
Bill Gates 中國的崛起是世界的巨大勝利

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作者:史蒂夫·莫爾曼 2023 年 1 月 26 日


比爾蓋茨認為中國的崛起是“世界的巨大勝利”。 但他知道並不是每個人都同意他的觀點。




他說:“我確實認為美國目前對中國的心態是一種雙輸的心態,而這種心態是一種雙輸的心態。” “如果你問美國政客,'嘿,你希望中國經濟收縮 20% 還是增長 20%',恐怕他們會投票說,'是的,讓我們讓這些人陷入困境'—不理解這一點 全球經濟、癌症藥物的發明、氣候變化的解決方案,你知道,我們都在一起。”

他警告說,美國目前對中國的強硬態度可能會“以一種非常消極的方式自我實現”。 他沒有舉例。 美國立法者本月以壓倒性多數投票決定成立眾議院特別委員會,專門解決中國對美國共和黨威斯康星州構成的各種威脅。 中共。


"他們在全球經濟中所占的比例與他們在全球人口中所占的比例完全匹配。 像澳大利亞、美國這樣的國家,我們的人均GDP是中國的五倍,所以我們在世界經濟中所占的份額不成比例。"

但事情也並非一帆風順。 蓋茨還對中國提出了批評。 他承認,這個國家 "不是一個民主國家",“就財富水平而言,今天是一個異類,而且仍然像他們一樣專製”。



中國最近放鬆了對新冠病毒的嚴格限製,並報告稱,隨著人們出行更加自由,新冠病毒死亡人數有所上升,但官方數字可能遠低於實際情況。 “我們永遠不會知道真正的死亡人數,”蓋茨說。


“我想說,今天的美國政治比以前更弱,而且,你知道,這對世界來說是可怕的,”他說。 “當前的世界體係是圍繞美國的領導地位而設計的。 隨著其他國家變得更加富裕,包括中國和印度在內的中等收入國家需要在世界治理中發揮更強有力的作用。”




作者: Adam Sabes 福克斯商業 2023 年 1 月 25 日





蓋茨表示:“我傾向於將中國的崛起視為世界的巨大勝利。” “我的意思是,那是人類的 20%。他們今天在全球經濟中所占的比例與他們在全球經濟中所占的比例相匹配,他們在全球人口中所占的比例也與澳大利亞、美國等國家完全匹配,我們的人均 GDP 是中國的五倍 所以我們在世界經濟中所占的份額不成比例。”


中國的 COVID-19 重症病例在本月初達到峰值後下降了 72%


比爾蓋茨出席 2021 年 11 月 2 日 COP26 第三天的世界領導人峰會“加速清潔技術創新和部署”會議

蘇格蘭格拉斯哥。 (攝影:Jeff J Mitchell - Pool/Getty Images/Getty Images)

“你知道,我確實認為美國目前對中國的心態是一種雙輸的心態,如果你問美國政客‘嘿,你希望中國經濟萎縮20%還是增長 20%,”我擔心他們會投票說“是的,讓我們讓這些人陷入困境”,而不了解對於全球經濟、癌症藥物的發明、氣候變化的解決方案,你知道我們都在這之中 一起。”




2022 年 10 月 23 日星期日,中國東部浙江省杭州市商業區的大屏幕上出現了中國國家主席習近平在中國共產黨第 20 次黨代會閉幕式上的身影。(美聯社/美聯社新聞室的 Chinatopix)



比爾及梅琳達·蓋茨基金會主席比爾·蓋茨於 2019 年 11 月 21 日在中國北京於中國國際經濟交流中心 (CCIEE) 舉行的 2019 年新經濟論壇上發表講話。 (侯宇/中新社/VCG via Getty Images/Getty Images)

“我想說,今天的美國在政治上比以前更弱,你知道,這對世界來說是可怕的。當前的世界體係是圍繞美國的領導力設計的,”蓋茨說。 “隨著其他國家變得更加富裕,包括中國和印度在內的中等收入國家需要在世界治理中發揮更強有力的作用。”




作者:編輯 2023 年 2 月 5 日




如果你問美國政客:“嘿,你希望中國經濟萎縮 20% 還是增長 20%?”我擔心他們會投票說“是的,讓我們讓這些人陷入困境”,而不是為了全球的利益而理解這一點。 經濟、癌症藥物的發明(以及)氣候變化的解決方案,我們都在一起。 我們是人類。 我們共同創新,我們必須以一種非常戲劇性的方式共同改變現代工業經濟……

