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Steve Sedgwick: no one minded getting their cheap T-shirts coming in from China , there wasn't really going to be a trade war on the basis of it; but when it comes to high-end Goods that are Goods that European and US manufacturers want to make domestically as well they then potentially becomes trade concerns and potentially uh issues around tariffs and trade Wars
José Viñals: yeah are we for globalization or aren't we for globalization, if we are still for uh competition which I think is extremely important at the global level, I think what you have to ask yourself is how come that the Chinese have been able to succeed there and what is it that we need to do, but I think that try to compete not protect, I think that the last thing we want is to block, you know whatever is left of the global trade system through further protect protectionist measures, China needs the world, China needs to export and the world needs China.
【同期】CNBC 記者 Steve Sedgwick
【同期】渣打集團董事會主席 José Viñals
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