
網路大亨達康 談烏俄戰爭幕後黑手

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網路大亨達康 大談烏俄戰爭「幕後黑手」


  中時新聞網 張威翔



每個男生的好朋友——MegaUpload以及MEGA雲端儲存空間的創辦人達康(Kim Dotcom)本周四(7)發文批評美國政府如何介入烏克蘭,從2014年政變、支持該國極端組織、違反協議、挑釁俄羅斯、製裁、經濟破壞、代理戰爭、媒體控製、虛偽宣傳等。批評美國在全球的戰爭、欺騙和謀殺,並呼籲網友反對這樣的體係,並認為烏克蘭危機是對抗美國深層國家(Deep State)的最後機會,並呼籲人們提高警覺。以下是「他個人看法」的逐字稿:


This is important. Pay attention. What the US Govt did to Ukraine is unforgivable

對話 金·多特科姆 @KimDotcom
這個很重要。 注意。


2014 年在納粹和中央情報局狙擊手的幫助下發生的政變、無休止的宣傳和謊言、違反明斯克協議、在頓巴斯謀殺了 15,000 多名俄羅斯人、通過北約擴張計劃在距莫斯科 400 公裏處部署核導彈挑起與俄羅斯的戰爭, 傲慢無視俄羅斯撤退的警告,對俄羅斯“無端”入侵烏克蘭表現出驚訝,以國際恐怖主義行為炸毀北溪管道,對俄羅斯實施數千項製裁以迫使“政權更迭”(未成功),用貸款讓烏克蘭破產 並通過破壞烏克蘭經濟,剝奪美國的稅基,並向軍事工業聯合體支付向烏克蘭運送舊的和無效的武器庫存的費用,導致數百萬烏克蘭人逃往歐洲,錯誤地承諾烏克蘭“隻要需要,就會給予烏克蘭堅定不移的支持”。 ”,阻止與俄羅斯達成和平協議,導致60萬以上烏克蘭人在美國代理人戰爭中喪生,20%的烏克蘭領土和價值10+萬億美元的已探明自然資源讓給俄羅斯,控製西方主流媒體,通過虛假宣稱向世界撒謊 烏克蘭正在獲勝,俄羅斯即將崩潰,利用歐盟政客作為傀儡,出賣自己,永遠不會贏得連任,歐洲去工業化,並通過向美國提供不公平補貼來吸引依賴天然氣的工業,使歐盟納稅人損失了120+ 為美國代理人戰爭提供資金,給歐盟造成數萬億美元的未來經濟損失,在蘇聯在二戰中為阻止阿道夫·希特勒犧牲了2700萬人後,讓德國派遣坦克殺死俄羅斯,讓普京被西方資助的戰爭罪指控 國際刑事法院,然後支持以色列對巴勒斯坦平民進行實際的種族滅絕,指責烏克蘭反攻失敗,而不是承認五角大樓的戰爭模擬是垃圾,阻礙了外交,因為和平和中立的烏克蘭將是俄羅斯的勝利,並摧毀了拜登的勝利 連任機會、通過烏克蘭向美國和烏克蘭政客洗錢,這樣的例子不勝枚舉。

更不用說美國政府因資助 Covid-19 和不安全疫苗的研發而導致數百萬人死亡。




您是否知道自二戰以來美國政府已在 37 個受害國殺害了超過 2000 萬人? 這不包括製裁和 Covid-19 造成的死亡。


烏克蘭發生的事情給你敲響了警鍾。 這可能是你反抗邪惡分子及其腐敗製度的最後機會。

如果你不采取行動,第三次世界大戰很有可能發生,99%的人類都會消失。 這不是散布恐懼。 你需要明白美國為什麽要對俄羅斯發動代理人戰爭:

如果美國政府不能阻止由俄羅斯和中國帶頭的日益增長的多極秩序或國際貿易的去美元化,美國就會崩潰,因為它將不再能夠在使用美國的其他國家的背後印鈔票 美元作為儲備貨幣。

