
Dalio 中國應講道義,不殺美軍不進攻美國本土

(2023-05-14 21:21:57) 下一個


  鐵血戰史   來源 微信公眾平台2023-04-30  發表於山東

據美國軍事與國防新聞報道,在中國有40年投資經曆的美國億萬富翁 Ray Dalio 現在特別擔心中美戰爭。他認為中美兩國正處於戰爭邊緣,尤其在接下來的18月是一個非常危險的時期,因為美國2024年大選季到來了,此時美國的鷹派會為了提高其在國內的影響力而向中國施加更大壓力,可能會采取更多極端措施挑釁中國的紅線。


Ray Dalio稱,眾所周知,中國的紅線在台灣。誰都知道,一旦發生“台獨”這種情況,中國就會視為戰爭行為。凱文·麥卡錫竄台時曾強烈支持“保衛台灣”,尤其是增加軍售,甚至在它還未動身竄台前就發表這種言論,這都是觸犯紅線的行為。由此展望未來,美國以某種形式站出來支持“台獨”、並在軍事上捍衛“台獨”、且向台灣出售致命軍事裝備的可能性較大。


因此 Ray Dalio 認為,中美兩國在爆發戰爭時應在交戰規則上達成一致,比如:①任何一方的軍隊都不準直接殺死對方的軍事人員,②不準在對方的土地上發生戰鬥,③任何一方都不準使用核武器、網絡和太空武器等。這樣一來,就會限製戰爭的規模,打一場“有限戰爭”,如此就能降低中美戰爭造成的影響。

表麵上看起來Ray Dalio的言論是在降低戰爭的風險,似乎對中美兩國都有利。但個人認為,實際上打這樣一場有限戰爭對中國來說是極為不利的,在深入反駁之前,我們先來了解一下什麽是有限戰爭。





從這些有限戰爭可以看出來,參戰的美軍有著大量的傷亡,美國也付出了巨大的代價,然後才換來了最終的長久和平。也就是說隻有打疼美國,才能換來和平,這與Ray Dalio提到的“中美在台海打一場有限戰爭”不同。他認為中美軍隊之間不應互相殺傷,也不應該互相進攻本土,這並不能打疼美國,隻會讓美軍把航母戰鬥群開到中國海岸線。


依我看來,如果美軍介入台海戰爭,那麽除了核武器之外的所有常規武器盡量都要用上,能擊沉美國航母就擊沉,管它上麵有多少美國士兵,能打擊美國本土就打美國本土,把戰火燒到美國本土,它才害怕。中國有句戰爭格言“置之死地而後生”,隻有不怕流血,敵人才怕流血。本質上Ray Dalio隻是商人的思維去考慮,他們害怕損失,但如果戰前就怕流血,那麽敵人還會怕你嗎?對中國來說武統台灣不是一場貿易,而是無論如何都要收複的領土。


Big China investor Ray Dalio says that if the US goes to war with China, there should be rules like not fighting on each other's soil
Matthew Loh  Apr 28, 2023, 1:40 AM EDT
Ray Dalio speaks during the Web Summit 2018 in Lisbon, Portugal on November 7, 2018.
Ray Dalio. 
  • China investor Ray Dalio encouraged the US and China to agree on mutual red lines if war breaks out.
  • He said they can agree to not fight on each other's lands, or kill each other's troops, he said.
  • Dalio wrote a LinkedIn memo on Thursday laying out fears that both nations are on the brink of war.
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Billionaire Ray Dalio is urging the US and China to agree upon clear rules of engagement if war breaks out between the two nations.

Dalio, who runs the largest foreign hedge fund in China, wrote a cautionary LinkedIn post on Thursday describing his fears that the two great powers are teetering on the edge of war.

The investor, who has 40 years of experience with China, said he drafted the post after recently meeting with Chinese citizens, policymakers, and experts on Beijing.

Dalio said that in the event of war, Beijing and Washington should consider drawing lines — like agreeing not to kill each other's military personnel directly, or vowing not to fight on each other's lands.

He also suggested that both sides can agree not to use nuclear, cyber, or space-based weapons.

"It is hoped that in that way, if there is war, it will be contained," Dalio wrote. He cited the war in Ukraine as such a contained conflict.

"But such a contained war is not the worst-case scenario because history has shown that when conflicts have reached this stage 1) they have terrible economic consequences and 2) there is a high risk of moving from a contained war to an all-out war," Dalio added.

Dalio did not elaborate on what a direct US-China war that doesn't involve American and Chinese troops killing each other would look like. But in his post on Thursday, he repeatedly mentioned tensions over Taiwan as a dangerous flashpoint.

US lawmakers have, in recent years, reinforced ties with Taiwan through multiple high-profile visits and statements, while Chinese leader Xi Jinping has made absorbing the self-governed island a key goal of his rule.

