
Peter Mandelson 指責政府未能維持與中國的溝通渠道

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上屆政府做了一件值得稱讚的事情,那就是推出英國國民海外居留權 (BNO) 計劃。這為數百萬香港人逃離香港、在英國建立自由新生活提供了一條途徑。




在過去兩個月裏,新政府的態度發生了 180 度大轉變。





其次,請關注我的朋友黎智英的案例,這位 76 歲的英國公民和媒體企業家因多項莫須有的罪名被監禁三年半以上,其中包括因在紀念 1989 年天安門廣場大屠殺的和平守夜活動中點燃蠟燭和祈禱而服刑 13 個月。

正如我本周早些時候所寫,據報道,黎先生是一名虔誠的天主教徒,自去年 12 月以來一直被剝奪聖餐,每天被單獨監禁超過 23 個小時,被剝奪獨立醫療服務,並且很少有機會與人接觸或曬太陽。正如他的國際法律團隊在 Doughty Street Chambers(首相 Keir Starmer KC 爵士的執業地點)昨天在聯合國所說,黎先生繼續被任意拘留引起了嚴重關切。

黎先生仍在根據《國家安全法》接受審判,可能麵臨終身監禁。包括我在內的幾名外國人被列為他在審判中的合作者。盡管中國問題議會聯盟 (IPAC) 的議員們提出呼籲,但我們中沒有人被傳喚出庭作證。黎先生的整個審判都是對正義的嘲弄,尤其是他被剝奪了首選法律顧問的權利。這是什麽樣的法治或司法獨立?

第三,看看其他大量案件。47 名前民選立法會議員和活動人士因舉行初選而被捕,而初選本應是香港立法會選舉;《立場新聞》編輯上個月被判煽動叛亂罪;2021 年,香港政??府打壓新聞自由,關閉黎智英的《蘋果日報》;在今天的香港,如果你穿了一件特定顏色的 T 恤或唱了一首特定的歌,你就會被逮捕和監禁——曼德爾森勳爵,這是什麽樣的法治?






Rebecca Choong Wilkins 和 David Ingles 2024 年 9 月 17 日

Peter Mandelson(Paul Miller/Bloomberg)
(彭博社)——英國工黨資深人士 Peter Mandelson 指責前保守黨政府未能維持與中國的“適當溝通渠道”,沒有履行英國在香港的責任。


這位工黨貴族是首相基爾·斯塔默的親密顧問,後者在 7 月帶領工黨在選舉中取得壓倒性勝利。曼德爾森還是 Global Counsel 的聯合創始人,該公司已成為英國最具影響力的谘詢集團之一,並一直在擴大對中國的報道。

2015 年,時任首相戴維·卡梅倫在任時宣稱英國與北京的關係進入了“黃金時代”,此後,英國與中國的關係急劇惡化。

2021 年,保守黨阻止華為技術有限公司參與英國的 5G 網絡,最近又因間諜指控與中國官員發生口角。


曼德爾森是托尼·布萊爾領導的上一屆工黨政府中的一位有影響力的人物,自 2008 年以來一直擔任上議院議員,此次訪問期間,他與香港官員、頂級商人和銀行家會麵。他說,今年早些時候,香港政府成員在訪問倫敦期間遭到內閣大臣的“冷遇”,這讓他感到震驚。









曼德爾森表示,英國政府“希望隨著時間的推移,重建英國過去與中國進行的戰略對話”。近年來,一些此類論壇已經停止,包括自 2019 年以來一直未舉行的中英經濟財金對話。






盡管 2022 年發生了入侵事件,但中國仍與克裏姆林宮建立了夥伴關係,尋求將自己描繪成一個可以幫助結束戰爭的中立參與者。



'No, Lord Mandelson, we don’t need to cosy up to Xi’s China', Benedict Rogers


Peter Mandelson’s intervention on China policy this week is profoundly wrong – and potentially very dangerous.

