
震驚德國 俄羅斯司機選擇中國卡車—價格實惠耐用

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SHOCKS GERMANY! Russian Drivers Opt for Chinese Trucks Over German Ones - Affordable and Durable.

PROJECT NEXUS 2024年11月16日

截至 2024 年 7 月 1 日,中國汽車品牌迅速改變了俄羅斯的汽車格局,展示了顯著的增長並占據了近 50% 的市場份額。中國品牌擁有 186 萬輛注冊輕型汽車,其中一半以上車齡不到三年,代表著一支年輕而充滿活力的車隊,與俄羅斯 15.2 年的平均車齡形成鮮明對比。哈弗、奇瑞、吉利和長安等品牌在俄羅斯的乘用車排名中占據主導地位,反映了它們的受歡迎程度和質量,而中國重汽的 SITRAK 卡車則以無與倫比的成功引領重型卡車市場。

2022 年俄烏衝突後,西方品牌紛紛退出俄羅斯市場,這為中國汽車製造商打開了大門,它們提供高品質、價格具有競爭力的各類車輛。中國重汽 SITRAK C7H 等重型卡車通過提供雙油箱和柴油加熱等本地化功能贏得了忠實的客戶群,使其成為俄羅斯極端氣候的理想選擇。這些卡車將德國技術與中國創新相結合,性能優於當地和西方的替代品,SITRAK 係列擁有卓越的舒適性、燃油效率和耐用性。


