
Cyrus Janssen 俄烏戰爭徹底擊碎歐洲

(2024-07-07 16:01:50) 下一個

Why the Ukraine War Will Break Europe FOREVER!


 Cyrus Janssen

弗拉基米爾·普京剛剛向西方發出了結束烏克蘭戰爭的最後通牒,如果美國放棄這項協議,這不僅會給烏克蘭帶來絕對的災難,還可能導致歐洲的衰落。現在,你可能認為這是一種誇張,但如果你了解曆史,你就會知道,這是自 2008 年以來俄羅斯第五次提出就烏克蘭問題進行談判和解,美國政府拒絕了之前的四次提議。因為在內心深處,我們的政客在烏克蘭隻有一個明確的目標,不,這不是建立和平,美國想要削弱和肢解俄羅斯,並最終迫使政權更迭,

但是,現在已經是 2024 年 7 月,美國的策略失敗了,在這個過程中對烏克蘭造成了災難性的破壞,危及了整個世界,歐洲人已經受夠了,已經證明他們已經準備好走向極端,看看第一輪選舉的結果就知道了法國大選極右翼政治領袖瑪麗娜·萊恩目前以 51% 的席位領先,第二輪投票將於本周日舉行。如果萊恩獲勝並組建多數政府,這將是自二戰以來極右翼首次執政法國,正如我稍後將在今天的視頻中解釋的那樣,這次選舉的最終結果對烏克蘭來說可能是一場災難。

歐洲陷入了混亂,他們的預算被債務淹沒,經濟一團糟,絕大多數歐洲人不再支持這場烏克蘭戰爭。全球事務研究所最近的一項調查強調了這一點,該調查顯示,令人難以置信的是,88% 的西歐人希望北約推動通過談判解決烏克蘭戰爭,但事情變得有趣了,幾周前,100 多個國家和組織的代表團在瑞士舉行了烏克蘭和平峰會,他們心中有一個簡單的目標,那就是讓世界團結起來,達成一致關於結束俄羅斯和烏克蘭之間殘酷戰爭的條款,在受邀參加峰會的 92 個國家中,隻有 77 個國家簽署了最終協議。印度、墨西哥、沙特阿拉伯、南非、泰國、印度尼西亞、亞洲和阿拉伯聯合酋長國等主要國際參與者,都拒絕簽署聯合聲明。


這是妄想,我認為幾乎每個人從一開始就明白這一點,甚至在會議召開之前,如果你看看最後的溝通,它真的淡化了烏克蘭人真正想要的東西,並沒有說太多,所以最終的結果是,這並沒有多大意義,如果有什麽能暴露出西方和烏克蘭伊恩的立場在這個時候有多麽軟弱的話,這段視頻來自約翰·米默教授,他於 2015 年首次正確預測了烏克蘭的命運,並且不怕說出烏克蘭真正發生的事情的真相。

米爾·希默是現代政治中一個重要的人物,因為他最出名的是發展了進攻性現實主義理論,該理論描述了所有大國都將努力實現一定程度的霸權,以主宰他們的同行並影響他們的世界,美國幾十年來一直是全球最大的霸權國家,但你有沒有注意到他們之間的共同主題選擇不同意這些條款的國家,即我之前提到的 10 個國家,它們要麽是金磚國家的正式成員,要麽計劃在不久的將來加入金磚國家,這是我們生活的新多極世界,美國及其盟友與正在遠離的全球南方之間正在劃出一條強有力的界線,並正在建立一個更加平衡的新世界,西方陷入困境,民主國家正在為生存而戰,幾周前,法國大選的動蕩可能會改變整個歐洲的未來,法國總統馬克龍警告法國公民,法國的兩項極右翼和左翼政策可能導致該國陷入內戰。

Vladimir Putin just gave the West an
ultimatum to end the war in Ukraine and
if the US walks away from this deal it
could not only result in an absolute
disaster for Ukraine but it could lead
to the very downfall of Europe now you
might think that's an exaggeration but
if you know your history you'll know
that this is the fifth time since 2008
that Russia has proposed to negotiate a
settlement over Ukraine the US
government rejected the previous four
proposals Because deep down our
politicians have only one clear
objective in Ukraine and no it's not not
establishing peace the US wants to
weaken and dismember Russia and
ultimately force a regime change but
here we are in July 2024 and US tactics
have failed disastrously devastating
Ukraine in the process and endangering
the whole world but Europeans have had
enough and have proved they are ready to
go to the extreme just look at the first
round results of the French election far
rate political leader Marine Leen is now
leading 51% of the seats with the second
round of voting taking place this Sunday
if Leen wins and forms a majority
government it would be the first time
the far right has governed France since
World War II and as I'll explain later
in today's video the final result of
this election could be a disaster for
Ukraine Europe has descended into chaos
their budgets are drowning in debt the
economy is in shambles and the vast
majority of Europeans no longer support
this war in Ukraine this was highlighted
in a recent survey from The Institute
for Global Affairs which revealed an
incredible 88% of Western Europeans want
NATO to push for a negotiated settlement
for the war in Ukraine but here is where
things get interesting a few weeks ago
over a 100 delegations of countries and
organizations met in Switzerland for the
summit on peace in Ukraine with one
simple goal in mind bring the world
together and agree on the terms that
will end this brutal war between Russia
and Ukraine of the 92 countries invited
to the summit only 77 signed the final
agreement with major International
Players like India Mexico Saudi Arabia
South Africa Thailand Indonesia Asia and
the United Arab Emirates all refusing to
sign the joint communic Brazil attended
as an observer but ultimately chose not
to back the agreement China full out
refused to attend the summit and Russia
by far the most important country that
needed to be in attendance was not even
invited I mean how else are you going to
end the war with Russia than actually
discussing things with the Russians but
something much bigger is going on behind
the scenes and a larger problem has just
been exposed I think it was basically a
failure and one could argue even that it
backf fired on the ukrainians who were
pushing it very hard they thought that
they could hold this conference and
invite pretty much every country in the
world except Russia uh and they could
reach some sort of meaningful consensus
this was delusional almost everybody I
think understood that from the beginning
even before the Conference was held and
if you look at the final communic it was
really watered down from what the
ukrainians really wanted and didn't say
much of all so the end result is that
this just doesn't add up to much and if
anything exposes how weak uh the Western
and Ukraine Ian position is at this
point in time this clip is from
Professor John mimer who first correctly
predicted Ukraine's fate back in 2015
and isn't afraid to speak the truth on
what's really happening in Ukraine Mir
shimer is an important figure to study
in modern-day Politics as he is best
known for developing the theory of
offensive realism which describes that
all great Powers will strive to achieve
a level of hegemony to dominate their
peers and influence their world the
United States has been the largest
global heden for decades but did you
notice the common theme among the
countries who chose not to agree to
these terms now the 10 countries I
previously mentioned all of them are
either full members of the brics
organization or are planning to join
brics in the near future once again this
is the new multi-polar world we live in
and a strong line is being drawn in the
sand between the US and its allies and
the global South who are shifting away
and building a new more balanced world
the West is in trouble democracies are
fighting for their survival and no
better example of this can be found in
the turmoil that is going down with the
French elections that could change the
entire future of Europe a few weeks ago
French president macron warned French
citizens that two far right and left
policies in France could lead the
country to a civil war it of course was
widely covered by the media but to be
honest I started this YouTube channel
because I lost trust in the media every
news outlet has a political bias and
social media often compounds the
problems so I quickly want to show you
this on ground news today's video
sponsor because it's a tool that I
literally use ever

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