During a visit to Hong Kong in which he met government officials, top businessmen and bankers, and gave a speech at the University of Hong Kong, Lord Mandelson claimed that the rule of law and the independence of the judiciary in the city are intact and he blamed the previous Conservative government for initiating a ‘boycott’ of Hong Kong and failing to sustain ‘proper channels of communication’ with Beijing. He said that the new Labour government wished to ‘recreate the strategic dialogue that Britain has had with China in the past’, after ‘many years of a very poor, deteriorating relationship’, adding that it was time for both countries to ‘stop throwing mud’ at each other. That sounds perilously close to the failed so-called ‘golden era’ of Sino-British relations pursued by David Cameron’s government – which of course was first started by Lord Mandelson.

One has to ask: what planet is Lord Mandelson living on?

Let’s take these points one by one, in reverse order.

First, the reason the relationship has deteriorated in recent years is because of the increasingly belligerent, bellicose, repressive and aggressive behaviour of the current Chinese Communist Party (CCP) regime in Beijing, led by Xi Jinping. 

Over the past five years particularly, Xi’s regime has been credibly accused of genocide against the Uyghurs by both the previous and current US administrations, several parliaments around the world including our own, and an independent tribunal chaired by the lawyer who prosecuted Slobodan Milosevic, Sir Geoffrey Nice KC. 

It has dismantled Hong Kong’s promised freedoms, human rights, the rule of law and autonomy, ripping up an international treaty, the Sino-British Joint Declaration, in the process. 

It has intensified its repression of dissent and its crackdown on religion across China, including the barbaric practice of forced organ harvesting from prisoners of conscience. 

Beijing’s atrocities in Tibet have continued, with revelations that at least a million Tibetan children have been coercively separated from their families into colonial boarding schools which prohibit them from learning Tibetan language, practising Tibetan Buddhism or living their Tibetan culture. But of course, Lord Mandelson has long shown a disregard for Tibet.

China’s aggression towards Taiwan has intensified and its threats to our national security through espionage, infiltration, influence operations and intimidation campaigns have increased. 

And let’s not forget the CCP’s responsibility for unleashing upon the world the Covid-19 pandemic that destroyed hundreds of millions of lives and livelihoods, through its irresponsible lies, cover-ups and repression of whistleblowers.

So there are good reasons relations deteriorated, and the blame lies in Beijing not in London. In Lord Mandelson’s view this is ‘throwing mud’, but it is really simply pointing out the facts.

Let’s turn to his second allegation: that the previous Conservative government was ‘in danger of operating a boycott of Hong Kong’. That is an absolute lie – and totally unnecessarily politicises what has always been an issue that has commanded broad cross-party support.

The last government did one thing for which it deserves great credit, and that was the introduction of the British National Overseas (BNO) scheme. This provided a pathway for potentially several million Hong Kongers to flee Hong Kong and build a new life in freedom in the United Kingdom. 

That scheme was announced by Boris Johnson and Dominic Raab the day after the imposition by Beijing of a new, draconian National Security Law upon Hong Kong which destroyed the city’s freedoms, and it was championed and implemented by Priti Patel. Eligibility for the scheme was further extended, after much advocacy from the last Governor of Hong Kong Lord Patten and Lord Alton, both Patrons of the organisation I co-founded, Hong Kong Watch, and the last government should be applauded for the measures they took to offer Hong Kongers a future.

But don’t be in any doubt: that scheme drew enormous support from across all parties and both Houses of Parliament. 

Moreover, the Labour Party in opposition were vocal in pushing the government at the time to go further and to be more robust on human rights in China. David Lammy, Catherine West, Stephen Kinnock, Lord Collins and plenty of other Labour Parliamentarians, frontbench and backbench, as well as friends from the Liberal Democrats, Scottish Nationalists and other parties were allies in the effort to put some spine into the back of the last government. Lammy said he would call out the genocide of the Uyghurs if in government – one of the many promises the new government has u-turned on in the past two months.

Far from operating a ‘boycott’ of Hong Kong, the last government refused to implement any sanctions in response to Beijing’s breaches of the Sino-British Joint Declaration and instead sent at least two ministers – the then Trade Minister Lord (Dominic) Johnson and Foreign Office Minister Anne-Marie Trevelyan – to the city. While they may have made platitudinal remarks about human rights, the focus of both visits was increasing trade. And the Foreign Secretary James Cleverly made a much-trumpeted – or at least much-tweeted – visit to Beijing for the same purpose.

