
混亂感到沮喪 黴國國會近 40 議員不玩了

(2023-12-05 07:18:03) 下一個


2023 年 11 月 27 日 / 晚上 8:24 美國東部時間 / 哥倫比亞廣播公司新聞

俄勒岡州民主黨眾議員厄爾·布盧梅瑙爾 (Earl Blumenauer) 是本屆任期結束時離開國會的近 40 名議員之一。

布魯梅瑙爾告訴哥倫比亞廣播公司新聞:“我深深尊重兩黨的一些同事,但與他們合作越來越困難。” “房子裏無休無止的混亂確實消耗了大部分氧氣。”


文件:2021 年 6 月 29 日,俄勒岡州眾議員厄爾·布盧梅瑙爾 (Earl Blumenauer) 在華盛頓特區美國國會大廈附近的“終結化石燃料”集會上發表講話。 由我們的革命組織的示威者呼籲國會采取行動終止化石燃料補貼。

“眾議院的功能失調是我決定離開的部分原因,”科羅拉多州共和黨眾議員肯·巴克說。 “人們經常撒謊。當你揭穿謊言時,你就是壞人。我覺得我在國會之外比在國會內部能做更多的事情。”

61 歲的馬裏蘭州眾議員、民主黨人約翰·薩班斯 (John Sarbanes) 表示:“我正處於人生的這個階段,無論是年齡還是職業生涯,如果我還有新的篇章,我想要去探索它。” 在眾議院忙碌的一周之前,哥倫比亞廣播公司通過電話新聞報道。 薩班斯宣布他在眾議院的第九個任期將是他的最後一個任期。




文件:左起,佛羅裏達州民主黨眾議員達倫·索托 (Darren Soto)、加利福尼亞州民主黨眾議員安娜·埃舒 (Anna Eshoo) 和特拉華州民主黨眾議員麗莎·布倫特·羅切斯特 (Lisa Blunt Rochester) 於 7 月 21 日星期二在雷伯恩大廈 (Rayburn Building) 參加眾議院能源和商業委員會加價活動。 2021 年。
湯姆·威廉姆斯/CQ-ROLL CALL, INC 通過蓋蒂圖片社
加利福尼亞州民主黨眾議員安娜·埃舒 (Anna Eshoo) 已在眾議院任職 32 年,她在國會生涯中發起了 60 多項立法並最終成為法律,她即將退休。

埃修在加利福尼亞州的辦公室研究室接受采訪時告訴哥倫比亞廣播公司新聞,“我從來沒有逃避過任何事情。我沒有逃離國會。我將從國會退休。我是否擔心眾議院的狀態? 代表們參加了?我當然參加了。我擔心這個國家。”

但當被問及第 118 屆國會的毒性是否促使她退休時,埃修回答說:“沒有。這不是我的理由。我認為是時候了。”

這類退休人員還包括得克薩斯州共和黨眾議員凱·格蘭傑(Kay Granger),他是權力很大的眾議院撥款委員會的主席。 華盛頓州民主黨眾議員德裏克·基爾默(Derek Kilmer)是西雅圖地區的國會議員,他最近幫助製定了一項實現國會現代化的計劃和報告,旨在提供“改善和加強眾議院的建議”。

眾議員布拉德·溫斯特魯普 (Brad Wenstrup) 是俄亥俄州共和黨人,擔任調查 COVID-19 大流行的小組主席,他也是一名退伍軍人,曾幫助應對和照顧在 2017 年弗吉尼亞州槍擊事件中受傷的眾議院同事。



為國會辦公室提供谘詢服務的非營利組織國會管理基金會表示,國會的經驗已經在減少。 基金會主席布拉德·菲奇 (Brad Fitch) 告訴哥倫比亞廣播公司新聞 (CBS News),“在 2023 年國會開始時,大約一半的眾議院議員擁有四年或更少的工作經驗。”

“無論我們談論的是足球教練、神經外科醫生還是國會議員,經驗都很重要,”菲奇說。 “國會難以履行對美國公眾的基本責任的原因之一是,他們中的許多人仍在學習如何做好自己的工作。”

這些退休人員還包括那些尋求更高職位或其他職位的人,其中包括弗吉尼亞州民主黨眾議員阿比蓋爾·斯潘伯格(Abigail Spanberger),她是中間派交易撮合者,她於2018年將弗吉尼亞州的紅區變成了藍區。斯潘伯格已宣布她將在2025年競選該州州長。

