作者:喬納森·帕克羅夫 歐洲活性劑
2024 年 4 月 11 日
歐盟委員會主席烏蘇拉·馮德萊恩 (Ursula von der Leyen) 在 2023 年 9 月的國情谘文演講中宣布對中國電動汽車 (EV) 製造商展開反補貼調查。 [羅伯特·韋/shutterstock]
歐盟委員會主席烏蘇拉·馮德萊恩在 2023 年 9 月的國情谘文演講中宣布對中國電動汽車 (EV) 製造商進行反補貼調查,這可能導致對中國電動汽車進口征收新的關稅。
德國汽車工業協會 VDA 常務董事安德烈亞斯·拉德 (Andreas Rade) 現在也批評該程序與歐盟各國首都協調不充分。
拉德周四在綠色組織的一次活動中表示:“據我所知,這個程序可以說不是柏林和巴黎之間的聯合項目,而是由布魯塞爾在候選資格背景下發起的。” 在德國議會。
就在調查正式宣布前一周,德國總理奧拉夫·肖爾茨 (SPD/S&D) 大聲歡迎中國製造商進入歐洲市場,認為“公平競爭……符合消費者的利益”。
German car lobby chief criticises von der Leyen’s solo run on Chinese EVs
By Jonathan Packroff | Euractiv
Apr 11, 2024
During her ‘State of the Union’ speech in September 2023, EU Commission president Ursula von der Leyen announced an anti-subsidy investigation into Chinese electric vehicle (EV) manufacturers. [Robert Way/shutterstock]
The decision to open an anti-subsidy investigation against Chinese electric cars was not sufficiently coordinated with Berlin, a managing director of the German car industry association VDA said on Thursday (11 April), criticising von der Leyen’s solo effort.
During her ‘State of the Union’ speech in September 2023, EU Commission president Ursula von der Leyen announced an anti-subsidy investigation into Chinese electric vehicle (EV) manufacturers, which could lead to new tariffs on Chinese EV imports.
The German car industry has met the investigation with scepticism from the outset, as it fears potential retaliation measures against its products by China, which is the world’s largest car market.
Andreas Rade, managing director of the German Automotive Industry Association VDA, has now also criticised the procedure for not coordinating sufficiently with EU capitals.
“As far as I know, this procedure was not a joint project between Berlin and Paris, so to speak, but was initiated by Brussels in the meantime in the context of a candidature,” Rade said on Thursday at an event of the Green group in the German parliament.
He added, “That is why there was no consensus on the procedure at the European level, I believe, which is not a good signal.”
Only a week before the investigation’s official announcement, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD/S&D) had loudly welcomed Chinese manufacturers to the European market, arguing that “fair competition […] is in the interest of consumers.”
青木在德國 2024-04-13 德國《環球時報》駐德國記者 國際領域創作者