
Gad Saad 寄生思維,傳染性思想如何扼殺常識

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2023 年 10 月 19 日 · 作者:Dr. 維卡斯·沙赫 MBE DL

Vikas Shah MBE DL 是一位企業家、投資者和慈善家。 他是 Swiscot 集團的首席執行官,同時還是多家國際企業的風險投資者。 他是英國政府商業、能源和工業戰略部的非執行董事會成員以及律師監管局的非執行董事。 維卡斯在女王陛下 2018 年新年授勳名單中榮獲大英帝國勳章,以表彰其對商業和經濟的服務,並於 2021 年成為大曼徹斯特中尉。 他是曼徹斯特大學聯盟商學院的商業名譽教授,也是麻省理工學院斯隆裏斯本商學院 MBA 的客座教授。


加德·薩阿德博士是一位傑出的公共知識分子。 除了主持 Saad Truth(他在 YouTube 上廣受歡迎的節目)之外,他還是康考迪亞大學(加拿大蒙特利爾)的市場營銷學教授,並且曾擔任康考迪亞大學進化行為科學和達爾文消費研究主席。 除了他的科學工作之外,薩德博士還經常撰寫和談論正在破壞邏輯、科學、理性和常識的思想病原體。 他的第四本書《寄生思維:傳染性思想如何扼殺常識》揭露了正在扼殺常識和理性辯論的壞想法——他稱之為“思想病原體”。 這些思想在我們的大學中孕育並通過政治正確的暴政傳播,正在危及我們最基本的自由——包括思想和言論自由。



[加德·薩阿德]:這並不是人類曆史上第一次麵臨思想之爭。 然而今天,我們正在倒退到黑暗時代。 我們經曆了科學革命、啟蒙運動,以及這兩個奇妙運動的所有下遊積極影響,它們將我們從宗教的束縛中解放出來,賦予我們個人尊嚴和更多的好處。 在接下來的 400 年裏,我們隻看到了進步,但在過去的 50 年裏,大學生態係統中滋生的思想病原體緩慢而迅速地逆轉了這一進步。 正如我常說的,隻有知識分子才能想出真正愚蠢的想法。 不幸的是,這些思想病原體已將我們引向無限瘋狂的深淵。

作為一名進化科學家,我使用的工具箱之一稱為比較心理學,這是一個比較人類認知、人類現實和動物研究以得出相似點和理解的領域。 在查看文獻時,我接觸到了神經寄生蟲學領域,該領域研究各種形式的寄生蟲如何感染各種宿主。 就像絛蟲可以感染我們的腸道一樣,神經寄生蟲也可以感染大腦。 有一些有趣的例子,弓形蟲是最常見的一種。 如果一隻老鼠感染了這種特殊的腦蟲,它就會失去對貓的恐懼,並對貓的尿液產生性吸引力,這顯然對老鼠來說不太好。 另一個例子是以腦蠕蟲的形式出現,它感染有蹄類動物(鹿、駝鹿、麋鹿),當它們被這種腦蠕蟲寄生時,它們會做出一種行為,即重複地繞圈移動,搖頭,無法自拔—— 即使掠食者來吃它們。

人類和所有動物一樣,可能會被真正的腦蟲寄生,但還有另一類病原體可以感染我們的思想和大腦: 想法病原體。


[Gad Saad]:一刀不會殺死你……兩刀可能不會殺死你……但是一旦你合並了數千次這樣的刀傷呢? 在我們的例子中,理性和尊嚴的大廈正在從社會中剝離。 構成西方的保護層和價值觀正在被打破…… 在西方孕育出來的偉大社會正在慢慢地被思想病原體消滅,雖然它們以不同的方式發揮作用,但它們有一個共同的主線——那就是將它們的宿主從現實的束縛中解放出來。 這聽起來可能很不可思議,但讓我舉一些例子。 後現代主義是將我們從真理中解放出來的思想根源的祖父——它擁護一切都是主觀的、不存在普遍真理的思想。 甚至像“智人物種中隻有女性才能生育孩子”這樣平庸的事情也會在某種程度上變得有爭議……太陽從東方升起,在西方落下也變得有爭議……。 人們開始質疑“東方和西方是什麽意思?”——“太陽是什麽意思?” – 這是一場虛無主義運動,這是知識恐怖主義。

9 月 11 日,19 名狂熱分子堅持某種特定的意識形態,駕駛飛機撞向建築物——後現代主義者是知識分子恐怖分子,他們駕駛著廢話的飛機撞向理性的大廈。

寄生思維:傳染性思想如何扼殺常識 作者:Gad Saad
寄生心靈: 傳染性的想法如何扼殺常識


[Gad Saad]:病原體的想法始於一個崇高的目標。 激進女權主義者對先天性別差異的拒絕來自於消除製度性性別歧視這一值得稱讚的目標。 然而,在這種值得稱讚的社會正義的過程中,我們不必謀殺真相,不是嗎? 遺憾的是,許多思想病原體在結果主義倫理學和道義論倫理學之間存在“緊張關係”。 義務論倫理學基於絕對真理——撒謊永遠是不行的——這是義務論聲明。 結果主義對撒謊的看法是“好吧,如果你想保護某人的感情,撒謊是可以的……”——如果你的配偶問你,“我穿這條牛仔褲看起來胖嗎?”而你想和他有一個長期的、長期的關係。 幸福的婚姻,也許你需要撒謊來保護配偶的感情。 現實是,我們在道德上都是結果論者和義務論者,但問題是我們是否在正確的條件下應用了正確的道德體係。 然而,真理應該始終是義務論的——你永遠不應該在社會正義的祭壇上犧牲真理——這就是病原體的想法。