印刷數萬億美元是美國政府維持生計的唯一途徑,將市場變成龐氏騙局並管理不可持續且迅速增加的債務負擔。 那些日子已經屈指可數了。

2023 年 12 月 6 日上午 11:14


This is important. Pay attention. What the US Govt did to Ukraine is unforgivable: The 2014 coup with the help of Nazis and CIA snipers, endless propaganda and lies, breaches of the Minsk accords, murder of 15,000+ ethnic Russians in Donbas, provoking war with Russia via NATO expansion with plans to station nuclear capable missiles 400km from Moscow, arrogantly ignoring Russias warning to back off, acting surprised when Russia invaded Ukraine “unprovoked”, blowing up the NordStream pipelines in an act of international terrorism, unleashing thousands of sanctions against Russia to force “regime change” (unsuccessfully), bankrupting Ukraine with loans and by wrecking the Ukrainian economy, ripping off the US tax base and paying the Military Industrial Complex for sending old and ineffective arms stockpiles to Ukraine, causing millions of Ukrainians to flee to Europe, falsely promising Ukraine “unwavering support for as long as it takes”, preventing a peace agreement with Russia, causing 600,000+ Ukrainians to die in a US proxy war, losing 20% of Ukrainian territory and $10+ trillion of proven natural resources to Russia, controlling western mainstream media and lying to the world by falsely claiming that Ukraine is winning and that Russia is about to fold, using EU politicians as puppets who sold out and will never win re-election, de-industrialization of Europe and luring Gas dependent Industries with unfair subsidies to the US, costing EU taxpayers 120+ billion for funding a US proxy war and causing trillions in future economic losses for the EU, getting Germany to send tanks to kill Russians after the Soviets sacrificed 27 million people in WW2 to stop Adolf Hitler, getting Putin charged for war crimes by the western funded International Criminal Court and then backing an actual genocide by Israel against Palestinian civilians, blaming Ukraine for the failed counter-offensive instead of admitting that Pentagon war simulations are garbage, preventing diplomacy because peace and a neutral Ukraine would be a victory for Russia and destroying Biden’s re-election chances, laundering money via Ukraine to US and Ukrainian politicians, the list goes on and on. Don’t even get me started about the millions of people the US Govt killed by funding the creation of Covid-19 and unsafe vaccines. Are you supporting the United States Govt and the US Deep State which controls politicians in all parties, the judiciary and big tech? Are you supporting the Pentagon propaganda media, the US censorship machine and the 5 Eyes mass surveillance regime that constantly collects every bit of data about you? Are you supporting the US led NATO war machine, chaos by design, global deception and mass murder? Did you know that the US Govt has killed over 20 million people in 37 victim nations since WW2? That doesn’t include deaths by sanctions and Covid-19. Is your nation and are your politicians backing endless US wars, theft and crimes against humanity? What happened in Ukraine is your wake-up call. This may be your last chance to rise against the evildoers and their corrupt system. Soon and will be forced to comply with censorship or be destroyed and you will have to look for posts like this in the anonymous corners of the Internet. If you fail to act World War 3 is more likely than not and 99% of humanity would vanish. This isn’t fear-mongering. You need to understand why the US started the proxy war with Russia: If the US Govt can’t stop the growing multipolar order spearheaded by Russia and China or the de-dollarization in international trade the US will simply collapse because it will no longer be able to print money on the backs of other nations which use the US dollar as a reserve currency. Printing trillions of dollars was the only way for the US Govt to stay afloat, turning the markets into a Ponzi scheme and managing an unsustainable and rapidly increasing debt-burden. Those days are numbered.