截至2024年7月1日,在俄羅斯注冊的中國品牌輕型汽車數量達到186萬輛,其中超過一半的車齡不到3年,占總數的63%,另有11%的車齡不到10年,這表明中國品牌在俄羅斯擁有相對年輕的車隊,相比之下顯示出顯著的增長勢頭。俄羅斯所有輕型汽車的平均年齡為15.2歲,而中國品牌的平均年齡僅為6.1歲,是所有品牌中年齡最小的。這凸顯了中國年輕汽車在俄羅斯獲得廣泛認可的明顯趨勢。此外,超過三分之一的中國品牌汽車集中在俄羅斯中央聯邦區,在那裏占據了40%以上的市場份額。中國品牌在俄羅斯的快速崛起不僅限於乘用車,還擴展到商用車和重型卡車。2024年8月,俄羅斯售出14.8萬輛新車,中國品牌在乘用車排名中占據9位,哈弗以12.5%的市場份額僅次於俄羅斯的國產品牌L緊隨其後,奇瑞以11.2%的份額緊隨其後。 吉樂、長安等品牌也進入前十,展示了中國汽車製造商的強大競爭力。 2年前,烏克蘭衝突導致西方汽車製造商撤出俄羅斯。 中國汽車公司抓住這一曆史機遇,迅速填補了市場空白,推出了一係列優質車型。 曾經擁有各種品牌的俄羅斯汽車市場,現在由俄羅斯和中國製造商主導,盡管俄羅斯政府努力支持本土品牌並限製中國平行進口。 在2022年2月衝突爆發前,中國汽車製造商繼續表現出韌性和強大的市場競爭力。 中國品牌在俄羅斯的市場份額為7%,法國汽車製造商雷諾、L和其他西方和韓國品牌,如現代、起亞、豐田和大眾,引領市場。 然而,在衝突開始後,雷諾、日產、豐田、梅賽德斯-奔馳、福特、馬自達、五十鈴、大眾、現代和起亞等外國品牌逐漸退出,留下的空白主要由本土和中國品牌填補。 2023年中國品牌在俄羅斯銷量超過50萬輛,占據近50%的市場份額,從小眾品牌轉型為主流品牌,根據歐洲商業協會的數據,莫斯科2023年俄羅斯新車銷量為93.7萬輛,比上年增長36%。PPC JSC報告稱,截至2024年上半年,總銷量達到112.8萬輛,增長57.8%。中國品牌保持勢頭,銷售4.75萬輛,占市場份額的58%。中國重型卡車在俄羅斯尤為引人注目,2024年8月,cinat TRU Citra C7 h4x 2是最暢銷的卡車,銷量為1094輛,超過當地品牌Gaz
gazon next和其他中國卡車,如
shakman SX 331 faww jeffon j6和Dong fun dfh
中國重型卡車現在指揮俄羅斯市場近70%的份額彰顯了其重要影響力,許多俄羅斯油罐車司機甚至願意等待3個月才能買到中國重卡,這充分表明了這些品牌的吸引力。一位俄羅斯油罐車司機的故事生動地說明了中國重卡的受歡迎程度。2022年7月,他和一位朋友不遠萬裏前往莫斯科,隻為看一輛他們期盼已久的中國卡車。3個月後,他們的車終於交付了,他們非常激動。從那時起,這輛卡車已經穿越俄羅斯30多萬公裏,經曆了嚴酷的冬天和漫長的夜晚,它成為了一個可靠的夥伴。中國卡車提供了多種用戶友好的功能,特別適合俄羅斯惡劣的氣候,贏得了用戶的讚譽。雙油箱和柴油加熱係統等功能在寒冷地區尤其有益。此外,最新的攝像頭技術和盲點監控係統顯著提高了安全性,即使在積雪的道路上也能確保清晰的視野。中國重卡在俄羅斯的成功,很大程度上歸功於其先進技術與本土化創新的結合。以cinat TRU Citra品牌為例,這些卡車采用了德國man TG係列的技術,並融合了當地設計元素,以滿足不同的工作要求,如拖運、傾卸和貨物運輸。它們的可靠性、效率、安全性、舒適性和智能性使它們成為俄羅斯駕駛員的理想選擇。Citra卡車的特點包括man TG係列駕駛室,可提供與轎車一樣的舒適性和全麵的安全性,電子控製的高壓共軌發動機可提供出色的燃油效率和耐用性,從而降低運營成本。此外,德國zf6變速箱可確保高效的動力輸出和低噪音的駕駛體驗。Citra的定位是滿足尋求g 通過整合先進技術和製造工藝,實現高價值進口卡車 Citra 以同類進口車型一半的價格提供卓越性能,同時保持類似的運營效率 例如,與其他重型卡車相比,Citra 卡車通常每月行駛更長的距離,從而為用戶帶來更高的收入 除了產品性能和價值之外,中國重型卡車的成功還與不斷變化的市場條件有關,2022 年 2 月俄羅斯烏克蘭衝突爆發 西方卡車品牌退出俄羅斯市場,為中國製造商提供了難得的機會 中國卡車迅速填補了空白,並通過其可靠的性能和售後支持贏得了消費者的信任 2023 年,即使西方技術完全退出俄羅斯卡車市場,市場並沒有像預期的那樣萎縮,反而蓬勃發展 新重型卡車注冊數量達到創紀錄的 144,145 輛 同比增長 563% 這種快速增長證明了中國卡車的競爭力在俄羅斯市場,中國重型卡車的崛起也改變了俄羅斯品牌的格局。卡馬斯等傳統品牌現在正麵臨前所未有的挑戰,而以高價值和適應惡劣條件而聞名的 Citra 等中國品牌正成為許多俄羅斯消費者在新能源和智能網聯等領域的首選。中國品牌不斷突破界限,不僅在重型卡車領域增強全球競爭力,而且中國品牌也在俄羅斯乘用車市場取得了重大進展。2024 年 8 月,中國品牌在俄羅斯乘用車排名中占據了 9 個席位,哈弗以 12.5% 的市場份額位居 L 之後,奇瑞以 11.2% 的份額緊隨其後。吉爾和長安等品牌也進入前 10 名,展示了中國乘用車日益增長的競爭力。中國汽車品牌獲得全球認可的道路並非沒有挑戰,但隨著技術的不斷進步創新與品牌建設 在複雜多變的國際環境中,中國品牌未來發展前景廣闊 中國品牌必須不斷提升技術能力和應變能力,加強國際合作,參與全球競爭 中國品牌可以進一步提升在全球市場的形象和影響力 繼續提供優質的產品和服務 值得注意的是,中國重卡在俄羅斯的成功,不僅因為其高性能和價格實惠,還因為中國在全球製造業供應鏈中的重要地位 中國先進的製造能力和完整的產業鏈使其能夠快速響應市場需求,並滿足不同國家的不同要求,這是其國際成功的關鍵因素 隨著中俄經濟聯係的不斷加深,中國品牌在俄羅斯和更廣泛的國際市場的未來前景更加光明,因為中國在新能源和智能網聯等領域不斷取得突破,中國品牌有望在俄羅斯和更廣泛的國際市場中發揮更重要的作用加強國際合作,提升品牌影響力,助力全球汽車產業轉型升級 中國汽車企業將進一步鞏固全球市場地位 中國重卡在俄羅斯的成功,不僅展示了中國汽車工業的技術實力和國際競爭力,也標誌著隨著中俄經濟合作的不斷深化,中國製造在全球市場的崛起 中國品牌在俄羅斯等國際市場的未來無疑將更加輝煌 您如何看待中國汽車品牌在全球市場的未來 您認為中國汽車品牌在國際競爭中麵臨哪些挑戰 歡迎在評論中分享您的想法 感謝您的收看,下次再見。

SHOCKS GERMANY! Russian Drivers Opt for Chinese Trucks Over German Ones - Affordable and Durable.