[Gad Saad]:思想病原體出現在思想的愚蠢本質與其後果之間沒有直接聯係的學科中。 後現代主義沒有出現在商學院或工程學院並非偶然。 如果你試圖對消費者選擇或經濟學進行建模,你就不可能擁有完全脫離思想病原體(完全脫離現實)。 如果你的想法植根於瘋狂,你的實驗就會失敗,這會產生直接後果——你無法使用後現代主義女權主義認識論建造一座橋梁或一架飛機。

思想病原體始於你可以像一個十足的白癡一樣自以為是的學科,而不會產生任何後果。 大多數學生都被武斷的教授嚇得保持沉默,這正是我告訴人們激活內心蜜獾的原因。 你不必表現得無禮或令人討厭,但如果人們提出的建議對你來說聽起來是錯誤的,那麽挑戰這些事情應該完全符合自由社會的要求。 即使是你的教授也不應該免受批評。

虛假的深度也很重要,是後現代主義如何在校園中成功傳播的重要工具。 如果我在舞台上聽到某個後現代主義江湖騙子胡言亂語,我可以做以下兩件事之一。 我可以將我聽不懂他說的一個詞的事實歸因於我的愚蠢,或者歸因於他完全是胡說八道。 通過將我缺乏理解歸因於我的愚蠢,我使用了錯誤的歸因方式,而演講者能夠擺脫很多廢話。 約翰·塞爾(John Searle)在與米歇爾·福柯(法國後現代主義胡言亂語的三位一體之一,其中還包括雅克·拉康、雅克·德裏達)談話時引用了約翰·塞爾的一句話,其中塞爾說“怎麽會,當我坐下來和你聊天時,它 似乎我能理解你,但當我試圖讀你的話時,我完全迷失了?”對此,福柯回答道:“你知道在法國,如果我們不包括所有這些無意義的廢話, 沒有人會認真對待我們。 所以,他其實什麽也沒說,故意假裝高深莫測,試圖迷惑人。

人們寫信給我,聲稱後現代主義並非一切都是錯誤的和具有破壞性的,我經常反駁並要求他們列出後現代主義產生的 10 件具體事情。 大多數學科都致力於理性、邏輯、認識論和智力發展。 後現代主義摧毀了這一點,並帶你進入一個上有下、左有右等等的世界。


[Gad Saad]:有一種集體疾病,我稱之為鴕鳥寄生綜合症。 鴕鳥基本上把頭埋在沙子裏,這樣它就可以逃避現實,就像“啦啦啦,我不聽你的……”,而這裏的寄生元素就是你故意否認像重力一樣清晰的現實。 否認科學主義是鴕鳥寄生綜合症的一個例子,事實上,一個擁有 9 英寸陰莖的男性,隻需通過自我認同就可以“成為”女性。 如果你不同意他的自我認同,你就會被貼上變性恐懼者的標簽。 需要明確的是,我是跨性別者權利的堅定支持者——每個人都應該能夠擺脫偏見,並享有充分的尊嚴,但在追求這一社會目標的過程中,我們不能謀殺真相。

你不需要拒絕現實來追求社會正義。 這並不意味著性別不安不存在,而是確實存在。 這並不意味著沒有人對自己的性別感到困惑,確實有。 但這確實意味著,當JK羅琳認為來月經的人是女性,不來月經的人是男性時,她不應該被取消! ……實在是太過分了。

讓我們看另一個例子。 當談到對伊斯蘭教的誠實分析時,有些穆斯林個體是可愛的,有些則是卑鄙的,就像任何其他群體一樣……有可愛的猶太人,也有真正卑鄙的猶太人……伊斯蘭教本身是由一套特定的編纂而成的。 這些信仰可以在《聖訓》(先知穆罕默德的事跡和言論)和《西拉》(先知傳記)中找到。 這些都會導致現實世界的後果。 自9/11以來,在70多個國家發生的37,000多起恐怖襲擊中,每一起都與這一意識形態有關。 想象一下,在這種情況下,如果某個自以為是的西方思想家說:“不,艾哈邁德·侯賽因這樣做不是因為古蘭經經文,而是因為他在學校受到欺負,沒有接觸到足夠的藝術,並且因為缺乏 太陽能電池板和氣候變化……”這些隻是西方人用來解釋恐怖襲擊的一些瘋狂原因。 接受這個現實並不妨礙你接受這樣一個事實:大多數穆斯林都是善良、正派的人。


[Gad Saad]:我認為意識形態的一致性就是 DIE 宗教(多樣性、包容性、公平)。 一位神經精神病學家提出了一種稱為進化醫學衛生假說的觀點。 如果你觀察在無菌環境中長大的孩子,他們比在過敏原(例如寵物皮屑)中長大的孩子更容易患呼吸道疾病和自身免疫性疾病。 其原因是免疫係統必須不斷地戰鬥和參與才能發揮作用。 你可以采用同樣的想法並將其應用到意識形態環境中,如果我們對輸入進行過多的消毒(在回音室中),我們就無法體驗到我們所感知的“汙染物”(相反的想法)。 我們的大腦已經進化到可以被相反的想法激活,這就是我們應該如何構建我們的批判性思維。 通過創建隻不過是意識形態一致性回聲室的大學,我們正在反達爾文主義。 我們沒有為我們的思想提供最佳運作所需的營養。

所以……多樣性、包容性和公平再次從一個崇高的地方開始,你聽到人們談論機會和結果的平等。 如果存在係統性的機會缺乏——例如係統性的種族主義或性別歧視不允許女性或黑人進入校園——這當然必須得到解決,但我們不能將其與結果平等混為一談。 我們以普林斯頓大學數學係為例。 如果他們(假設)沒有必要數量的黑人數學家,我們就不能自動歸咎於係統性種族主義。

多樣性、公平和包容性始於崇高的地位,但最終成為我們在爭取人類尊嚴的鬥爭中所反對的一切。 批判種族理論是對納粹主義的怪誕重新包裝,但它把自己包裝成反對種族主義的鬥爭。 為了反對種族主義,要求特定膚色(在本例中為白人)的人參加研討會,在研討會上他們必須自責,為自己是白人而道歉,並為自己的行為承擔責任,這不是荒唐的種族主義嗎? 幾百年前? 這有什麽值得稱讚的? 怎麽這麽自由?