西弗吉尼亞州共和黨眾議員亞曆克斯·穆尼(Alex Mooney)即將離開一年前他在一場痛苦而備受矚目的黨內初選後贏得的席位,轉而尋求共和黨提名,爭奪曼欽(Manchin)空出的西弗吉尼亞州參議院席位。

離職可能會擴散。 布盧梅瑙爾表示,他不太願意競選連任,因為與他合作製定立法的許多共和黨人都是共和黨人。


埃修的離職在民主黨人中引起了反響。 前眾議院議長南希·佩洛西在一份聲明中告訴哥倫比亞廣播公司新聞,“女議員埃修一直是美國國會的巨人。三十年來,她不僅出色地代表了她認為最好的選區,而且代表了我們的選區。” 州和我們的國家。看到我們的價值觀和我們的立法之間的聯係。”

國會的毒性和 2021 年 1 月 6 日國會大廈襲擊事件的後果繼續產生影響。

“人們經常撒謊,”巴克說。 “謊稱選舉被竊取,謊稱 1 月 6 日是在無人引導的情況下參觀國會大廈,謊稱 1 月 6 日被告是政治犯。”

一些人的退休可能會對各黨贏得眾議院多數席位的能力產生影響。 預計斯潘伯格的席位將成為共和黨的重點爭奪目標。

代表搖擺州藍領地區的密歇根州民主黨眾議員丹·基爾迪在退休聲明中代表該黨表達了樂觀態度。 他表示,他相信民主黨明年將贏得弗林特地區的席位。

曼欽的退休引發了人們對他可能考慮第三方競選白宮的猜測,從而危及拜登總統的連任前景。 本月早些時候,曼欽在接受哥倫比亞廣播公司晚間新聞主播兼總編輯諾拉·奧唐納采訪時表達了對國會黨派之爭的失望。

“我得出的結論是,我們不會在華盛頓解決這個問題,”曼欽說。 “我們正在失去那個中間部分。我們正在失去你如何得出結論以通過我們通過的法案的核心。”

Retirements mount in Congress: Some are frustrated by "chaos," and others seek new careers — or rest



Congressman Earl Blumenauer, an Oregon Democrat, is one of nearly 40 lawmakers leaving Congress at the end of this term. 

"I deeply respect some of my colleagues on both sides of the aisle, but it's harder and harder to work with them," Blumenauer told CBS News. "The unending chaos in the House really takes up most of the oxygen."

Climate Activists Call For End To Fossil Fuel Subsidies
File: Rep. Earl Blumenauer (D-OR) speaks at an End Fossil Fuel rally near the U.S. Capitol on June 29, 2021 in Washington, DC. Organized by Our Revolution, demonstrators called on Congress to take action in ending fossil fuel subsidies.ANNA MONEYMAKER / GETTY IMAGES

"The dysfunction in the House is part of the reason why I've decided to leave," said GOP Rep. Ken Buck, of Colorado. "People are lying a lot. And when you call out the lies, you're the bad guy. I feel like I can do more outside of Congress than inside of Congress."

"I'm at that point of my life, age-wise and career-wise, where if I have one more chapter, I want to go explore it," 61-year-old Maryland Rep. John Sarbanes, a Democrat, told CBS News by phone ahead of a busy week in the House. Sarbanes has announced his ninth term in the House will be his final one.    

As Congress slogs through a year of stalemates, showdowns, acrimony and the first-ever ousting of a House speaker, a wave of incumbent lawmakers have announced they're walking away from their Capitol Hill careers.

The large number of retirements is troubling, said some House members and staffers, because the retirees include veteran lawmakers considered to be workhorses of Congress by their peers.

House Energy and Commerc Markup
File: From left, Reps. Darren Soto, D-Fla., Anna Eshoo, D-Calif., and Lisa Blunt Rochester, D-Del., attend a House Energy and Commerce Committee markup in Rayburn Building on Tuesday, July 21, 2021. TOM WILLIAMS/CQ-ROLL CALL, INC VIA GETTY IMAGES

Rep. Anna Eshoo, a California Democrat in her 32nd year in the House, will retire after a congressional career in which she sponsored over 60 pieces of legislation that became law.  

In an interview from her office study in California, Eshoo told CBS News, "I've never run away from anything.  I'm not fleeing the Congress. I'm retiring from Congress. Do I worry about the state that the House of Representatives is in? I certainly do. I worry about the country."  