Human rights in China and Hong Kong is not – and should not be – a party political matter. I have my criticisms of the previous government and my concerns about the current government’s approach. But I also have many friends on all sides who share the same view. Lord Mandelson trying to weaponise this issue as a stick with which to beat the Conservatives and a wedge to drive between the parties is wicked.

Finally, to the absurdity of his suggestion that the rule of law and the independence of the judiciary in Hong Kong is still intact, I make simply three points.

First, read this article by Lord Sumption, who finally made the decision to quit sitting in Hong Kong’s courts. He says this: ‘Hong Kong, once a vibrant and politically diverse community is slowly becoming a totalitarian state. The rule of law is profoundly compromised in any area about which the government feels strongly.’

Second, follow the case of my friend Jimmy Lai, the 76-year-old British citizen and media entrepreneur who has been in jail for more than three and a half years on multiple trumped-up charges including serving 13 months for lighting a candle and saying a prayer at a peaceful vigil to commemorate the 1989 Tiananmen Square massacre. 

As I wrote earlier this week, Mr Lai – a devout Catholic – has reportedly been denied Communion since last December, is held in solitary confinement for more than 23 hours a day, denied access to independent medical care and has very limited access to human contact or daylight. As his international legal team at Doughty Street Chambers – where the Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer KC practised – said yesterday at the United Nations, Mr Lai’s continued arbitrary detention raises grave concerns.

Mr Lai is still on trial under the National Security Law, and could face life imprisonment. Several foreign nationals, including myself, have been named as collaborators with him in his trial. None of us – despite appeals from Parliamentarians in the Inter-Parliamentary Alliance on China (IPAC) – have been called to give evidence. Mr Lai’s entire trial is a travesty of justice, especially as he was denied his first choice of legal counsel. What kind of rule of law or judicial independence is that?

And third, just look at the multitude of other cases. The fact that 47 former elected legislators and activists were arrested for holding a primary election to choose their candidates for what should have been Hong Kong’s Legislative Council elections; the fact that the editors of Stand News were convicted of sedition last month; the crackdown on press freedom and closure of Mr Lai’s Apple Daily in 2021; and the fact that in Hong Kong today, if you wear a T-shirt of a particular colour or sing a particular song, you can be arrested and jailed – what kind of rule of law is that, Lord Mandelson?

In a fig-leaf to those who believe in human rights and democracy, the former British First Secretary of State, Trade Secretary and European Union Trade Secretary said he did think that the Hong Kong authorities should ‘tread lightly on people’s lives’. Tell that to Jimmy Lai. Tell that to the Stand News editors. Tell that to the hundreds of political prisoners in jail in Hong Kong today. Lord Mandelson, you can do better than that.

Few would dispute that we must talk to Beijing. Certainly I do not advocate disengagement. But the question for me is not whether to engage but how, and I am certain that we achieve nothing by kowtowing, diluting, denying, undermining or surrendering our values or by varnishing our differences. While they may not like it, the CCP respects us more if we stand up for what we believe in, rather than – as long-time American businessman James McGregor put it nearly a decade ago – ‘acting like a panting puppy’.

Other failed politicians have attempted to cosy up to Beijing. Think Vince Cable. Think George Osborne. But what makes Lord Mandelson’s intervention dangerous is that he has the ear of the new Prime Minister and is spoken of as a candidate to be either UK Ambassador to the United States or Chancellor of Oxford University. If he continues acting like a ‘panting puppy’ with regard to China, he should be disqualified from both positions and left to shout on the sidelines. His analysis of and partisanship in matters of China policy profoundly discredit him and endanger our national interest and values.

UK Peer Slams Tory Boycott of Hong Kong, Urges Thaw With China


By Rebecca Choong Wilkins and David Ingles 
Peter Mandelson (Paul Miller/Bloomberg)

(Bloomberg) -- UK Labour party veteran Peter Mandelson faulted the former Conservative government for failing to sustain “proper channels of communication” with China and not living up to Britain’s responsibilities in Hong Kong.

“It was in danger of operating a boycott of Hong Kong and the necessary communication that Britain needs to maintain with China,” the former British trade secretary said in an interview during his first trip to the Asian finance hub in more than four years. “And that’s what is going to change under the new government.”

