local basis and
then there are Wars which are civilization ending or has that
potential obviously Global ther nuclear
warfare has high potential to end
civilization perhaps permanently but
certainly you know to severely
uh wound and and perhaps uh set back uh
human progress by you know to the Stone
Age or something I don't know ignorance
is perhaps in my view the Real Enemy to
be countered I I really recommend people
read uh World War I Warfare in detail that's rough um I mean the sheer number of people that died there was mind bugling and it's almost impossible to um imagine the end of it that doesn't look
like almost exactly like the beginning
in terms of what land belongs to who and
so on but on the other side of a lot of
human suffering death and destruction of
infrastructure yes the thing that the
reason I I you know proposed a a some
sort of Tru or or peace a year ago was
because I predicted pretty much exactly
what would would happen uh which is a
lot of people dying for basically almost
no changes in land um and this the the loss of the the
flower of Ukrainian and Russian Youth
and we should have some sympathy for the
the Russian boys as well as the
Ukrainian boys cuz they Russian boys
didn't didn't ask to be on their front
line they have to be so there's a lot of
sons not not come back to their parents
you know and and I think most of them don't don't really
have they don't hate the other side you
know it's sort of like is this saying
about like this saying comes from World
War I it's like young boys who don't
know each other killing each other on
behalf of old men that do know each
other the hell's the point of that there's uh does feel like there's a profound truth to uh conspicuous ACC of kind is being an antidote to this something must stop the the cycle of reciprocal violence something will stop it or it
will you know it'll it'll it'll never stop just I eye for an eye tooth for a tooth
limb for a limb life for a life forever and ever