我們生活在一個人們因為說真話而受到懲罰的時代。 例如,如果我說我對黑人女性特別感興趣,我就會因為物化黑人身體而被指責為狂熱的種族主義者。 如果我說我不喜歡黑人女性而更喜歡亞洲女性,那麽我就是在從事性種族主義。 如果我被黑人女性所吸引,我就是種族主義者……如果我不被黑人女性所吸引,我就是種族主義者。

我們還看到人們為甚至可能不存在的問題創造虛假的智力答案。 例如,加拿大皇後大學的一名女士決定戴頭巾 18 天,以表明加拿大人民的伊斯蘭恐懼症有多麽嚴重。 第 18 天結束時,她發現加拿大人對她非常友善、友善和禮貌。 她修正了她的假設嗎? 不……她得出的結論是,他們對她很好,正是因為他們仇視伊斯蘭,所以他們不得不通過對她好來過度補償。 因此,加拿大人不可能擺脫狂熱的伊斯蘭恐懼症下遊的稱號。

另一個更令人震驚的例子……一名以色列博士生想做一些博士後研究,證明以色列國防軍(IDF)參與了對巴勒斯坦婦女的猖獗、係統性的強奸。 令她沮喪的是,她發現以色列國防軍強奸巴勒斯坦婦女的案件為零。 她是否得出結論,士兵們確實有道德,沒有利用自己的地位? 不…。 她的結論是,她們對巴勒斯坦婦女是如此可恨、如此厭惡,以至於她們不值得被強奸。 她的結論是,不強奸巴勒斯坦婦女是士兵們的仇恨行為。


[Gad Saad]:我們必須激活我們內心的蜜獾。 這種動物隻有小狗那麽大,其凶猛程度足以抵擋 6 頭成年獅子。 當我說我們必須激活我們內心的蜜獾時,我的意思是我們必須有某些我們真正相信的首要原則,我們可以宣布這些原則,並且我們拒絕保持沉默。 我們不能因為害怕失去朋友而保持沉默——如果有人不能接受你可能會有不同的看法,友誼不是反脆弱的,你不應該和那個人在一起。

如果我們回到查爾斯·達爾文(順便說一下,有些人現在希望取消他)的工作,他幾十年來孜孜不倦地從地質學、古生物學、畜牧業、生態學、生物多樣性等許多學科收集數據,並為進化論創造了不可逾越的證據 150多年來人們一直在嚐試但無法證偽或反駁這一點。 每當我們爭論某個立場時,我們都可以使用一種稱為累積證據法理網絡的工具。 假設我想向你證明,玩具偏好不是社會建構的。 社會科學家通常的論點是,媽媽和爸爸是任意性別歧視的豬,他們教小維卡斯玩槍,教小琳達溫柔地玩粉紅色的芭比娃娃。 如果我想向你證明,確實有荷爾蒙和生物特征可以解釋玩具偏好的特殊性,我會怎麽做呢? 我需要合並哪些證據才能讓您相信我的立場? 例如,我可以以處於認知發展前社會化階段的孩子為例,向您展示小男孩和小女孩已經表現出他們喜歡的玩具的性別特定偏好。 這一係列證據已經給社會建構主義者的棺材上釘上了釘子,但是當然——如果我想建立一個良好的法理網絡,我還需要更多。 如果我從其他動物那裏獲取數據怎麽辦? 如果我帶了黑長尾猴、恒河猴和黑猩猩幼崽,並向你展示它們在玩具偏好方麵表現出相同的性別特異性,結果會怎樣? 現在,這讓你的社會建設立場看起來很愚蠢。 如果我現在也引進患有先天性腎上腺發育不全的兒童,這是一種使形態和行為男性化的內分泌疾病,該怎麽辦? 患有這種疾病的小女孩對玩具的偏好與同齡人相反——她們更喜歡與男孩相似的玩具。 所以現在我給你們提供了來自兒科內分泌學、來自許多物種的比較動物學、來自發展心理學的數據,所有這些數據都是無懈可擊的。 現在想象一下如果我添加另外 7 行或 8 行證據。 現在你開始看起來像個傻瓜了。 當我們尋求真理時,我們不能成為認知守財奴。 我們必須做艱苦的工作。

如果一切都失敗了……也許你可以利用你在受害者學撲克中的地位。 我得分很高,我是阿拉伯人、猶太人、戰爭難民。 為了贏得反對社會正義鬥士的論據,我可以用他們自己怪異的演算來贏得反對他們的論據。 這聽起來可能很愚蠢,但它實際上顯示了諷刺的力量。


[簡介] 博士。 Gad Saad 是康考迪亞大學(加拿大蒙特利爾)市場營銷學教授,曾任康考迪亞大學進化行為科學和達爾文消費研究主席(2008-2018)。 他曾在康奈爾大學、達特茅斯學院和加州大學歐文分校擔任客座副教授。 薩德博士於2000年6月獲得商學院傑出教學獎,並在2001年和2002年麥克林加拿大大學報告中被列為康考迪亞大學“熱門”教授之一。 薩阿德連續五年(2011-2015)被任命為康考迪亞大學周新聞人物,並與康考迪亞大學教授共同獲得 2015 年總統媒體外展獎——年度研究傳播者(國際) 其研究受到全球媒體報道最多的大學。