在這一點上,我非常同意(澳大利亞前總理)陸克文的觀點……在美國,我們屬於少數派,那裏的人都比較鷹派。 我認為這可能會以一種非常消極的方式自我實現。”

11 條評論
SPJH 1年前

牛仔鮑勃 1年前
當然,比爾·蓋茨這個技術官僚、寡頭會說出這樣的話。 並讚揚陸克文。 陸克文是小資產階級特權階層的寵兒,他自稱“經濟保守派”的外衣反映了蓋茨的心態。 這與蓋茨作為世界無冕統治者的心情非常契合。 這與他的“世界治理”理念是一致的,即由精英、選民(他是其中的一員)來治理。

至於中國。 它的崛起很大程度上是由計算機電子行業資助的,也是耐克等公司的離岸鞋廠。 另外,大比爾希望參與這一行動,因為這是一個令美國相形見絀的市場。 中國經濟日益強大,而美國卻在烏克蘭浪費了數千億美元,除了武器製造之外,烏克蘭沒有任何利潤。

比爾·阿普爾多夫 1 年前
“我們。 領導力”對於“美國”來說是狡猾的說法。 統治地位。”
換句話說,帝國。 用龐大的軍隊來約束弱國,用美元霸權來為 31 萬億美元的債務融資。



威廉·斯特爾 1年前

我們的假民主也許是由我們人口中的前 10% 控製的。 我們占世界人口的 5%



彼得·麥克勞林 1 年前
如果大國能夠找到避免世界大戰的方法就好了,但他們似乎還沒有找到。 避免核世界末日仍然是挑戰。

海克1 年前

邁克爾·G 1年前



邁克爾·G 1年前
  回複 邁克爾 G
嘿,騙子,使用“Michael Grifter”之類的東西太麻煩了?

Calgacus 1年前不幸的是,有人不同意蓋茨的觀點,在此類問題上需要理智的聲音。 美國大多數喋喋不休的統治階級無緣無故地想要並且確實與俄羅斯或中國或兩者挑釁。 當然,除了養活我們臃腫的軍事工業綜合體,危及地球上的其他所有人。
至於陸克文,他在很長一段時間內是澳大利亞 — — 或任何主要英語國家 — — 的最左翼領導人。 隻有澳大利亞在他擔任總理期間度過了 2008 年危機,沒有出現經濟衰退。

邁克爾888 1年前
是的,但根據利維經濟研究所的數據,賭場倒閉後,奧巴馬的美聯儲向華爾街捐贈了 29 萬億美元。 避免金融災難和向最強大的全球主義者轉移數十萬億美元哪個更好?
對於美國建製政客來說,這是一個簡單的選擇。 都怪普京。

妮可 1年前

Bill Gates says the rise of China is good for everyone and that Beijing needs to 'play a stronger role in world governance'


BY STEVE MOLLMAN   Jan 26, 2023

Bill Gates, seen here at the Australian Open on Thursday, considers China's rise a net positive.

Bill Gates sees China’s rise as a “huge win for the world.” But he knows that not everyone shares his view.

Speaking this week at the Lowy Institute, a think tank based in Sydney, the Microsoft cofounder gave his perspective on China’s transformation from a developing economy to a major world player. 

“China has gone from in 1980 being incredibly impoverished—poorer than India, I mean literally, with starvation, malnutrition—to being the most wealthy middle-income country in the world,” said Gates. “It’s incredible, and it’s great for the world.”

The Microsoft billionaire, who currently ranks as the fourth richest person in the world, also warned about the negative attitudes toward China in the United States today, and vice versa.

“I do think the current mentality of the U.S. to China, and which is reciprocated, is kind of a lose-lose mentality,” he said. “If you ask U.S. politicians, ‘Hey, would you like the Chinese economy to shrink by 20% or grow by 20%,’ I’m afraid they would vote that, ‘Yeah, let’s immiserate those people’—not understanding that for the global economy, the invention of cancer drugs, the solution of climate change, you know, we’re all in this together.”