But when pressed on whether the toxicity of the 118th Congress persuaded her to retire, Eshoo replied, "Not really. That's not my reason. I think it's time."

This class of retirees also includes Rep. Kay Granger, the Texas Republican who chairs the powerful House Appropriations Committee. And Rep. Derek Kilmer, Democrat of Washington, the Seattle-area congressman who recently helped develop a plan and report to modernize Congress, which sought to offer "recommendations for improving and strengthening the House." 

Rep. Brad Wenstrup is an Ohio Republican who chairs a panel investigating the COVID-19 pandemic, and he's also a military veteran who helped respond and care for a House colleague wounded in a 2017 shooting spree in Virginia.   

The list of departing lawmakers also includes centrist senators who have a history of bridging gaps and providing pivotal votes, including Sen. Mitt Romney, a Utah Republican, and Sen. Joe Manchin, Democrat of West Virginia.

The sheer numbers threaten to bleed Congress of some its institutional memory and the relationships that helped forge deals and bipartisan legislation.

The Congressional Management Foundation, a nonprofit which provides consulting for congressional offices, said experience is already dwindling in Congress. Foundation president Brad Fitch told CBS News, "At the start of this Congress in 2023 about half of the House of Representatives had four years or less of experience in their jobs."   

"Experience matters, whether we talking about football coaches, neurosurgeons or members of Congress," Fitch said. "One of the reasons why Congress is having difficulty fulfilling it's basic responsibilities to the American public is because many of them are still learning how to do their jobs."

The retirees also include those seeking higher or different offices, including Rep. Abigail Spanberger, a Virginia Democrat and centrist dealmaker who turned a red district to blue in Virginia in 2018. Spanberger has announced she's running for governor of her state in 2025.   

West Virginia GOP Rep. Alex Mooney is departing a seat he won after an agonizing and high-profile intraparty primary just a year ago, to pursue the Republican nomination for the West Virginia Senate seat Manchin is vacating.

The departures could metastasize. Blumenauer said he was less inclined to run for reelection because so many of the Republicans with whom he partners on legislation are leaving, citing in particular Wenstrup's retirement.   

Eshoo's departure has reverberated among Democrats. In a statement, former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi told CBS News, "Congresswoman Eshoo has been a giant in the Congress of the United States. For three decades, she has magnificently represented not only her district, which she considers the best, but also our state and our country. Seeing the connection between our values and our legislation."

The toxicity of the Congress and the aftermath of the Jan. 6, 2021 assault on the Capitol continue to have an impact.  

"People are lying a lot," Buck said. "Lying about the election being stolen, about Jan. 6 being an unguided tour of the Capitol, about the Jan. 6 defendants being political prisoners." 

Some of the retirements could have an impact on each party's ability to win a majority in the House.   Spanberger's seat is expected to be heavily targeted by Republicans.

In his retirement announcement, Rep. Dan Kildee, Democrat of Michigan, who represents a blue-collar area in a swing state, expressed optimism on behalf of his party. He said he is confident a Democrat will win his seat in the Flint area next year. 

Manchin's retirement has fueled speculation that he might consider a third-party run for the White House, endangering the reelection prospects of President Biden. Speaking earlier this month with CBS Evening News anchor and managing editor Norah O'Donnell, Manchin expressed frustration with partisanship in Congress.  

"I've come to the conclusion we're not going to fix it here in Washington," Manchin said. "We're losing that middle. We're losing the core of how you come you come to conclusions to pass the bills that we pass."

List of U.S. Congress incumbents who did not run for re-election in 2022



2022 Congress Elections

Election Date
November 8, 2022

U.S. Senate Elections by State
Alabama • Alaska • Arizona • Arkansas
California • Colorado • Connecticut • Florida
Georgia • Hawaii • Idaho • Illinois • Indiana
Iowa • Kansas • Kentucky • Louisiana
Maryland • Missouri • Nevada
New Hampshire • New York
North Carolina • North Dakota • Ohio
Oklahoma • Oregon • Pennsylvania
South Carolina • South Dakota • Utah
Vermont • Washington • Wisconsin

U.S. House Elections by State
Alabama • Alaska • Arizona • Arkansas • California • Colorado • Connecticut • Delaware • Florida • Georgia • Hawaii • Idaho • Illinois • Indiana • Iowa • Kansas • Kentucky • Louisiana • Maine • Maryland • Massachusetts • Michigan • Minnesota • Mississippi • Missouri • Montana • Nebraska • Nevada • New Hampshire • New Jersey • New Mexico • New York • North Carolina • North Dakota • Ohio • Oklahoma • Oregon • Pennsylvania • Rhode Island • South Carolina • South Dakota • Tennessee • Texas • Utah • Vermont • Virginia • Washington • West Virginia • Wisconsin • Wyoming

This page lists the incumbent members of the 117th U.S. Congress who did not run for re-election in the 2022 congressional elections for both U.S. Senate and U.S. House.