薩阿德教授率先將進化心理學應用於營銷和消費者行為。 他的著作包括《消費本能:多汁漢堡、法拉利、色情和送禮揭示人性的本質》(翻譯成韓語和土耳其語); 消費的進化基礎; 商業科學中的進化心理學,以及 75 多篇科學論文,其中許多是進化心理學與消費者行為、營銷、廣告、心理學、醫學和經濟學等廣泛學科的交叉點(Google 學術搜索)。 他的《今日心理學》博客 (Homo Consumericus) 和 YouTube 頻道 (THE SAAD TRUTH) 的總觀看次數分別超過 640 萬次和 1970 萬次以上。 他最近與薩阿德博士一起創辦了一個名為《薩阿德真相》的播客,該播客可在所有領先的播客平台上觀看。

除了他的科學工作之外,薩阿德博士還是一位領先的公共知識分子,他經常撰寫和談論正在破壞邏輯、科學、理性和常識的思想病原體。 他的第四本書《寄生思維:傳染性想法如何扼殺常識》將於 2020 年 10 月 6 日發行。

他獲得了學士學位。 他在麥吉爾大學獲得了碩士學位(1988 年)和工商管理碩士學位(1990 年)。 (1993) 和博士學位。 (1994)來自康奈爾大學。[/bios]

2023年10月19日 12:15:49

A Conversation with Gad Saad on Parasitic Ideas and the War Against Truth.


A Conversation with Gad Saad on Parasitic Ideas and the War Against Truth.


 is a remarkable public intellectual. Alongside hosting  (his hugely popular YouTube show) he is Professor of Marketing at  (Montreal, Canada), and former holder of the Concordia University Research Chair in Evolutionary Behavioral Sciences and Darwinian Consumption. In addition to his scientific work, Dr. Saad often writes and speaks about idea pathogens that are destroying logic, science, reason, and common sense.  His fourth book  exposes the bad ideas—what he calls “idea pathogens”—that are killing common sense and rational debate. Incubated in our universities and spread through the tyranny of political correctness, these ideas are endangering our most basic freedoms—including freedom of thought and speech.

In this exclusive interview, I speak to Gad Saad about idea pathogens, how they are infecting society, the consequences, and what we can do to immunise ourselves and fight for truth and the freedom of thought and speech.

Q: To what extent has human history always been a battleground of ideas?

[Gad Saad]: This is not the first time in human history that we have faced a battle of ideas. Today however, we are regressing to the . We had the scientific revolution, , and then all the downstream positive effects of these two wonderful movements that liberated us from the shackles of religion and gave us individual dignity and so many more benefits. For the next 400 years we saw nothing but progress, but the past 50 years have seen a slow- and then faster- reversal of that progress by idea pathogens which were spawned in the university ecosystem. As I always say, it takes intellectuals to come up with really stupid ideas. Unfortunately, these idea pathogens have led us to the abyss of infinite lunacy.

As an evolutionary scientist, one of the toolboxes I use is called  which is a field where you compare human cognition, human realities and animal studies to draw parallels and understanding. In looking at the literature, I came across the field of  which looks at how parasites of various forms can infect various hosts. In the same way that a  can infest our intestine, a neuroparasite can infect the brain.  There are some interesting examples of this, and  is one most commonly known. If a mouse is infected with this particular brain worm, it loses the fear of cats and becomes sexually attracted to the cat’s urine which- obviously- is not so good for the mouse. Another example comes in the form of brain worms that infect  (deer, moose, elk) who- when parasitized by this brain worm- will engage in a behaviour where they move around in repetitive circles, bobbing their heads, unable to extricate themselves- even if a predator comes to eat them.

Human beings, like all animals, can be parasitised by actual brain worms but there’s another class of pathogens that can infest our minds and brains; idea pathogens.

Q:  How are idea pathogens impacting post-enlightenment western civilisation?

[Gad Saad]: One cut doesn’t kill you… two cuts may not kill you… but once you amalgamate thousands of these cuts? In our case, the edifice of reason and dignity are being peeled from society; the protective layers and values that have made the West are being broken…. The great societies that have been spawned in the West are slowly being eradicated by idea pathogens which- while they work in different ways- share one common thread- that being to free their host from the shackles of reality. This might sound extraordinary but let me give you some examples. Postmodernism is the grandad of the idea pathogens which liberate us from truth- it espouses the idea that everything is subjective, and that there are no universal truths. Even something as banal as ‘only women bear children within the Homo sapien species’ becomes somehow contentious… That the sun rises in the East and sets in the West becomes contentious…. People start questioning ‘what do you mean by East and West?’ – ‘what do you mean by the Sun? – It’s a nihilistic movement, it’s intellectual terrorism. s – postmodernists are intellectual terrorists who fly their planes of bullshit into the edifices of reason.

The Parasitic Mind
How Infectious Ideas Are Killing Common Sense
by Gad Saad


Q:  How have idea pathogens infected society?

[Gad Saad]: Idea pathogens start off with a noble objective. The rejection of innate sex differences by militant feminists comes from the laudable goal of eradicating institutional sexism. However, in the course of this laudable social justice we don’t have to murder the truth, do we? Regrettably, many of these idea pathogens have a ‘tension’ between  and . Deontological ethics is based on absolute truths- it’s never OK to lie- that’s a deontological statement. A consequentialist view of lying would be ‘well, it’s OK to lie if you’re trying to protect someone’s feelings…’ – if your spouse asks you, ‘do I look fat in these jeans?’ and you want to have a long and happy marriage, maybe you ned to lie to protect your spouse’s feelings. The reality is that we are all consequentialist and deontological in our ethics, but the question is whether we are applying the right ethical system to the right conditions. The Truth however should always be deontological- you should never sacrifice truth at the altar of social justice- that is what idea pathogens do.

Q:  Why (and how) do idea pathogens emerge on campus and spread?

[Gad Saad]: Idea pathogens emerge in disciplines where there is no direct link between the imbecilic nature of ideas nor their consequences. It’s no accident that postmodernism didn’t arise in business school or engineering faculties. You can’t have fully detached idea pathogens (fully detached from reality) if you’re trying to model consumer choice or economics. If you root your ideas in lunacy, your experiment will fail, and this has direct consequences- you can’t build a bridge or an aircraft using postmodernist feminist epistemology.