The Labour peer is a close adviser to Prime Minister Keir Starmer, who led the party to a landslide election win in July. Mandelson is also a co-founder of Global Counsel, a firm that’s become one of the most influential advisory groups in the UK and has been expanding its coverage of China.

Britain’s relations with China have turned sharply for the worse after what then Prime Minister David Cameron proclaimed was a “golden era” of relations with Beijing when he was in power back in 2015.

In 2021, the Conservatives blocked Huawei Technologies Co. from participating in Britain’s 5G network and more recently traded barbs with Chinese officials over allegations of spying.

Hong Kong

Mandelson, who was an influential figure in the last Labour government under Tony Blair and has been a peer in the House of Lords since 2008, met with Hong Kong officials, top businessmen and bankers during the visit. He said he was shocked that members of the local government were “cold shouldered” by ministers during trips to London earlier this year. 

“That’s a serious infringement of Britain’s role and responsibility in Hong Kong,” he said. 

The former British colony has faced criticism from Western governments over dismantling many of the freedoms that once set the city apart from the mainland. The US earlier this month issued an advisory that warned businesses operating in Hong Kong could fall afoul of new national security legislation — an announcement the city’s government rejected as “misleading and untruthful.”

While Mandelson said he believes the rule of law remains intact and the judiciary is still independent in Hong Kong, he urged the government to be “very careful” of moving in a direction criticized by its detractors. 

“I think very strongly that the Hong Kong authorities have to tread lightly on people’s lives,” he said.  

Re-engaging China

The former European trade commissioner said the UK government planned to re-engage with China after a full audit of the bilateral ties, including by re-establishing formal meetings between officials. Starmer has yet to articulate a formal strategy toward the world’s second-largest economy since taking power.

During a phone call seen as laying the ground for a reset between the two countries’ governments, Starmer told Chinese President Xi Jinping last month he was hopeful for “frank, open and honest” talks on areas of disagreement including on Hong Kong. The prime minister additionally referenced Russia’s war in Ukraine and human rights as issues the UK wants to address with China.

The new Labour administration is also crafting an economic agenda to lay out “strategies” for key sectors including electric vehicles. That may provide insight into the country’s position on imports of Chinese EVs, an industry the European Union and the US are targeting with tariffs.  

The British government “wants to, in time, recreate the strategic dialogs that Britain has had with China in the past,” Mandelson said. Some of such forums have been halted in recent years, including the UK-China Economic and Finance Dialogue which hasn’t taken place since 2019. 

Mandelson also had a word of caution for companies at risk of getting caught in the crosshairs of rising tensions.

“You can operate your business in both the American and Chinese economies, but inevitably you’ve got to be mindful of any downside risks of doing so,” he said. “At the end of the day, it behooves governments of all countries to allow businesses to do business.”

Wrong Turn

The UK’s re-engagement with China would be conditional on Beijing’s condemnation of Russia’s war against Ukraine, according to Mandelson. Responding to a question, he agreed that was a minimum requirement for improving the ties and criticized China’s “wrong turning” over its alignment with Russia. 

“It hangs like a cloud, frankly, over China’s relationship with the whole of Europe,” he said. “We would want to see China taking a more responsible approach to that conflict.” 

China has cultivated a partnership with the Kremlin despite the 2022 invasion, seeking to portray itself as a neutral actor that can help end the war.

Beijing should use its influence and “premier role” in the international system to bring about a withdrawal by Russia from Ukraine and a settlement between the two countries, Mandelson said.

“China cannot complain on the one hand of threats to its territorial integrity and, in the next moment, stand stand idly by whilst Russia changes Ukraine’s borders by force,” he said. “There is a double standard there and hypocrisy, which does not serve China well.”


觀察者網 2024-09-27 

【文/觀察者網 張菁娟】據香港《南華早報》26日報道,英國工黨資深政治家、英首相斯塔默的“親密顧問”曼德爾森(Peter Mandelson)表示,過去十年英國犯的最大錯誤就是對華態度急轉,“這是不理智的,也是不現實的”。
曼德爾森 資料圖
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