Fifty-five members of Congress—six members of the U.S. Senate and 49 members of the U.S. House— announced they would not seek re-election in 2022. Of those, 38 members—six senators and 32 representatives—announced their retirement. Five retiring Senate members were Republicans and one was a Democrat, and of the retiring House members, 22 were Democrats and 10 were Republicans.

Seventeen U.S. House members ran for other offices:

  • Five Republicans and four Democrats sought seats in the U.S. Senate.
  • One Republican and three Democrats ran for governor.
  • One Republican ran for secretary of state.
  • One Democrat ran for mayor.
  • One Democrat and one Republican ran for attorney general.

No U.S. Senate members ran for other offices.

Between January 2011 and February 2022, a total of 295 incumbents retired from the U.S. House and Senate. Out of every election cycle from 2012 to 2020, the 2018 cycle had the highest number of retirements at 55, and the 2020 cycle had the fewest with 40 announcements. From 2011 to 2021, there were an average of 26 announcements per year.



U.S. Senate members

See also: United States Senate elections, 2022

Incumbents retiring from public office

  • Democratic Party 1 Democrat
  • Republican Party 5 Republicans
Retired from public office, 2022
Name Party State Date announced
Richard Burr Republican Party Republican North Carolina July 20, 2016[1]
Pat Toomey Republican Party Republican Pennsylvania Oct. 5, 2020[2]
Rob Portman Republican Party Republican Ohio Jan. 25, 2021[3]
Richard Shelby Republican Party Republican Alabama Feb. 8, 2021[4]
Roy Blunt Republican Party Republican Missouri March 8, 2021[5]
Patrick Leahy Democratic Party Democratic Vermont November 15, 2021[6]




U.S. House members

See also: United States House of Representatives elections, 2022

Forty-nine representatives did not seek re-election to their U.S. House seats (not including those who left office early):

  • Democratic Party 31 Democrats
  • Republican Party 18 Republicans

Incumbents retiring from public office

  • Democratic Party 22 Democrats
  • Republican Party 10 Republicans
Retired from public office, 2022
Name Party State Date announced
Christopher Jacobs Republican Party Republican New York June 3, 2022[7]
Bob Gibbs Republican Party Republican Ohio April 6, 2022[8]
Fred Upton Republican Party Republican Michigan April 5, 2022[9]
Van Taylor Republican Party Republican Texas March 2, 2022[10]
Ted Deutch Democratic Party Democratic Florida February 28, 2022[11]
Fred Keller Republican Party Republican Pennsylvania February 28, 2022[12]
Kathleen Rice Democratic Party Democratic New York February 15, 2022[13]
Jim Cooper Democratic Party Democratic Tennessee January 25, 2022[14]
Jerry McNerney Democratic Party Democratic California January 18, 2022[15]
Jim Langevin Democratic Party Democratic Rhode Island January 18, 2022[16]
John Katko Republican Party Republican New York January 14, 2022[17]
Trey Hollingsworth Republican Party Republican Indiana January 12, 2022[18]
Ed Perlmutter Democratic Party Democratic Colorado January 10, 2022[19]
Brenda Lawrence Democratic Party Democratic Michigan January 4, 2022[20]
Bobby Rush Democratic Party Democratic Illinois January 3, 2022[21]
Albio Sires Democratic Party Democratic New Jersey December 21, 2021[22]
Lucille Roybal-Allard Democratic Party Democratic California December 21, 2021[23]
Stephanie Murphy Democratic Party Democratic Florida December 20, 2021[24]
Alan Lowenthal Democratic Party Democratic California December 16, 2021[25]
Peter DeFazio Democratic Party Democratic Oregon December 1, 2021[26]
G.K. Butterfield Democratic Party Democratic North Carolina November 19, 2021[27]
Jackie Speier Democratic Party Democratic California November 16, 2021[28]
Adam Kinzinger Republican Party Republican Illinois October 29, 2021[29]
Michael Doyle Democratic Party Democratic Pennsylvania October 18, 2021[30]
David Price Democratic Party Democratic North Carolina October 18, 2021[31]
John Yarmuth Democratic Party Democratic Kentucky October 12, 2021[32]
Anthony Gonzalez Republican Party Republican Ohio September 16, 2021[33]
Ron Kind Democratic Party Democratic Wisconsin August 10, 2021[34]
Cheri Bustos Democratic Party Democratic Illinois April 30, 2021[35]
Kevin Brady Republican Party Republican Texas April 14, 2021[36]
Ann Kirkpatrick Democratic Party Democratic Arizona March 12, 2021[37]
Eddie Bernice Johnson Democratic Party Democratic Texas October 9, 2019[38]