Idea pathogens begin in disciplines where you can pontificate like a complete imbecile, without any consequences. Most students are cowed into silence by pontificating professors, and this is precisely why I tell people to activate their inner honey badger. You need not be impolite or obnoxious, but if people are proposing things that sound wrong to you, it should be perfectly consistent with a free society to challenge those things. Even your professor should not be free from criticism.

Faux profundity is also important and is an important tool in how postmodernism is promulgated successfully on campuses. If I am listening to some postmodernist charlatan on stage talking gibberish, I can do one of two things. I can attribute the fact that I don’t understand a word he’s saying to my being dumb, or to the fact that he is espousing complete bullshit. By attributing my lack of understanding to my being dumb, I am using a false attribution style, and the speaker is able to get away with a lot of bullshit dispensing. There is a quote from  where he’s speaking to (one of the holy trinity of bullshitters of French postmodernism which also includes ) where Searle says ‘how come, when I sit down and chat with you, it seems as though I can understand you, but when I try to read your words, I’m completely lost?’ to which Foucalt answers to the lines of ‘well you know in France, if we don’t include all this nonsensical verbiage, nobody will take us seriously. So, he is wilfully trying to confuse by masquerading as profound when he is really saying nothing.

People write to me and make the case that not everything about postmodernism is wrong and destructive, and I often push-back and ask them to list 10 concrete things that have come out of postmodernism. Most academic disciplines have a commitment to reason, logic, epistemology and intellectual growth. Postmodernism destroys this and takes you to a world where up is down, left is right, and so on.

Q:  Why are we so susceptible to postmodernist, or pathogenic ideas?

[Gad Saad]: There is a collective malady I call ostrich parasitic syndrome. The Ostrich basically buries its head in the sand so that it can avoid reality, it’s like ‘la la la, I’m not listening to you…’ and the parasitic element here is where you wilfully deny realities as clear as gravity. Science denialism is an example of ostrich parasitic syndrome, as is the fact that a man, who has a 9-inch penis, can ‘become’ female simply by identifying as such. If you disagree with his self-identification, you are labelled a transphobe. To be clear, I am a strong support of trans-rights- every single individual should be able to live free of bigotry, and with full dignity, but in the pursuit of that social goal, we cannot murder the truth. You don’t need to reject reality to pursue social justice. This does not mean that gender dysphoria doesn’t exist, it does. It doesn’t mean that there are not people who are confused about their gender, there are. But it does mean that when JK Rowling argues that people who menstruate are women, and people who don’t are men, that she should not be cancelled! …it’s really gone too far.

Let’s look at another example. When it comes to an honest analysis of Islam, there are individual Muslims who are lovely, and some who are mean, like any other group… there are lovely Jews, and really mean Jews… Islam itself is made up of a certain set of codified beliefs which can be found in the hadiths (the deeds and sayings of the prophet Muhammad) and in the  (the prophetic biography). These lead to real world consequences. Of the 37,000+ terror attacks since 9/11 in over 70 countries, each one of them has been linked to the ideology. Just imagine in that scenario if some highfalutin’ western thinker then says, ‘No, Ahmed Hussein didn’t do it because of a Quran verse, but because he was bullied at school, not exposed to enough art, and because of a lack of solar panels and climate change…’ These are just some of the insane reasons that Westerners have come-up with to explain terror attacks. Accepting the reality of this does not preclude you from also accepting the fact that the majority of Muslims are nice, decent people.

Q: What are the dangers of ideological conformity and the reality of some of our diversity, equity and inclusion movements?

[Gad Saad]: I think of ideological conformity as being the DIE Religion (diversity, inclusion, equity). A neuropsychiatrist came up with something called the hygiene hypothesis for evolutionary medicine. If you look at kids who grew up in sterile environments, they are much more likely to have respiratory ailments and auto-immune conditions than children who grew up with allergens (such as pet dander). The reason for this is that the immune system has to be constantly fighting and engaged for it to be effective. You can take this same idea and apply it to the ideological environment where if we sterilise our inputs too much (in echo chambers) we are not able to experience our perceived ‘pollutants’ (opposing ideas). Our brains have evolved to be activated by opposing ideas, and that’s how we should frame our critical thinking. By creating universities that are nothing but echo chambers of ideological conformity, we are being anti-Darwinian. We are not feeding our minds with the necessary nourishment to function optimally.

So… diversity, inclusion and equity again start from a noble place and you hear people talk about equality of opportunity and outcome. If there is a systemic lack of opportunity where- for example- systemic racism or sexism doesn’t allow women or black people to be on campus- that of course must be addressed but we cannot conflate that with equality of outcome. Let’s take the Department of Mathematics at Princeton as an example. If they (hypothetically) did not have the requisite number of black mathematicians, we cannot automatically blame systemic racism.

Diversity, equity and inclusion start from a noble position but end-up becoming every single thing that we have fought against, in our fight to gain human dignity.  is a grotesque repackaging of Nazism, but it packages itself as a fight against racism. In the pursuit of the fight against racism is it not grotesquely racist to ask people of a particular skin hue (in this case, white) to go to seminars where they have to self-flagellate and apologise for being white and accept responsibility for acts committed hundreds of years ago? How is that laudable? How is that liberal?

We are living at a time where people are punished just for speaking a truth. If for example, I say that I am particularly attracted to black women, I am accused of being a rabid racist for objectifying the black body. If I say that I am not attracted to black women and prefer Asian women, then I am engaging in sexual racism. If I’m attracted to black women, I’m racist… if I’m not attracted to black women, I’m racist.

