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9 月 14 日,我在華盛頓為希爾斯代爾學院發表演講,希爾斯代爾學院是一所著名的美國中西部保守派大學,校園位於華盛頓。 我被要求從加拿大的角度向美國提供憲法建議。 以下是該地址的摘錄。

毫無疑問,你期望我譴責加拿大覺醒和過度的政治正確性,這引起了一些美國評論員的歡笑和警惕。 我會這麽做,但你會明白,加拿大人對你們的媒體將你們偉大的城市描述為充滿可憐、無家可歸的吸毒者的射擊場感到震驚,在那裏掠奪幾乎是財富再分配的合法形式。 刑事定罪的成功率達到了極權主義的水平,盡管搶劫和襲擊通常不再是犯罪,而且一半的國家認為在總統競選開始時以可疑的理由起訴反對派領導人是完美的。

加拿大在官方上有一半法國血統,因為它一開始就是法國殖民地,否則就會並入大英帝國的美洲殖民地。 它最終不得不不再是法國的,因為法國和英國之間的戰略分歧是,法國擁有無敵的陸軍,而英國很少需要陸軍,但能夠維持世界上最大的海軍400年,並在全世界範圍內為所欲為。 世界。 對於在這片大陸的北半部崛起的獨立國家來說,隨著美國人不再是英國人,加拿大必須從法國人過渡到英國人。 再說一遍,否則加拿大就會被卷入美國革命之中。

加拿大隻能抵抗美國革命者,並在1812年的戰爭中再次抵抗,因為英國向法裔加拿大人承諾保護法語、羅馬天主教(在英國受到歧視)和法國民法, 以換取法裔加拿大人對英國王室的忠誠。 雙方都信守了這些承諾,這導致傑斐遜在《獨立宣言》中令人憤慨地聲稱喬治三世國王試圖在美洲殖民地傳播教皇製。

內戰結束時,美國對英國有許多合理的不滿,緊張局勢足以讓250萬加拿大人聚集在美國北部邊境,結成聯盟自衛。 這樣一個國家能夠組建起來的唯一基礎是承認英語和法語社區的平等權利,並將非常實質性的權力留給組成省份。

Conrad Black: Constitutional Advice for the United States From a Canadian Perspective


On Sept. 14 I gave a speech in Washington for Hillsdale College, the prestigious Midwestern American conservative university that has a campus in Washington. I was asked to give constitutional advice to the United States from a Canadian perspective. The following are excerpts from that address.

You undoubtedly expect me to denounce the woke and excessive political correctness of Canada that have caused such mirth and alarm with some American commentators. I will do that, but you will appreciate that Canadians are appalled by your media’s presentation of your great cities as shooting galleries infested with pitiful, homeless drug addicts, where pillaging is almost a legalized form of wealth redistribution. You have totalitarian rates of success in criminal convictions, though robbery and assault are often no longer crimes, and half the country thinks it is perfectly in order to indict the leader of the opposition at the beginning of a presidential election campaign on dubious grounds.

Canada is officially half French because it had to begin as a French colony, otherwise it would have been integrated into the American colonies of the British Empire. It ultimately had to cease to be French because the strategic division between France and England was that France had an invincible army and Britain rarely needed an army, but was able to maintain the world’s largest navy for 400 years and took what it wanted all over the world. For an independent country ever to arise in the northern half of this continent, the transition of Canada from the French to the British had to occur as the Americans ceased to be British. Again, otherwise Canada would have been swept up in the American Revolution.

Canada was only able to resist the American revolutionaries, and again in the war of 1812, because the British had promised the French Canadians protection of the French language, the Roman Catholic religion (which was discriminated against in England), and French civil law, in exchange for French-Canadian loyalty to the British crown. Both sides kept these promises, and they led to Jefferson’s outrageous claim in the Declaration of Independence that King George III was trying to propagate popery in the American colonies.

At the end of the Civil War, the United States had a number of legitimate grievances against the British, and the tension was sufficient that the 2.5 million Canadians clustered along the northern U.S. border confederated in self-defence. The only basis upon which such a country could be put together was one that acknowledged the equal rights of the English- and French-speaking communities and left very substantial powers in the hands of the constituent provinces.

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