The US has refused to say if it will defend Taiwan in the event of a Chinese invasion, but sells weapons systems to Taipei.

Even so, "almost all" the policymakers Dalio spoke to are "scared of war," the billionaire wrote.

"Both sides have been very clear that they recognize that either an economic decoupling or a military confrontation would be disastrous, while they are testing each other's limits," he wrote.

Dalio recommended several ways the US can reduce tensions with China, such as inviting Xi to San Francisco for the November APEC meeting, or sending a delegation of senators to Beijing.

But the 2024 US election is likely to spur politicians to lean into hawkish stances on China, as they seek to appeal to voters who want the US to stand up to Xi, Dalio added.

A representative for Dalio did not immediately respond to Insider's request for comment sent outside regular business hours.

Renowned China investor Ray Dalio says the US and China are on the brink of war, and that both sides are 'beyond the ability to talk'



Matthew Loh  Apr 28, 2023, 12:28 AM EDT
Ray Dalio, founder of Bridgewater Associates LP, speaks during China Development Forum (CDF) 2023 at Diaoyutai State Guesthouse on March 25, 2023 in Beijing, China.
Ray Dalio, founder of Bridgewater Associates LP, speaks during China Development Forum (CDF) 2023 at Diaoyutai State Guesthouse on March 25, 2023 in Beijing, China. 
  • Billionaire Ray Dalio warned on Thursday that the US and China are on the precipice of war.
  • And the two giants are threatening to drag the rest of the world down with them, Dalio said.
  • The 2024 US election is only going to make relations between both powers worse, he added.
Top editors give you the stories you want — delivered right to your inbox each weekday.

The US and China are on the brink of war, warned billionaire and renowned China investor Ray Dalio.

Both sides are at severe risk of crossing each other's red lines, and diplomacy between them is clearly failing, Dalio wrote in a Thursday memo on LinkedIn.

"The United States and China are on the brink of war and are beyond the ability to talk," reads Dalio's grim message.

Dalio, who runs the biggest foreign hedge fund in China and has 40 years of experience investing in the country, said he penned his thoughts after recently meeting with policymakers, Chinese citizens, and China experts from around the world.

The billionaire fears conflict will escalate over several immediate flash points — quarrels over Taiwanconfrontations between American and Chinese aircraft and ships, the war in Ukraine, and threats of economic sanctions.

While China and the US know they need to deconflict, "there is growing belief that the unavoidable trajectory is toward war," Dalio said.

Washington and Beijing are showing they aren't able to talk these issues out, he added. Whenever they interact with each other, "discussions about big, important things have become exchanges of accusations that worsen relations rather than help them," he wrote.

So it's better if both sides don't try to discuss these issues at all, Dalio suggested.

The 2024 US election will also worsen tensions, Dalio predicted. Politicians seeking reelection will likely try to keep pushing limits with Beijing to appeal to anti-China sentiment from voters, said the billionaire.

"The hawkish political influences in the United States will exert more pressure on the relationship over the next 18 months because of the emergence of the 2024 election season," Dalio wrote. "That will be a very risky period because China and the US are now already on the brink of war."

An additional risk is that US leadership is "fragmented" in how it projects anti-China stances, Dalio said. He cited then-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's August visit to Taiwan. Chinese leader Xi Jinping had personally asked President Joe Biden to block the trip, but Biden said he had no control over Pelosi's foreign diplomacy, The Washington Post reported.

And as both powers look to protect their sources of essential technologies and minerals, they're making countries around the world choose sides, Dalio warned further. 

He cited the US seeking to stop South Korean chip producers from increasing sales to China if Beijing sanctions the Idaho-based Micron Technology.

Dalio also pointed to Saudi Arabia — traditionally a US ally — recently engaging in new deals with China and Russia, and French President Emmanuel Macron criticizing Washington for provoking China.

The US and China, he said, are "like two giants wrestling with each other six inches from the edge of a cliff and threatening to pull others into this dangerous fight."

"All things considered, I think that the greater provocations will most likely come from the American side, which I worry will cause a tit-for-tat crossing of the line," Dalio wrote.

Still, he doesn't believe those grievances will push China to declare war soon, or even in the next three years.

"I want to emphasize that by saying that they are on the brink, I don't mean to say that they will necessarily go over the brink," Dalio wrote.

The billionaire recommended several steps to de-escalate tensions. This included having Biden host Xi in San Francisco at the November APEC meeting, and sending key US policymakers and congressional leaders to visit China.

"Have all parties make clear that peace is better than war," Dalio said. "That working on agreeing on ways to reduce the probabilities of having the worst types of wars is a top priority, and that gradually building agreements to reduce the progressively less bad types of conflict would be the best path."

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