We are also seeing people creating faux-intellectual answers to problems that may not even exist. For example, a woman from Queens University in Canada decided to wear a hijab for 18 days to demonstrate how rabidly Islamophobic the Canadian people were. At the end of day 18, she found that Canadians were incredibly kind, sweet and polite to her. Did she revise her hypothesis? No… she concluded that they were nice to her precisely because they were so Islamophobic that they had to overcompensate by being nice to her. Therefore, there was no way that Canadians could be free from the downstream appellation of being rabid Islamophobes.

Another even more astonishing example… An Israeli doctoral student wanted to do some postdoctoral research demonstrating that the  engaged in the rampant, systemic rape of Palestinian women. Much to her dismay she discovered that there were zero cases of the rape of Palestinian women by IDF forces. Did she conclude that the soldiers were truly moral and were not exploiting their positions? No…. she concluded that they were so hateful, so loathing of Palestinian women, that they were not worthy of rape. Her conclusion was that not raping Palestinian women was an act of hatred by the soldiers.

Q:  How can we immunise ourselves against idea parasites?

[Gad Saad]: We have to activate our inner honey-badger. This is an animal the size of a small dog which can hold 6 adult lions at bay through its sheer ferocity. When I say we must activate our inner honey badger, what I mean is that we have to have certain first principles that we truly believe in, that we can annunciate, and that we refuse to be silenced. We cannot be silent from fear of losing friends- if someone cannot accept you may have a different opinion, that friendship is not anti-fragile, and you should not be around that person.

If we go back to the work of Charles Darwin (who, by the way, some now wish to cancel) he assiduously collected data over several decades from many disciplines from geology, palaeontology, animal husbandry, ecology, biodiversity and created insurmountable evidence for evolution that for over 150 years people have tried- and been unable to falsify or disprove. Whenever we are arguing for a position, we can use a tool called the . Let’s suppose I want to prove to you that toy preferences are not socially constructed. The usual argument of social scientists is that mommy and daddy are arbitrarily sexist pigs, that they teach little Vikas to play with the Gun, and little Linda to play gently with pink Barbie. If I wanted to prove to you that there are actually hormonal and biological signatures that explain the specificity of toy preferences, how would I go about doing that? What evidence would I have to amalgamate to convince you of my position? I could, for example, take children who are in pre-socialisation stage of cognitive development and show you that little boys and little girls already exhibit those sex-specific preferences for which toy they prefer. That one line of evidence is already putting a nail in the coffin of social constructivists, but of course- if I want to build a good nomological network, I need much more. What if I take data from other animals? What if I brought infant  and Chimpanzees and showed you that they exhibit the same sex specificity of toy preferences? Well now, it’s making your position of social construction look pretty silly. What if I also now brought in children who suffer from  which is an endocrinal disorder that masculinises morphology and behaviour. Little girls who suffer from this disorder have reversed toy preferences from their counterparts – they prefer toys that are similar to boys. So now I’ve gotten you data from paediatric endocrinology, from comparative zoology across many species, from developmental psychology, all of which are pretty unassailable.  Now imagine if I added another 7 or 8 lines of evidence.  Now you start to look like a fool. When we are seeking truth, we can’t be cognitive misers.  We have to do the hard work.

If all else fails… perhaps you can use your position in victimology poker. I score very high, I am an Arabic, Jewish, war refugee. To win arguments against social justice warriors, I can use their own grotesque calculus to win arguments against them. This may sound silly, but it’s actually showing the power of satire.

We have to use all the evidence and tools we have to convince people of our position.

[bios]Dr. Gad Saad is Professor of Marketing at Concordia University (Montreal, Canada), and former holder of the Concordia University Research Chair in Evolutionary Behavioral Sciences and Darwinian Consumption (2008-2018). He has held Visiting Associate Professorships at Cornell University, Dartmouth College, and the University of California–Irvine. Dr. Saad received the Faculty of Commerce’s Distinguished Teaching Award in June 2000, and was listed as one of the ‘hot’ professors of Concordia University in both the 2001 and 2002 Maclean’s reports on Canadian universities. Saad was appointed Newsmaker of the Week of Concordia University in five consecutive years (2011-2015), and is the co-recipient of the 2015 President’s Media Outreach Award-Research Communicator of the Year (International), which goes to the professor at Concordia University whose research receives the greatest amount of global media coverage.

Professor Saad has pioneered the use of evolutionary psychology in marketing and consumer behavior. His works include The Consuming Instinct: What Juicy Burgers, Ferraris, Pornography, and Gift Giving Reveal About Human Nature (translated into Korean and Turkish); The Evolutionary Bases of Consumption; Evolutionary Psychology in the Business Sciences, along with 75+ scientific papers, many at the intersection of evolutionary psychology and a broad range of disciplines including consumer behavior, marketing, advertising, psychology, medicine, and economics ().  His Psychology Today blog (Homo Consumericus) and YouTube channel (THE SAAD TRUTH) have garnered 6.4+ million and 19.7+ million total views respectively.  He recently started a podcast titled The Saad Truth with Dr. Saad, which is available on all leading podcast platforms.

In addition to his scientific work, Dr. Saad is a leading public intellectual who often writes and speaks about idea pathogens that are destroying logic, science, reason, and common sense.  His fourth book The Parasitic Mind: How Infectious Ideas Are Killing Common Sense will be released on October 6, 2020.

He received a B.Sc. (1988) and an M.B.A. (1990) both from McGill University, and his M.S. (1993) and Ph.D. (1994) from Cornell University.[/bios]

19-10-2023 12:15:49

Vikas Shah MBE DL is an entrepreneur, investor & philanthropist. He is CEO of Swiscot Group alongside being a venture-investor in a number of businesses internationally. He is a Non-Executive Board Member of the UK Government’s Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy and a Non-Executive Director of the Solicitors Regulation Authority. Vikas was awarded an MBE for Services to Business and the Economy in Her Majesty the Queen’s 2018 New Year’s Honours List and in 2021 became a Deputy Lieutenant of the Greater Manchester Lieutenancy. He is an Honorary Professor of Business at The Alliance Business School, University of Manchester and Visiting Professors at the MIT Sloan Lisbon MBA.