Incumbents seeking other offices

U.S. House members seeking a seat in the U.S. Senate

  • Republican Party 5 Republican members of the U.S. House
  • Democratic Party 4 Democratic members of the U.S. House
Ran for Senate, 2022
Name Party Seat Date announced
Markwayne Mullin Republican Party Republican Oklahoma's 2nd Congressional District February 26, 2022[39]
Peter Welch Democratic Party Democratic Vermont's At-Large Congressional District November 22, 2021[40]
Conor Lamb Democratic Party Democratic Pennsylvania's 17th August 6, 2021[41]
Billy Long Republican Party Republican Missouri's 7th August 3, 2021[42]
Vicky Hartzler Republican Party Republican Missouri's 4th June 10, 2021[43]
Val Demings Democratic Party Democratic Florida's 10th June 9, 2021[44]
Ted Budd Republican Party Republican North Carolina's 13th April 28, 2021[45]
Tim Ryan Democratic Party Democratic Ohio's 13th April 26, 2021[46]
Mo Brooks Republican Party Republican Alabama's 5th March 22, 2021[47]

U.S. House members running for governor

  • Democratic Party 3 Democratic members of the U.S. House
  • Republican Party 1 Republican member of the U.S. House
Ran for governor, 2022
Name Party Seat Date announced
Kai Kahele Democratic Party Democratic Hawaii's 2nd May 7, 2022[48]
Tom Suozzi Democratic Party Democratic New York's 3rd November 29, 2021[49]
Charlie Crist Democratic Party Democratic Florida's 13th May 4, 2021[50]
Lee Zeldin Republican Party Republican New York's 1st April 8, 2021[51][52]

U.S. House members running for another office

  • Democratic Party 2 Democratic members of the U.S. House
  • Republican Party 2 Republican members of the U.S. House
Ran for another office, 2022
Name Party Seat Date announced
Louie Gohmert Republican Party Republican Texas' 1st November 22, 2021[53]
Anthony G. Brown Democratic Party Democratic Maryland's 4th October 25, 2021[54]
Karen Bass Democratic Party Democratic California's 37th September 27, 2021[55]
Jody Hice Republican Party Republican Georgia's 10th March 22, 2021[56]

Announcements by number of months before an election


Congressional incumbents who left office early

Note: The individuals in the list below were not included in the number of congressional retirements above. In most cases, replacements were sworn in before the 2022 elections.[57]

Left office early, 2021-2022
Name Party Office Date left office
Jackie Walorski Republican Party Republican Indiana's 2nd Congressional District August 3, 2022[58]
Antonio Delgado Democratic Party Democrat New York's 19th Congressional District May 25, 2022[59]
Tom Reed Republican Party Republican New York's 23rd Congressional District May 10, 2022[60]
Jim Inhofe Republican Party Republican U.S. Senate, Oklahoma January 3, 2023[61]
Filemon Vela Democratic Party Democratic Texas' 34th Congressional District April 1, 2022[62]
Jeff Fortenberry Republican Party Republican Nebraska's 1st Congressional District March 31, 2022[63]
Don Young Republican Party Republican Alaska's At-Large Congressional District March 18, 2022[64]
Jim Hagedorn Republican Party Republican Minnesota's 1st February 17, 2022[65]
Devin Nunes Republican Party Republican California's 22nd December 31, 2021[66]
Cedric Richmond Democratic Party Democratic Louisiana's 2nd January 15, 2021[67]
Kamala Harris Democratic Party Democratic U.S. Senate, California January 18, 2021[68]
Ronald Wright Republican Party Republican Texas' 6th February 7, 2021[69]
Marcia L. Fudge Democratic Party Democratic Ohio's 11th March 10, 2021[70]
Debra Haaland Democratic Party Democratic New Mexico's 1st March 16, 2021[71]
Alcee Hastings Democratic Party Democratic Florida's 20th April 6, 2021[72]
Steve Stivers Republican Party Republican Ohio's 15th May 16, 2021[73]
Donald McEachin Democratic Party Democratic Virginia's 4th November 28, 2022[74]




Historical comparison

The following table includes figures on Democratic and Republican members of Congress who either left office during their term or announced that they would not seek re-election for each election year since 2012.

