
西方震驚 國際貨幣基金組織 金磚國家GDP超過G7

(2024-09-27 04:40:48) 下一個


非洲製造 2024年9月20日




IMF 稱金磚國家在四個關鍵領域領先於七國集團:但這些領域是什麽?


此外,其 GDP 增長是一個巨大的進步。自 2010 年以來,該集團的 GPD(PPP)一直在增長,而七國集團的這一數字卻在下降。數據顯示,去年金磚國家集團在 2023 年正式超過了七國集團,當時其 GDP(PPP)達到 32%,而七國集團為 29%。

這並不是雙方麵臨更多挑戰的唯一領域。根據 IM 數據,金磚國家在四個關鍵領域領先於七國集團。其中包括按購買力平價計算的 GDP 份額、世界人口份額、全球石油產量以及它們對全球經濟增長的各自貢獻。

金磚國家在最近一次擴張後,其占世界人口的份額達到 45%。而 G7 隻占世界人口的 30%。這清楚地表明了西方經濟體係沒有從中受益的群體。

此外,石油產量以金磚國家為主。該集團占總產量的 41%,而 G7 隻占 29%。這受到阿聯酋的加入和沙特阿拉伯的合作的影響。盡管利哈德尚未加入該集團,但它最近投資了 50 億美元來加強與該集團的夥伴關係。

最後,金磚國家在對全球經濟增長的貢獻方麵處於領先地位。金磚國家貢獻了 44%,而 G7 貢獻了 20%,這是金磚國家更替的另一個跡象。隨著金磚國家繼續擴張以及對參與國的增長預測,這一差距隻會繼續擴大。

Breaking NEWS! West In Shock as IMF Reveals BRICS GDP Just Surpassed G7!

非洲製造  2024年9月20日  

Breaking NEWS! West In Shock as IMF Reveals BRICS GDP Just Surpassed G7! 

Amid the continued growth of the BRICS alliance, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) has recently highlighted that the bloc is leading the G7 group in four distinct and crucial areas. Indeed, they note that the gap between the Western bloc and the Global South collective is lessening.

The BRICS group took a massive step toward growth in 2023. Specifically, the bloc welcomed four additional members in its first expansion effort since 2001. The alliance saw the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Egypt, Ethiopia, and Iran join its ranks. That number could get even larger as the 2024 annual summit approaches.

IMF Says BRICS Leads G7 in Four Critical Areas: But What Are They?

The last several years have been vital for the BRICS bloc. It has firmly embraced de-dollarization on a global scale. Moreover, they have pushed those efforts to new heights. Creating a geopolitical reality in which nations seek global reserves outside the US dollar.

Moreover, its GDP growth has been a massive development. Since 2010, the bloc has seen its GPD (PPP) increase, whereas the G7 has seen the figure falter. Data shows that last year the BRICS bloc officially surpassed the collective in 2023, when its GDP (PPP) reached 32%, as opposed to the G7’s 29%.

That isn’t the only area where the two sides have seen increased challenges. According to IM data, BRICS is leading the G7 in four critical areas. That includes the share of GDP in PPP terms, the share of the world population, global oil production, and their respective contributions to global economic growth.

The BRICS group has seen its share of the world’s population reach 45% following its most recent expansion. Alternatively, the G7 only boasts 30% of that population. This clearly identifies the collective of people for which the Western economic systems do not benefit.

Moreover, oil production is dominated by BRICS. The group has 41% of all production, whereas the G7 only boasts 29%. This is affected by the inclusion of the UAE and the cooperation of Saudi Arabia. Although Riyhad has yet to join the bloc, it recently invested $5 billion to increase its partnership with the collective.

Finally, the BRICS group leads in the contribution to global economic growth. The BRICS contribute 44% to the G7’s 20% another indication of the changing guard. With continued expansion, and growth forecasts for participating countries, this gap should only continue to widen.

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