書評 - 寄生思維,傳染性思想如何扼殺常識 作者:加德·薩阿德 (Gad Saad) 博士


製造運營領導者 - 有目的的戰略 | 優化成本 | 精益業務| 美國海軍陸戰隊老兵 0352/8531
2022 年 12 月 9 日

事實並不關心感受——沒錯。 但與此同時,感覺並不關心事實——這也是事實。 這些格言描述了話語和感知方麵的客觀性和主觀性的二分法。 或者說,沒有理性的基礎,人就沒有思想,思想才有人。

問題是,我們如何接受思想而不讓思想受到惡性意識形態的損害。 我最近讀完了蓋德·薩德(Gad Saad)的《寄生思維——傳染性思想如何扼殺常識》,這本書直麵腐敗思想的危險,因為腐敗思想阻礙了創新思維並限製了明智的討論。

加德·薩阿德不僅是康科迪亞大學約翰·莫爾森商學院的營銷學教授,也是諷刺和諷刺的大師——這門如今似乎已經失傳的藝術。 因此,我在他的寫作和文字遊戲中找到了很多樂趣。 薩阿德博士是理性反對遍布西方社會各個機構的群體思維的聲音。


“任何植根於追求真理的人類努力都必須依賴事實而不是感覺。 法律訴訟就是這樣一個領域。 我們不會用感情來確定被告的無罪或有罪; 相反,我們在論證時依賴廣泛的現有事實。 定罪的門檻被故意設定得很高:累積的證據必須排除合理懷疑才能定罪。 揭示科學真理的證據門檻甚至比法律領域的門檻還要嚴格。

“我們今天麵臨的一個問題是,結果主義者認為情緒會影響我們的判斷,不僅是為了避免感情受傷,而且因為情緒被視為真實性的標誌……但請記住,一個人發自內心的憤怒很少會說出真相或謊言。 一個人的立場。”

  情感和智力都有一席之地——加德·薩阿德進一步論證說,感染了致病思想的人會失去對理性思維和情緒的控製。 這些病原體迅速傳播,並成為對我們自由和公民社會的威脅——審查製度、身份主義、主觀現實、還原論、衝突理性化和包羅萬象的後現代主義。

“有時人們高估了自己對複雜現象的理解,這就是一些學者所說的解釋深度錯覺。 一個很好的例子是,人們如何賦予科學解釋更大的權威,其中包括彩色神經元大腦成像模式的圖片,即使這些模式提供的解釋力很小。 由於類似的原因,後現代主義在學術界蓬勃發展。 像雅克·德裏達、雅克·拉康和米歇爾·福柯這樣的後現代胡言亂語者憑借他們的江湖騙術在學術界取得了成功,因為他們認為,如果某件事幾乎無法理解,那麽它一定是深刻的(請注意,人們受其影響的程度存在個體差異) 廢話)……當心那些試圖用令人困惑的單詞沙拉來給你留下深刻印象的人。”

社會上有一些行為和禮儀規則,當我們看到真相受到攻擊時,我們有義務參與進來——在這方麵,薩德博士鼓勵我們激發內心的蜜獾。 真理和現實值得捍衛,反對詭辯; 禮貌、恭敬、興高采烈,但始終充滿信念和進取心。

“大多數人太忙,沒有注意到思想病原體的危險,或者錯誤地認為它們不重要。 反科學、反理性和非自由運動的入侵是緩慢而漸進地發生的,而很多人卻沒有意識到更大的問題。 因此,西方緩慢而無情地被千刀萬剮地滅亡。 不要忽視這個問題,而是要認識到,雖然它今天影響其他人,但明天也可能影響到你。 你可能在大學裏沒有孩子,但如果你在一家公司工作或者可能是一名企業主,校園的瘋狂行為很快就會影響你的生意——如果還沒有的話——也許從你的人力資源部門和“進步”政府的執行開始 要求遵守多樣性、包容性和公平性的法規。”

“......讓蜜獾成為你的靈感源泉。 對於那些試圖恐嚇你保持沉默的人,永遠不要退縮。”

在思想領域,不要按照詭辯家的條件與他們打交道——如果我們這樣做,我們將無法管理自己或就事實或事件達成一致。 在《寄生心靈》一書中,加德·薩阿德向讀者發出警告:智力病原體對我們個人和開放社會構成的危險。 但他也以個人勇氣、理性和樂觀的形式提供了解藥。

解釋世界的方法有無數種,但能夠有效駕馭自然環境和生活的方法卻很少。 我強烈推薦《寄生心靈》和薩阿德博士的播客《薩阿德真相》,作為在一個變得越來越荒謬和難以駕馭的世界中保持觀點的手段。

薩阿德關於幸福的真理:過上美好生活的 8 個秘訣
  2023 年 7 月 25 日 作者:Gad Saad (作者)



轟動一時的暢銷書《寄生心靈》的作者、《薩阿德真相》播客的主持人蓋德·薩德教授如是說。 在這本具有挑釁性、娛樂性和改變生活的新書中,他漫遊了科學研究,汲取了古代哲學和宗教的智慧,並借鑒了他從飽受戰爭蹂躪的黎巴嫩難民成為學術名人的非凡個人經曆。

• 如何過上你想要的生活——不一定是你期望的生活
• 為什麽韌性是幸福的關鍵
• 為什麽你的職業需要有比薪水更高的目標
• 為什麽多樣性確實可以成為生活的調味品
• 為什麽選擇合適的配偶如此重要
• 為什麽亞裏士多德宣揚節製是正確的
• 為什麽你應該從你的狗那裏得到暗示並認識到玩耍等於幸福

《薩阿德關於幸福的真理》和它的作者一樣生動、刺激、迷人,他已經成為數十萬人的“事實上的全球治療師”。 閱讀這本書,你就會明白為什麽這麽多人尋求他的建議。

The Saad Truth about Happiness: 8 Secrets for Leading the Good Life 

 July 25, 2023  by Gad Saad (Author)

The Quest for Happiness Is a Universal Fact.