[hide]Outgoing members of Congress, 2012-2020
Year Chamber Democrats not seeking re-election Republicans not seeking re-election Total not seeking re-election Democrats leaving office early Republicans leaving office early Total leaving office early
U.S. Senate 1 3 4 0 1 1
U.S. House 9 26 36[75] 3 8 11
Total 10 29 40 3 9 12
U.S. Senate 0 3 3 1 2 3
U.S. House 18 34 52 3 14 17
Total 18 37 55 4 16 20
U.S. Senate 3 2 5 0 0 0
U.S. House 16 24 40 2 5 7
Total 19 26 45 2 5 7
U.S. Senate 5 2 7 3 2 5
U.S. House 16 25 41 3 6 9
Total 21 27 48 6 8 14
U.S. Senate 6 3 10[76] 0 0 0
U.S. House 23 20 43 4 1 5
Total 29 23 53 4 1 5

The following chart compares the number of Democrats and Republicans in Congress who did not seek re-election between 2012 and 2020.

Retirements as a percentage of party caucus

The number of retirements in each party as a percentage of the party's total number of Congressional members illustrates the amount of turnover happening within a party in a given election cycle. The table below shows Congressional retirements as a percentage of each party's total caucus members immediately following the previous election.

Retirements as percent of Democrat and Republican caucus
Cycle Total retiring incumbents Retiring Democrats Retiring Democrats as percentage of caucus Retiring Republicans Retiring Republicans as percentage of caucus
2022 55 32 11.85% 23 8.75%
2020 40 10 3.57% 29 11.46%
2018 55 18 7.44% 37 12.63%
2016 45 19 8.12% 26 8.64%
2014 48 21 8.47% 27 9.41%

Prior election margins of victory

Retirements in districts with a narrow margin of victory (MOV) can indicate a potentially competitive election in the next cycle. Retirements from seats with a margin of victory of less than 10 percentage points in each election cycle included:

  • Seven Democrats and three Republicans out of 56 total retirements in the 2022 cycle
  • Seven Republicans out of 40 total retirements in the 2020 cycle
  • Five Democrats and three Republicans out of 55 total retirements in the 2018 cycle
  • Five Democrats and one Republican out of 45 total retirements in the 2016 cycle
  • Five Democrats and Five Republicans out of 48 total retirements in the 2014 cycle
Retirements in districts that had a MOV of 10 percentage points or less in the prior cycle, 2014-2022
Cycle Total retiring incumbents Retiring incumbents with MOV of <10% Retiring Democrats with MOV of <10% Retiring Republicans with MOV of <10%
2022 55 10 7 3
2020 40 7 0 7
2018 55 8 5 3
2016 45 6 5 1
2014 48 10 5 5

Congressional retirements by month, 2011-2022

See also: Congressional retirements by month, 2011-2022

Between January 2011 and November 2023, Ballotpedia tracked 338 announcements from members of the U.S. House and Senate who announced they would not run for re-election. January had the highest number of members announcing they would not run for re-election at 59. Thirty-nine of those took place during election years and 20 during odd-number years. The fewest announcements took place in June at 12—nine during off years and three during election years.

Hover over the bars in the chart below to see the number of even- and odd-year announcements by month.

November had the second-highest total announcements at 46. Five November announcements occurred during an election year and 41 occurred during an off year.

August saw the second-fewest announcements after June at 15. All but one occurred during off years.

Announcements by month and year

The following table shows the number of members who announced they would not run for re-election by month and by year. Click on a month to sort the table in ascending or descending order by that month.