PROJECT NEXUS 2024年11月16日

As of July 1, 2024, Chinese automotive brands have rapidly transformed Russia’s vehicle landscape, showcasing remarkable growth and capturing nearly 50% of the market share. With 1.86 million registered light vehicles, more than half under three years old, Chinese brands represent a young and dynamic fleet that stands in stark contrast to Russia's average 15.2-year vehicle age. Brands like Haval, Chery, Geely, and Changan dominate Russia’s passenger car rankings, reflecting their popularity and quality, while Sinotruk's SITRAK trucks lead the heavy-duty segment with unparalleled success.

The withdrawal of Western brands following the 2022 Russia-Ukraine conflict opened doors for Chinese automakers to step in, offering high-quality, competitively priced vehicles across categories. Chinese heavy-duty trucks, such as the Sinotruk SITRAK C7H, have gained a loyal customer base by offering localized features like dual fuel tanks and diesel heating, making them ideal for Russia's extreme climate. These trucks, integrating German technology with Chinese innovations, outperform local and Western alternatives, with the SITRAK lineup boasting superior comfort, fuel efficiency, and durability.

The strong performance of Chinese vehicles, driven by technological advancements and tailored features, underscores the resilience and adaptability of Chinese automakers in a complex international environment. Through strategic positioning, reliable after-sales support, and continuous innovation, Chinese automotive brands are not only reshaping the Russian market but also setting new standards for global competitiveness. As economic cooperation between China and Russia deepens, Chinese brands are poised for even greater influence and expansion, contributing to the transformation of the global automotive industry.