It is a scientific fact, which means we can measure happiness, we can assess it, and we can devise strategies to make ourselves happy and fulfilled human beings.

So says Professor Gad Saad, the author of the sensational bestseller The Parasitic Mind and the irrepressible host of The Saad Truth podcast. In this provocative, entertaining, and life-changing new book, he roams through the scientific studies, culls the wisdom of ancient philosophy and religion, and draws on his extraordinary personal experience as a refugee from war-torn Lebanon turned academic celebrity.

In The Saad Truth about Happiness you’ll learn the secrets to living the good life, including:
• How to live the life you want—not necessarily the life expected of you
• Why resilience is a key to happiness
• Why your career needs to have a higher purpose than a paycheck
• Why variety truly can be the spice of life
• Why choosing the right spouse is so important
• Why Aristotle had it right when he preached moderation
• Why you should take a hint from your dog and realize that playfulness equals happiness

The Saad Truth about Happiness is as lively, stimulating, and captivating as its author, who has become a "de facto global therapist" to an ever-growing audience of hundreds of thousands of people. Read this book and you’ll see why so many seek his counsel.

Book Review - The Parasitic Mind, How Infectious Ideas Are Killing Common Sense by Dr. Gad Saad

Manufacturing Operations Leader - Purposeful Strategy | Optimized Cost | Lean Business | USMC Veteran 0352/8531
38 articles   

Facts don’t care about feelings – true. But at the same time, feelings don’t care about facts – also true. These aphorisms describe the dichotomy of objectivity and subjectivity with regard to discourse and perception. Otherwise said, without a foundation of rationality, people don’t have ideas, ideas have people.

The question becomes, how we entertain ideas without allowing out thinking to be compromised by malignant ideology. I recently finished The Parasitic Mind – How infectious Ideas are Killing Common Sense by Gad Saad, a book that confronts danger of corrupt ideas are the way they hinder innovative thinking and restrain sensible discussion. 

Gad Saad is not only a professor of marketing at the John Molson School of Business at Concordia University but also a master of sarcasm and satire – a seemingly lost art today. And as such, I’ve found a great deal of enjoyment in both his writing and wordplay. Dr. Saad is a voice of rational opposition to the groupthink spreading throughout the various institutions defining Western society.

Writes Dr. Saad in The Parasitic Mind:

“Any human endeavor rooted in the pursuit of truth must rely on facts and not feelings. Legal proceedings constitute one such domain. We do not establish the innocence or guilt of defendants using feelings; rather we rely on a broad range of available facts in making a case. The threshold for establishing guilt is set purposely high: the cumulative evidence must be beyond a reasonable doubt to convict someone. The evidentiary threshold for uncovering scientific truths is even more stringent than those within the legal arena.

“One problem we face today is that consequentialists make a virtue of having emotions cloud our judgements, not only to avoid hurt feelings but because emotion is seen as a sign of authenticity… Remember though that one’s heartfelt outrage seldom says anything about the truth or falsehood of one’s position.”

 There is a place for both emotion and intellect – Gad Saad makes this case with the further argument that people who have infected with pathogenic ideas lose control of both their rational minds and tempering emotions. These pathogens spread rapidly and have become a threat to our free and civil society – censorship, identitarianism, subjective reality, reductionism, conflative rationalization and the all-encompassing postmodernism. 

Addressing postmodernism directly, Dr. Saad writes:

“Sometimes people overestimate their understanding of complicated phenomena, which is what some scholars call the illusion of explanatory depth. A good example is how people will give greater authority to a scientific explanation that includes pictures of multicolored neuronal brain imaging patterns, even when these patterns offer little explanatory power. Postmodernism thrives in academic circles for similar reasons. Postmodern bullshitters like Jacques Derrida, Jacques Lacan and Michel Foucault succeeded in academia with their charlatanism because of the assumption that if something is nearly impossible to understand, it must be profound (note that there are individual differences in the extent to which people are swayed by bullshit)… Beware of those trying to impress you with confusing word salads.”

There are rules of conduct and etiquette within society that obligate us to engage when we see the truth under attack – and in this effort, Dr. Saad encourages us to engage out inner Honey Badger. Truth and reality are worth defending against sophistry; politely, respectfully, with good cheer, but always with conviction and aggressiveness.

“Most people are too busy to notice the dangers of idea pathogens or wrongly assume that they are unimportant. The intrusion of anti-science, anti-reason and illiberal movements occurs slowly and incrementally without many people becoming aware of the larger problem. Hence, the slow and inexorable death of the West by a thousand cuts. Instead of ignoring the problem, recognize that while it affects others today, it could reach you tomorrows. You may not have children in college, but if you work for a firm or are perhaps a business owner, campus lunacy will affect your business soon – if it does not already – perhaps starting with your human resources department and enforcement of “progressive” government regulations that demand adherience to the cult of diversity, inclusion and equity.”

“…Let the honey badger serve as your source of inspiration. Never back down from those seeking to intimidate you into silence.”

In the arena of ideas, do not engage sophists on their terms - if we do so, we will not be able to govern ourselves or come to agreement about facts or events. Within the pages of The Parasitic Mind, Gad Saad offers a warning to readers of the dangers intellectual pathogens pose to us as individuals and as an open society. But he also offers the antidote in the form of individual courage, rationality and optimism. 

There are infinite ways to interpret the world, but only a very few that allow up to navigate the natural environment and life effectively. I highly recommend both The Parasitic Mind and Dr. Saad’s podcast The Saad Truth as a means to maintain perspective in a world that has become ever absurd and difficult to navigate. 

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