See also



  1.  Charlotte Observer, "US Sen. Richard Burr says 2016 will be his last run for elected office," July 20, 2016
  2.  The Hill, "Toomey announces retirement at end of 2022," October 5, 2020
  3.  Cleveland.com, "U.S. Sen. Rob Portman says he won’t run for re-election: Capitol Letter," January 25, 2021
  5.  Politico, "GOP Sen. Roy Blunt will not run for reelection," February 8, 2021
  6.  Casper Star Tribune, "Vermont Democratic Sen. Patrick Leahy won’t seek reelection," November 15, 2021
  7.  New York Times, "N.Y. Republican Drops Re-Election Bid After Bucking His Party on Guns," June 3, 2022
  8.  Cleveland, "U.S. Rep. Bob Gibbs to retire amid primary battle forced by redistricting," April 6, 2022
  9.  Washington Post, "GOP Rep. Upton, who voted to impeach Trump, will not seek reelection," April 5, 2022
  10.  Texas Tribune, "U.S. Rep. Van Taylor ends reelection campaign after he admits to affair," March 2, 2022
  11.  Politico, "Florida Democrat Deutch announces he won’t run for reelection," February 28, 2022
  12.  The Washington Post, "Rep. Fred Keller (R-Pa.) announces he won’t seek reelection," February 28, 2022
  13.  Roll Call, "New York’s Rice, who opposed Pelosi as leader, decides to retire," February 15, 2022
  14.  The Washington Post, "Rep. Jim Cooper announces he will not run for reelection, accusing GOP of ‘dismembering’ his Nashville district," January 25, 2022
  15.  Politico, "McNerney to retire, Harder shifts to his seat," January 18, 2022
  16.  Providence Journal, "In his own words|Rep. Jim Langevin: Why I won't be running for reelection in 2022," January 18, 2022
  17.  CNN, "Third House Republican who voted to impeach Trump calls it quits," January 14, 2022
  18.  CNN, "GOP Rep. Trey Hollingsworth announces he won't seek reelection to Indiana seat," January 12, 2022
  19.  The Hill, "Rep. Perlmutter says he won't seek reelection in November," January 10, 2022
  20.  The Washington Post, "Rep. Brenda Lawrence announces she will not seek reelection," January 4, 2022
  21.  Politico, "Bobby Rush to relinquish 30-year hold on House seat," January 3, 2022
  22.  Congressman Albio Sires, "Congressman Sires Announces He Will Not Seek Reelection," December 24, 2021
  23.  CNN, "California Democrat announces she will not seek reelection to Congress," December 21, 2021
  24.  Politico, "Murphy, a leader of House Dem centrists, won't seek reelection," December 20, 2021
  25.  Congressman Alan Lowenthal, "Congressman Alan Lowenthal Announces He Will Not Seek Reelection To Congress In 2022," December 16, 2021
  26.  Politico, "Peter DeFazio will retire from Congress in latest blow to Democrats," December 1, 2021
  27.  CNN, "G.K. Butterfield latest Democrat to announce he will not seek reelection," November 18, 2021
  28.  Politico, "Rep. Jackie Speier retiring from Congress," November 16, 2021
  29.  CNN, "Adam Kinzinger, outspoken GOP Trump critic, won't seek reelection for US House seat," October 29, 2021
  30.  Politico, "House Dem retirement rush continues with 2 new departures," October 18, 2021
  31.  Chapelboro, "Longtime Orange County Congressman David Price Set to Retire," October 18, 2021
  32.  CNN, "John Yarmuth, powerful liberal from Kentucky, announces he'll retire from Congress at the end of his term," October 12, 2021
  33.  New York Times, "Ohio House Republican, Calling Trump ‘a Cancer,’ Bows Out of 2022," September 16, 2021
  34.  Politico, "Rep. Ron Kind announces retirement in boon to GOP's House hopes," August 10, 2021
  35.  Politico, "Cheri Bustos, who led Democrats through tumultuous 2020 election, announces retirement," April 30, 2021
  36.  The Texas Tribune, "Republican U.S. Rep. Kevin Brady will retire from Congress at the end of his term," April 14, 2021
  37.  Politico, "Ann Kirkpatrick announces 1st House retirement of 2022," March 12, 2021
  38.  Roll Call, "Texas Democrat Eddie Bernice Johnson says she’ll run for one final term," October 9, 2019
  39.  MSN, "U.S. Rep. Markwayne Mullin announces Senate bid to fill seat soon to be vacated by Sen. Jim Inhofe" February 26, 2022