As of July 1st 2024 the number of registered Chinese brand light vehicles in Russia reached 1.86 million with over half of them being less than 3 years old representing 63% of the total an additional 11% are under 10 years old this indicates that Chinese brands in Russia enjoy a relatively young Fleet showing significant growth momentum in comparison the average age of all light vehicles in Russia is 15.2 years whereas Chinese brands have an average age of just 6.1 years the youngest among all brands this highlights a distinct trend of younger Chinese vehicles gaining widespread Acceptance in Russia moreover over onethird of Chinese brand cars are concentrated in Russia's Central Federal District where they hold more than 40% of the market share the rapid rise of Chinese brands in Russia isn't limited to passenger vehicles but extends to commercial vehicles and heavyduty trucks as well in August 2024 148,000 new cars were sold in Russia with Chinese Brands occupying nine spots in the passenger car rankings haval with a 12.5% market share ranked second only to Russia's domestic Brand L while while Cherry followed with an 11.2% share Brands like jile and changan also made it into the top 10 showcasing
the strong competitiveness of Chinese automakers 2 years ago the rush Ukraine conflict led to the withdrawal of Western automakers from Russia Chinese car companies seized this historic opportunity quickly filling the market Gap with a range of highquality models
the Russian car market which once featured a wide variety of Brands is now dominated by Russian and Chinese manufacturers despite the Russian government's efforts to support local Brands and restrictions on Chinese parallel Imports Chinese automakers have
continued to demonstrate resilience and strong Market competitiveness before the conflict in February 2022 Chinese Brands held a modest 7% market share in Russia with French automaker Renos L and other Western and South Korean Brands like Hyundai Kia Toyota and Volkswagen leading the market however after the conflict began foreign Brands including Renault Nissan Toyota Mercedes-Benz Ford Mazda Isuzu Volkswagen Hyundai and Kia gradually
pulled out leaving a void mainly filled by local and Chinese Brands by 2023 Chinese Brands achieved sales of over 500,000 units in Russia capturing nearly 50% of the market transitioning from Niche players to mainstream Brands according to the European Business
Association in Moscow new car sales in Russia in 2023 amounted to 937 th000 units up 36% from the previous year PPC JSC reported that total sales reached 1.128 million units up
57.8% as of the first half of 2024 Chinese Brands maintain their momentum selling 47,500 units representing 58% of the market Chinese heavy duty trucks have been especially notable in Russia in August 2024 the cinat TRU Citra C7 h4x 2 was the bestselling truck with 1,094 units sold outperforming local brand Gaz
gazon next and other Chinese trucks like
shakman SX 331 faww jeffon j6 and Dong fun dfh
Chinese heavy trucks Now command nearly
70% of the Russian Market underscoring
their significant influence many Russian
tanker drivers are even willing to wait
3 months for a Chinese heavy truck
demonstrating the appeal of these Brands
the story of a Russian tanker driver
vividly illustrates the popularity of
Chinese heavy trucks in July
2022 he and a friend traveled all the
way to Moscow just to see a Chinese
truck they had eagerly awaited 3 months
later their vehicle was finally
delivered and they were thrilled since
then this truck has traveled more than
300,000 km across Russia through harsh
Winters and long nights it has been a
reliable companion Chinese trucks offer
several user-friendly features
particularly suited for Russia's harsh
climate which have earned them user
Acclaim features like dual fuel tanks
and diesel heating systems are
especially beneficial in cold regions
Additionally the latest camera
technology and blind spot monitoring
systems significantly enhance safety
ensuring a clear view even on Snowy
roads the success of Chinese heavy
trucks in Russia can be largely
attributed to their combination of
advanced technology and localized
Innovations take the cinat TRU Citra
brand as an example these trucks
incorporate technology from Germany's
man TG series blended with local design
elements that cater to different job
requirements such as hauling dumping and
cargo transport their reliability
efficiency safety comfort and
intelligence have made them the ideal
choice for Russian drivers Citra trucks
feature highlights like the man TG
series cabin which provides car-like
comfort and comprehensive safety the
electronically controlled high-press
common rail engine delivers excellent
fuel efficiency and durability reducing
operational costs Additionally the
German zf6 speed gear boox ensures
efficient power delivery and a low-noise
Driving Experience Citra is positioned
to meet the needs of both domestic and
international users seeking high value
imported trucks by integrating Advanced
Technologies and Manufacturing processes
Citra delivers exceptional performance
at half the price of comparable imported
models while maintaining similar
operational effic icy for instance Citra
trucks often cover longer monthly
distances compared to other heavy trucks
resulting in increased earnings for
users Beyond product performance and
value the success of Chinese heavy
trucks is also tied to changing market
conditions when the Russia Ukraine
conflict broke out in February
2022 Western Truck Brands pulled out of
the Russian Market providing Chinese
manufacturers with a rare opportunity
Chinese trucks quickly filled the gap
and earned consumer trust through their
reliable performance and after salale
support in 2023 even as Western
Technologies fully withdrew the Russian
truck Market did not shrink as expected
but rather flourished the number of new
heavy truck registrations reached a
record high of 144,145 units registered a growth of 563
year onye this rapid growth demonstrates
the competitiveness of Chinese trucks in
the Russian Market the rise of Chinese
heavy trucks has also altered the
landscape for Russian Brands traditional
Brands like Kamas are now facing
unprecedented challenges while Chinese
Brands like Citra known for their high
value and adaptability to harsh
conditions are becoming the top choice
for many Russian consumers in areas like
new energy and smart connectivity
Chinese Brands continue to push
boundaries enhancing their Global
competitiveness not only in the heavy
truck segment but Chinese brands are
also making significant strides in the
passenger car market in Russia in August
2024 Chinese Brands occupied nine spots
in Russia's passenger car rankings haval
with a 12.5% market share ranked second
to L while Cherry followed with
11.2% Brands like Jil and changan also
made it to the top 10 showcasing the
growing competitiveness of Chinese
passenger vehicles the road to Global
recognition for Chinese Automotive
Brands is not without challenges but
with continuous technological innovation
and brand building the future looks
promising in a complex and everchanging
international environment Chinese Brands
must keep improving their technical
capabilities and adaptability by
strengthening International cooperation
and competing globally Chinese Brands
can further enhance their image and
influence in the global market
continuing to deliver quality products
and services it is worth noting that the
success of Chinese heavy trucks in
Russia is not only due to their high
performance and affordability but also
because of China's crucial position in
the global manufacturing supply chain
China's Advanced manufacturing
capabilities and comprehensive industry
chain enable quick responses to Market
needs and the ability to meet diverse
requirements across different countries
a key factor in their International
success with the deepening economic ties
between China and Russia the future of
Chinese brands in Russia and the broader
International Market looks even more
promising as China continues to make
breakthroughs in areas like new energy
and smart connectivity Chinese brands
are expected to play a more significant
role in the transformation and upgrading
of the global automotive industry by
fostering intern collaboration and
boosting brand influence Chinese
automakers will further solidify their
position in the global market the
success of Chinese heavy trucks in
Russia not only showcases the
technological strength and international
competitiveness of China's automotive
industry but also marks the rise of
Chinese Manufacturing in the global
market with deepening China Russia
economic cooperation the future of
Chinese brands in Russia and other
International markets will undoubtedly
be even more impressive what do you
think about the future of Chinese
Automotive brands in the global market
what challenges do you believe they face
in international competition feel free
to share your thoughts in the comments
thanks for watching and see you next time.

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