
Tharman SIPA 的加布裏埃爾·西爾弗紀念講座上討論全球合作

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新加坡總統尚達曼在 SIPA 的加布裏埃爾·西爾弗紀念講座上討論全球合作

https://www.columbiaspectator.com/news/2023/11/28/president-of-the-republic-of-singapore-tharman-shanmugaratnam-discuss-global-collaboration-at-sipas-gabriel-silver-memorial- 演講/

國際與公共事務學院的加布裏埃爾·西爾弗紀念講座成立於 1949 年,旨在促進更大的國際理解和世界和平。

作者:丹妮拉·奧斯皮諾·帕拉雷斯 • 2023 年 11 月 28 日

周二,世界領導人論壇在低圖書館圓形大廳舉行了新加坡共和國總統尚達曼與 CNN 主持人、《華盛頓郵報》專欄作家法裏德·紮卡裏亞之間的對話。

此次活動題為“建立共同點”,由國際與公共事務學院全球政治研究所共同主辦,是 SIPA 加布裏埃爾·西爾弗紀念講座係列的一部分。 據 WLF 網站稱,該講座成立於 1949 年,“目的是為了促進更多的國際理解和世界和平”。






CNN 主持人法裏德·紮卡裏亞 (Fareed Zakaria) 也加入了 Shanmugaratnam 的行列。 Shanmugaratnam 還討論了增加對突破性氣候可持續性技術投資的必要性。

“為了擁有更美好的未來,你今天要付出代價,”他指的是應對氣候變化的舊戰略。 “今天的可持續發展需要做出一些犧牲。 那是舊的想法。 我們現在知道,如果我們投資新的解決方案、新技術,就沒有真正的權衡。”



正如尚穆加拉特南所描述的那樣,大部分談話都圍繞著“基於規則的秩序”的持續侵蝕。 紮卡裏亞在講話中強調,有必要維持一個不陷入兩極分化的多極世界。

“解決方案似乎是美國本質上使用硬實力來威懾、打擊、扭轉這些破壞國際秩序的努力,”紮卡裏亞說。 “但這樣做會進一步分裂世界。 它迫使各國選邊站隊。 ……你怎麽穿這根針?”



SIPA 院長 Keren Yarhi-Milo 發表了閉幕詞,回顧了此次對話及其與係列講座“促進國際理解與世界和平”承諾的相關性。

亞裏-米洛說:“在像今晚這樣的對話中,真正可以看出的是我們生活在一個不確定的時代。” “我們需要更多像今天的客人一樣的領導人,致力於建立更具包容性的社會契約、激勵年輕人、反對兩極分化的領導人。”

President of the Republic of Singapore Tharman Shanmugaratnam discusses global collaboration at SIPA's Gabriel Silver Memorial Lecture


The School of International and Public Affairs's Gabriel Silver Memorial Lecture was established in 1949 “to foster greater international understanding and world peace.”


The World Leaders Forum on Tuesday hosted a dialogue between Tharman Shanmugaratnam, president of the Republic of Singapore, and Fareed Zakaria, CNN host and the Washington Post columnist, in the Low Library Rotunda.

The event, titled “Building Common Ground,” was cosponsored by the School of International and Public Affairs’ Institute of Global Politics and held as part of the Gabriel Silver Memorial Lecture series at SIPA. The lecture was established in 1949 “to foster greater international understanding and world peace,” according to the WLF website.

"We should expect a thoughtful and incisive conversation about resilience, optimism, and respect between a very distinguished journalist and a long-time public servant and politician,” University President Minouche Shafik said during her introductory remarks.

Throughout the event, Shanmugaratnam emphasized the critical need to proactively address global challenges by fostering collaboration among nations, rather than merely reacting to them as they arise.

"We do have to look at the powerful, destabilizing undercurrents in the world we are in—geopolitical, ecological, and social,” Shanmugaratnam said during his introductory speech. “We are just waiting for one crisis after another to come.”

Shanmugaratnam called for a deeper culture of respect and unity among nations.

"We have to find ways in which around the world, leaders see peace as essential to the interests of their own people and see peace only possible if you acknowledge and respect what the other side needs,” he said.

Shanmugaratnam was joined by CNN host Fareed Zakaria. Shanmugaratnam also discussed the need for increased investment in breakthrough climate sustainability technologies.
“You pay a cost today in order to have a better future,” he said, referring to the old strategies of combating climate change. “Sustainability requires sacrificing something today. That was the old thinking. We now know that there is no true tradeoff if we invest in new solutions, new technologies.”
These technological advancements, he argued, are indispensable in avoiding tipping points in the earth system within the next decade and a half.
“That transition story requires higher levels of investment over a longer period of time,” Shanmugaratnam said.
Much of the conversation revolved around the continual erosion of a “rules-based order,” as Shanmugaratnam described it. Zakaria, in his remarks, emphasized the necessity of maintaining a multipolar world that does not devolve into polarization.
“The solution seems to be that the United States essentially uses hard power to deter, combat, reverse these efforts to fray the international order,” Zakaria said. “But in doing that, it divides the world more. It forces countries to pick sides. … How do you thread this needle?”
Shanmugaratnam said this push against international polarization requires collective organization.
“I would say start from where countries are, look at their needs, and find ways of organizing ourselves multilaterally, or through coalitions to address those needs,” he said.
SIPA Dean Keren Yarhi-Milo delivered the closing remarks, reflecting on the conversation and its relevance to the lecture series’ commitment to “fostering international understanding and world peace.”
“What really can come through in conversations like this evening’s is that we are living in uncertain times,” Yarhi-Milo said. “We need more leaders like our guests today, leaders committed to building more inclusive social compacts, lifting up young people, and opposing polarization.”
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