  40.  270 to Win, "Vermont Rep. Peter Welch Running to Replace Retiring Sen. Patrick Leahy," November 22, 2021
  41.  Politico, "Conor Lamb launching Senate bid in Pennsylvania," August 6, 2021
  42.  Politico, "Rep. Billy Long launches Missouri Senate campaign after meeting with Trump," August 3, 2021
  43.  Roll Call, "Missouri GOP Rep. Vicky Hartzler launches Senate run," June 10, 2021
  44.  Politico, "Demings launches Senate bid against Rubio," June 9, 2021
  45.  The North State Journal, "Ted Budd enters 2022 U.S. Senate race," April 28, 2021
  46.  CNN, "Democratic Rep. Tim Ryan launches campaign of US Senate seat in Ohio," April 26, 2021
  47.  AL.com, "Alabama Congressman Mo Brooks launches U.S. Senate campaign," March 22, 2021
  48.  KITV, "Congressman Kai Kahele announces bid for Hawai'i Governor," May 8, 2022
  49.  Politico, "Suozzi becomes fourth Democrat to enter New York governor’s race," November 29, 2021
  50.  Politico, "Florida's Crist becomes first prominent Democrat to challenge DeSantis," May 4, 2021
  51.  CNN, "Trump ally GOP Rep. Lee Zeldin announces plan to run for New York governor in 2022," April 8, 2021
  52.  As of April 14, 2021, Zeldin had not made an announcement on whether he planned to also run for U.S. House.
  53.  Politico, "Rep. Louie Gohmert announces he's running for Texas AG," November 22, 2021
  54.  Maryland Matters, "Forgoing Congressional Re-Election Bid, Anthony Brown to Run for Attorney General," October 25, 2021
  55.  Yahoo, "Karen Bass Launches Bid For Mayor Of Los Angeles," September 27, 2021
  56.  Politico, "Trump looks to take down Raffensperger in Georgia," March 22, 2021
  57.  Luke Letlow (R), representative-elect for Louisiana's 5th Congressional District, died on December 29, 2020, before being sworn into office.
  58.  Walorski died on August 3, 2022.CNN, "Indiana Republican Rep. Jackie Walorski is killed in car accident, McCarthy announces," accessed August 3, 2022
  59.  CNN, "Hochul taps Rep. Antonio Delgado to be New York lieutenant governor," May 3, 2022
  60.  WIBV, "Tom Reed resigns from Congress," May 10, 2022
  61.  Inhofe announced his retirement, effective January 3, 2023. Tulsa World, "U.S. Sen. Jim Inhofe announces retirement after 35 years in Congress representing Oklahoma," February 25, 2022
  62.  Texas Democrat resigns from Congress to join lobbying firm," accessed April 1, 2022
  63.  AP News, "US Rep. Jeff Fortenberry of Nebraska announces resignation," accessed March 26, 2022
  64.  Young died on March 18, 2022.Anchorage Daily News, "Alaska U.S. Rep. Don Young has died at age 88," accessed March 18, 2022
  65.  Hagedorn died on February 17, 2022. CBS Minnesota, "Congressman Jim Hagedorn Dies," February 18, 2022
  66.  CNBC, "GOP Rep. Devin Nunes resigns from Congress to become CEO of Trump’s media company," December 6, 2021
  67.  Richmond resigned to serve as senior adviser to the president and director of the White House Office of Public Engagement.
  68.  Harris resigned two days before being sworn in as vice president.
  69.  Wright died on February 7, 2021. The Hill, "Rep. Ron Wright dies after contracting COVID-19," February 8, 2021
  70.  Fudge resigned to serve as the U.S. secretary of housing and urban development. C-Span, "Marcia Fudge Submits Resignation Letter to House," March 10, 2021
  71.  Haaland resigned to serve as the U.S. secretary of the interior. Indian Country Today, "Deb Haaland swearing in details announced," March 16, 2021
  72.  Hastings died on April 6, 2021. The Hill, "Florida Rep. Alcee Hastings dead at 84," April 6, 2021
  73.  Stivers resigned to serve as President and CEO of the Ohio Chamber of Commerce. 10TV, "Rep. Steve Stivers announces he will step down from Congress in May," April 19, 2021
  74.  McEachin died on November 28, 2022. WTVR, "Rep. Donald McEachin passes away at 61 after battle with colorectal cancer," November 28, 2022
  75.  Includes Rep. Justin Amash (L), who did not seek re-election.
  76.  Figure includes Sen. Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.).
Only the first few references on this page are shown above. Click to show more.


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