
加拿大教授 中國將成為猶太人的避風港

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https://www.livemint.com/news/world/israelhamas-war-canadian-professor-gad-saad-predicts-china-as-safe-haven-for-jews-says-learn-cantonese-or-mandarin- 11698026211946.html

2023 年 10 月 23 日,Livemint

以色列-哈馬斯戰爭:在著名機構對哈馬斯的支持下,以色列-哈馬斯戰爭中反以色列情緒高漲。 社交媒體上反猶太聲音增加,親巴勒斯坦團體針對美國猶太人

以色列與哈馬斯的戰爭:正當以色列的本傑明·內塔尼亞胡和加沙的哈馬斯戰士之間發生戰爭時,許多巴勒斯坦人都列出了他們的生活。 戰爭還導致世界各地的效忠對象出現分歧。 西方列強捍衛以色列抵禦哈馬斯的權利,同時呼籲立即停火,以阻止內塔尼亞胡總理違反人道主義法。

其中,一位加拿大教授對微博網站“X”的預測特別火爆。 在視頻中,加拿大教授加德·薩阿德對猶太人的安全做出了預測。 值得注意的是,薩阿德是名著《寄生思維:傳染性思想如何扼殺常識》的作者。

薩阿德在他的“X”賬戶上寫道,“致世界各地的所有猶太人:考慮學習粵語或普通話,祈禱中國允許你進入。這可能成為 20 多年來猶太人唯一安全的地方。” 悲慘但真實。”

觀點和意識形態的分歧也見證了美國著名院校的學生發表聲明,甚至冒著危及他們在多家知名公司就業機會的風險。 哈佛大學和哥倫比亞大學的學生抗議以色列和哈馬斯之間正在進行的戰爭。

周日,美國誓言將繼續向加沙地帶提供援助,一支由 14 輛卡車組成的新車隊進入了被圍困和轟炸的巴勒斯坦飛地。



聯合國估計加沙每天需要約 100 輛卡車才能滿足 240 萬居民的需求,據信其中近一半居民因以色列的轟炸而流離失所。



以色列國防軍周日表示,以色列軍隊在該地區境內的一次坦克行動中喪生,另外三人受傷,這是自 10 月 7 日以來以色列軍隊進入加沙的首批跡象之一。

Israel-Hamas war: Canadian Professor Gad Saad predicts China as safe haven for Jews, says ‘learn Cantonese or Mandarin’


23 Oct 2023, Livemint

Israel-Hamas war: Anti-Israel sentiment rises amid Israel-Hamas war, with support for Hamas from prestigious institutions. Increase in anti-Semitic voices on social media and targeting of Jews in the US by pro-Palestine groups

Israel-Hamas war: At a time the war between Israel's Benjamin Netanyahu and Hamas fighters in Gaza, a lot of Palestinians have list their live. the war also saw the world divided in their allegiances. The Western powers have defended Israel's right to defend itself against Hamas and yet called for an immediate ceasefire to stop PM Netanyahu from violating humanitarian law.

Amid this, a Canadian professor's prediction on microblogging site ‘X’ has become particularly viral. In the video Canada-based professor Gad Saad has made a prediction for the safety of Jews. Notably, Saad is the writer of famous book "The Parasitic Mind: How Infectious Ideas Are Killing Common Sense".

Saad on his ‘X’ account wrote, “To all Jews around the world: Consider learning Cantonese or Mandarin and keep your fingers crossed that China allows you in. This might become the only safe place for Jews in 20+ years. Tragic but true."

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Bifurcation in opinion and ideologies has also witnessed students in prestigious institutions in the United States issue statement, even at the risk of jeopardizing their chance at jobs in several renowned companies. Students of Harvard University and Columbia University have protested against the ongoing war between Israel and Hamas. 

The United States on Sunday vowed a continued flow of aid to the Gaza Strip, as a new convoy of 14 trucks entered the besieged and bombarded Palestinian enclave.

With the first of two convoys of humanitarian assistance now inside Gaza, the White House said Israel had agreed "there will now be continued flow of this critical assistance".

The much-delayed aid began arriving Saturday under a deal brokered by US President Joe Biden with Egyptian and Israeli leaders.

The United Nations estimates Gaza needs about 100 trucks a day to meet the needs of its 2.4 million residents, almost half of whom are believed to have been displaced by Israel's bombing campaign.

Israel's leaders have promised a full-scale ground invasion to dismantle Hamas.

Tens of thousands of Israeli forces are gathered at the border and already there appears to be a limited number of Israeli boots on the ground.

In one of the first indications of Israeli troops entering Gaza since 7 October, the Israel Defense Forces on Sunday said that one soldier was killed and three others wounded during a tank operation inside the territory.

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