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transsexual law was took effect in 1981
作者:克爾斯滕·格裏沙伯,2023 年 5 月 9 日
柏林(美聯社)——德國政府2023 年 5 月 9 日提出了一項法律提案,該提案將使人們更容易合法地改變自己的姓名和性別,結束數十年來要求他們獲得專家評估和法院授權的規則。
德國家庭部長麗莎·鮑斯 (Lisa Paus) 表示:“我們在自決法案方麵又向前邁出了一大步,在保護變性人、雙性人和非二元人免遭歧視和權利方麵也取得了重大進展。”
1981年生效的現行“變性法”目前要求個人獲得兩名專家(例如醫生)的評估,他們的培訓和經驗使他們“足夠熟悉變性症的特殊問題”,然後法院決定改變 官方文件上的性別。
Germany proposes rules to ease legal changes of gender
BERLIN (AP) — The German government on Tuesday presented a proposal for a law that will make it easier for people to legally change their name and gender, ending decades-old rules that require them to get expert assessments and a court’s authorization.
Under the planned “self-determination law,” adults would be able to change their first name and legal gender at registry offices without further formalities.
“We have taken another big step forward with the self-determination act and with it also in the protection against discrimination and the rights of transgender, intersex and nonbinary people,” Germany’s minister for families, Lisa Paus, said.
“This way we can give back some of the dignity to those who have been deprived of it for decades,” she added.
The existing “transsexual law,” which took effect in 1981, currently requires individuals to obtain assessments from two experts — such as physicians — whose training and experience make them “sufficiently familiar with the particular problems of transsexualism” and then a court decision to change the gender on official documents.
Over the years, Germany’s top court has struck down other provisions that required transgender people to get divorced and sterilized, and to undergo gender-transition surgery.