The current hawkishness toward China in the U.S. could become “self-fulfilling in a very negative way,” he cautioned. He didn’t give an example. U.S. lawmakers voted overwhelmingly this month to establish a House select committee specifically to address the various threats that China poses to the U.S. GOP Wisconsin Rep. Mike Gallagher described a “coordinated whole-of-society strategy to undermine American leadership and American sovereignty” by the Chinese Communist Party.

Gates also noted China’s economic importance, saying it holds 20% of the world’s people.

“Their portion of the global economy and their portion of the global population match exactly. Countries like Australia, U.S., we have per capita GDPs five times what the Chinese have, so we have a disproportionate share of the world’s economy.”

But it wasn’t all rosy. Gates also leveled criticism at China. The country is “not a democracy,” he acknowledged, and is an “outlier today in terms of that level of wealth and still being as autocratic as they are.” 

He also knocked China for not acting quickly enough to get its population properly vaccinated early during the COVID pandemic. 

China “should have jumped on vaccines, particularly for the elderly, much faster, and that would have allowed them to open up somewhat sooner than they did,” he said. 

China recently loosened its strict COVID restrictions and is reporting an uptick in COVID deaths as people circulate more freely, but the official numbers are likely far below reality. “We’ll never know the true death numbers,” Gates said.

Still, Gates said nations like China needed to step up on the world stage. 

“The U.S. is politically weaker today, I would say, than it’s been, and, you know, that’s scary for the world,” he said. “The current world system is designed around U.S. leadership. As other countries have gotten richer, these middle-income countries including China and India need to play a stronger role in world governance.”

Bill Gates says 'China's rise' is a 'huge win for the world'


Gates also said that China needs to play a 'stronger role' in world governance

By Adam Sabes FOXBusiness  January 25, 2023

Bill Gates backing startup trying to stop cows from burping

FOX Business' Ashley Webster reports that billionaire Bill Gates is backing an Australian startup that's trying to stop cows from burping methane emissions.

Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates said that China's rise is a "huge win for the world" during an interview in Australia on Monday.

Gates made the comment during an interview with the Lowy Institue, a think tank based in Sydney, Australia.

"I tend to see China's rise as a huge win for the world," Gates said. "I mean, that's 20% of humanity. They today match their portion of the global economy, and their portion of the global population match exactly, you know, countries like Australia, U.S., we have per capita GDP's five times what the Chinese have. So we have a disproportionate share of the world's economy."

His comments about the communist country came in response to a question asking Gates how "bullish" he was on China.


Bill gates IN SCOTLAND

Bill Gates attends the World Leaders' Summit "Accelerating Clean Technology Innovation and Deployment" session on day three of COP26 on November 02, 2021 in Glasgow, Scotland. (Photo by Jeff J Mitchell - Pool/Getty Images / Getty Images)

"You know, I do think the current mentality of the U.S. to China and which is reciprocated is kind of a lose-lose mentality, that if you ask U.S. politicians ‘hey, would you like the Chinese economy to shrink by 20% or grow by 20%,' I'm afraid they would vote that ‘yeah, let’s immiserate those people,' not understanding that for the global economy, the invention of cancer drugs, the solution of climate change, you know we're all in this together."

While painting China's rise positively, Gates acknowledged that the country is "not a democracy," and is an "outlier today in terms of that level of wealth and still being as autocratic as they are." 


Chinese President Xi Jinping

Chinese President Xi Jinping is seen at the end of the Chinese Communist Party's 20th Party Congress on a giant screen a commercial district of Hangzhou in eastern China's Zhejiang province on Sunday, Oct 23, 2022.  (Chinatopix via AP / AP Newsroom)

During the interview, Gates also said that the U.S. is politically in a weak state, adding that countries like China need to play a bigger role in world governance.


Bill Gates

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Chairman Bill Gates speaks during 2019 New Economy Forum at China Center for International Economic Exchanges (CCIEE) on November 21, 2019 in Beijing, China. (Hou Yu/China News Service/VCG via Getty Images / Getty Images)

"The U.S. is politically weaker today, I would say, than it's been and you know, that's scary for the world. The current world system is designed around U.S. leadership," Gates said. "As other countries have gotten richer, these middle-income countries including China and India need to play a stronger role in world governance."

A spokesperson for Gates did not immediately respond to FOX Business. 

Bill Gates Sees 'China's rise' as 'Huge Win For the World'


by EDITOR  Feb 5, 2023

At a forum in Australia on Monday the 23rd, Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates described China’s rise to a leading global economy as a “huge win for the world.”