This is important. Pay attention. What the US Govt did to Ukraine is unforgivable: The 2014 coup with the help of Nazis and CIA snipers, endless propaganda and lies, breaches of the Minsk accords, murder of 15,000+ ethnic Russians in Donbas, provoking war with Russia via NATO expansion with plans to station nuclear capable missiles 400km from Moscow, arrogantly ignoring Russias warning to back off, acting surprised when Russia invaded Ukraine “unprovoked”, blowing up the NordStream pipelines in an act of international terrorism, unleashing thousands of sanctions against Russia to force “regime change” (unsuccessfully), bankrupting Ukraine with loans and by wrecking the Ukrainian economy, ripping off the US tax base and paying the Military Industrial Complex for sending old and ineffective arms stockpiles to Ukraine, causing millions of Ukrainians to flee to Europe, falsely promising Ukraine “unwavering support for as long as it takes”, preventing a peace agreement with Russia, causing 600,000+ Ukrainians to die in a US proxy war, losing 20% of Ukrainian territory and $10+ trillion of proven natural resources to Russia, controlling western mainstream media and lying to the world by falsely claiming that Ukraine is winning and that Russia is about to fold, using EU politicians as puppets who sold out and will never win re-election, de-industrialization of Europe and luring Gas dependent Industries with unfair subsidies to the US, costing EU taxpayers 120+ billion for funding a US proxy war and causing trillions in future economic losses for the EU, getting Germany to send tanks to kill Russians after the Soviets sacrificed 27 million people in WW2 to stop Adolf Hitler, getting Putin charged for war crimes by the western funded International Criminal Court and then backing an actual genocide by Israel against Palestinian civilians, blaming Ukraine for the failed counter-offensive instead of admitting that Pentagon war simulations are garbage, preventing diplomacy because peace and a neutral Ukraine would be a victory for Russia and destroying Biden’s re-election chances, laundering money via Ukraine to US and Ukrainian politicians, the list goes on and on. Don’t even get me started about the millions of people the US Govt killed by funding the creation of Covid-19 and unsafe vaccines. Are you supporting the United States Govt and the US Deep State which controls politicians in all parties, the judiciary and big tech? Are you supporting the Pentagon propaganda media, the US censorship machine and the 5 Eyes mass surveillance regime that constantly collects every bit of data about you? Are you supporting the US led NATO war machine, chaos by design, global deception and mass murder? Did you know that the US Govt has killed over 20 million people in 37 victim nations since WW2? That doesn’t include deaths by sanctions and Covid-19. Is your nation and are your politicians backing endless US wars, theft and crimes against humanity? What happened in Ukraine is your wake-up call. This may be your last chance to rise against the evildoers and their corrupt system. Soon

and will be forced to comply with censorship or be destroyed and you will have to look for posts like this in the anonymous corners of the Internet. If you fail to act World War 3 is more likely than not and 99% of humanity would vanish. This isn’t fear-mongering. You need to understand why the US started the proxy war with Russia: If the US Govt can’t stop the growing multipolar order spearheaded by Russia and China or the de-dollarization in international trade the US will simply collapse because it will no longer be able to print money on the backs of other nations which use the US dollar as a reserve currency. Printing trillions of dollars was the only way for the US Govt to stay afloat, turning the markets into a Ponzi scheme and managing an unsustainable and rapidly increasing debt-burden. Those days are numbered.











烏克蘭所發生的事情是你的警鍾。這可能是你反抗邪惡者和他們腐敗體係的最後機會。很快的社群網路X平台和馬斯克(Elon Musk)將被迫屈服於遵守審查,否則他將被摧毀,屆時你將不得不在網際網路上匿名角落尋找像這樣的貼文









本報補充2014年,烏克蘭安全局(SBU)密錄電話錄音以及愛沙尼亞外交部聲明證實錄音為真的聲明,電話中時任愛沙尼亞外長白艾特(Urmas Paet)與時任歐盟外交事務及安全政策高級代表(EEAS)艾希頓(Catherine Ashton)談到射手於廣場革命期間同時射殺抗議民眾和警方,使警民對抗大幅升級至一發不可收拾。文章來源:This is important. Pay attention. What the US Govt did to Ukraine is unforgivable:

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