According to Forbes, Gates stated:

“I do think the current mentality of the U.S. to China — and which is reciprocated — is kind of a lose-lose mentality…

If you ask U.S. politicians: ‘Hey, would you like the Chinese economy to shrink by 20% or grow by 20%?’ I’m afraid they would vote that ‘Yeah, let’s immiserate those people,’ not understanding that for the global economy, the invention of cancer drugs (and) the solution of climate change, we’re all in this together. We’re humans. We innovate together, and we have to change the modern industrial economy together in a pretty dramatic fashion…

I’m very aligned with (Australia’s former prime minister) Kevin Rudd on this…In the U.S., we’d be in a minority, where people are kind of hawkish. I think that could be self-fulfilling in a very negative way.”

SPJH  1 year ago

Yeah, Bill and how much do you stand to make?

Cowboybobb  1 year ago

Certainly, Bill Gates, a technocrat, oligarch would utter such. And praise Kevin Rudd. Rudd a favorite of the privileged sections of the petty-bourgeoisie and his self-professed mantle as an “economic conservative” reflects Gates’ mindset. Fits perfectly well with Gates’ sentiments as the uncrowned ruler of the world. It aligns with his notion of ‘world governance’ by an elite, an elect, of which he is a member.

As for China. It’s rise was funded in large part by the computer electronics industry and wasis the offshore shoe factory for the likes of Nike. Plus, Big Bill would like a part of that action as it is a market that dwarfs the USA. China is increasingly powerful economically, while the USA pisses away 100s of billions in the Ukraine, which profits no one except those in weapons manufacture.

Bill Appledorf  1 year ago

“U.S. leadership” is weasel words for “U.S. dominance.”
Empire, in other words. Enforced with a gigantic military used to discipline weak countries and dollar hegemony used to finance a $31 trillion debt.

Americans should be thinking about regime change in Washington.
Not Republicans for Democrats or vice versa, but democracy for fascism.

A U.S. defeat in Ukraine after pouring more than $100 billion into that imperial sinkhole could usher regime change in in Washington very quickly provided Americans start talking now across the phony ideological divide the U.S. oligarchy uses to keep itself in power.

William Sterr  1 year ago

Excellent commentary by Mr., Gates, taking the view of all humanity and the planet rather than Americans only and the USA.

Our sham democracy is controlled by perhaps the top 10% of our population. Our 5% of the world’s population then sets the rules (ordained by only a small % of us) to control all the 4rest of humanity.

The tip of the tail wagging the tail that presumes to wag the dog.

peter mcloughlin  1 year ago

It would be good if powers had found a way to avoid world war – but it seems they haven’t. Avoiding nuclear Armageddon is still the challenge. 

Heike  1 year ago

Bill Gates rode on Jeffrey Epstein’s Lolita Express many times and knew exactly who Epstein was and who he worked for.

Michael G  1 year ago

The best contribution the Chinese people can make would be to monetize market gold with the use of market prices in order to measure the gold’s trade value and conduct debt-free transactions where the gold is money.

Actually, any individual can do this but China happens to have quite a large hoard to work with.


Michael G  1 year ago
 Reply to  Michael G

Hey shill, too much trouble to use “Michael Grifter” something like that?

Calgacus  1 year agoUnfortunate that anyone disagrees with Gates, a needed voice of sanity on such issues. Most of the chattering and ruling classes in the USA want to and do pick fights with Russia or China or both, for no reason whatsoever. Except of course to feed our bloated military industrial complex, endangering everyone else on the planet.

As for Rudd, he was the left-most leader of Australia – or any major English speaking country – for a long time. Only Australia got through the 2008 crisis when he was PM, without a recession.

michael888  1 year ago
 Reply to  Calgacus

Yeah, but according to the Levy Economics Institute, Obama’s FED gave $29 TRILLION to Wall Street after the casino collapsed. Which is better, avoiding a financial catastrophe or transferring $tens of trillions to the most powerful globalists?
An easy choice for American Establishment politicians. Blame Putin.

niko  1 year ago

What pathetic toadies praise front men for the ruling class like Gates, who from Microsoft monopoly to eugenicist philanthropy has sold us viruses for forced and final solutions of totalitarianism?

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